Trying to resign

Trying to resign


Today I turned in my resignation for my job because frankly, it is way too much stress for me and I want to pursue my new endeavor that I have been working towards. The person in charge would rather not see me go although they know this is coming. And in a complimentary way they want me to just go from 4 days a week that I now work down to 3 days a week plus they would cover my health insurance for that time. But they want this for two months. He said take this as a compliment because you have come a long ways from the days of a former supervisor until now.

While all of this sounds great and would be good for the pocket considering it is possible to spend two months full time trying to get the business going and basically got very little. However, it would give me much more frustration and stress than I wanted and possibly restrict my income because I would not be out there everyday hitting the pavement. Then on the other hand, it may be a short time in the overall scheme of this that won't hurt me one way or the other.

But honestly, one of the reasons I turned the resignation in is that I was beginning to lose myself in this job. The stress was eating me alive and I was left with little energy. Of course some of the added stress may have been from the holidays which has subsided greatly now.

I've got to think through and consider all of this because part of me wants to put the finger in the air and say kiss this while part of me is so freakin scared of taking this step and part of me (the logical part) says this would be a more financially sound manner to leave.

Ugh,,,, tough decisions now and in a few months when I look back, I will probably get a chuckle at it all.

Don all I can say is go with your heart. You have support and what you decide is ultimately best for you.

Mike's right. When they say that Love will find a way, it's not always love of another person they're talking about. It can be love of yourself and the way you honor it by following your heart and your dreams.


The CFO wanted an answer today and I managed to avoid him which is tough in our small office with only 7 there today. I just didn't want to answer it today. A lot to think about but I do know money isn't worth everything in the world and the job is taking way too much from me.

The quote I recently saw fits so well

To discover new worlds, we must first lose site of the shore.

Don, it's your call. You know that I and everyone else here has total confidence that you will be successful regardless of the decision. Peace, Andrew

Choose what is best for you. That is all the advice I can give you, and only you know what you want and what you need.

Now my similar story, I left my job with a municipality that was and is in finacial termoil, terrible management, and worked in a division that they wanted to eliminate and contract out (at an extreme cost increase, and a increase in political donations). Everyday for two years I had to fight to keep our division. Had to stop the illegal transfer of funds from our division to the bankrupt funds. To successfully complete projects that were set up to fail. It even got to the point where the municipality was being sued to have me laid off, by a guy that wanted my position rather than his being laid off. I finally walked across the street to the municipality there. I took a large pay cut to go across the street. And it has been worth every penny. I still am doing the work I thoroughly love, but without all the added stress.

You have a tough choice ahead of you, just be true to yourself.
Originally posted by MrDon: is way too much stress for me and I want to pursue my new endeavor that I have been working towards...they want me to just go from 4 days a week that I now work down to 3 days a week... He said take this as a compliment...

I can't help wonder who will really benefit from this compliment? You or them?

It sounds like you face a tricky dilemna---that there would be some financial security to stay 3 days a week while you transition. But if it drains you so much that you can't make the change, it might sabotage your trying to start your new endeavor.

So, I also think you should do what's best for you. You ultimately have to live with the consequences.

Best wishes regarding this matter,
