Trouble with Kids at Camp

Trouble with Kids at Camp


I'm new here, mainly been reading the posts, but something happened yesterday that I'd like to share and get your feedback on. It's a pretty long post, and I apologize for that, but just bear with me.

First, about me: I was abused from 12 to 14 by a man who had become a "father figure" to me. After years of counseling, I was recently diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress. I had just come from my psychiatrist appointment yesterday when this happened:

Yesterday afternoon, we stopped by our kids' day camp to pick them up. I stayed in the van, desperately feeling like a flashback was about to seize me, and trying to stave it off. The kids came out, including two kids who live next door to us, and everyone got into the van. As we were leaving, one of the neighbor's children, a 12-year-old, told us that one of the counselors had told our five-year-old that he was going to kidnap her. My oldest daughter, who is quite assertive, said no you won't, I'll tell my parents. He then said, "it would your word against mine and I'm a really good liar. I could take you somewhere they would never find you." My wife hit the brakes and drove back over to the center and we went in and found the counselor and told him to get his ass in the hall. Fortunately, the site director was there and we asked her to come out as well. My wife asked him if he said all the things our kids said he had and he said that yes, he had, but he was just joking. My wife asked him if he thought that was a funny joke and he said, yes, he thought it was. My wife was yelling, but kept her composure but I was ready to rip the little fucker's head off. He and the site director kept making excuses and I told them that if we had come in, and they had said, you know what, you're right, that was inappropriate, it will never happen again, we would have been satisfied. Instead, he said shit like, "Well, if you're kids can't handle joking around, I just won't play with them anymore." I said, well, if you're not mature enough to know that you don't tell a five-year-old that you're going to kidnap them and that your word supersedes their's, maybe you don't need to be playing with anyone's kids.

I then went through the grooming behaviors and demonstrated how what he had done matched those steps. The director said, well your kids did the right thing, they told you, and I said, yeah, but what about the other kids who were in the vicinity? What if they start school in a few months and a coach or a teacher tells them it's his word against theirs and he's a good liar? My wife told me later that when I was going through the grooming steps, his whole demeanor and face changed, like he'd either been abused or was abusing, she said he looked scared shitless.

This thing literally went back and forth for about ten minutes, with the final result that they asked our two daughters to come in so he could apologize to them. They did and he did, but the five year old was so scared of him, and the director could see that.

So we left, not happy, but satisfied enough to go home and sit on it for now, and we all piled in the van again to leave.

We made if further away from the center this time when the kids, who obviously knew now that we were not happy with this one particular counselor, told us that earlier the same day, he had picked up our 7 year old son, taken him into a bathroom stall and tried to lock the door. My son punched and slapped him to get out (good for him).

My wife hit the brakes on the van so hard we skidded to a stop, and back to the center we went. This time, though, it was me who was making a bee-line for this little prick. My wife had to stop me in the hall and tell me to let her handle it, since I'm 6'2", big, white (he's African-American) and I was pissed. So, she opened the door, summoned the same two people into the hall and asked him again if what we were told happened. The first time, he and the site director looked at us as we spoke as if they were a team. This time, however, the site director stared at him incredulously as he tried to explain just what the fuck would possess him to take a little boy into a bathroom stall and try to lock him in. He kept acting like we were overreacting, which was really pissing me off. I got inches from his face and told him that he had lost his fucking mind if he thought that taking a small boy into a bathroom was appropriate in any way, shape or form, and the director told him to go back inside (she knew I was about to kick the shit out of him). As he left he said "I can't believe ya'll comin' in here at me like this."

After he left we talked to the site director for some time and expressed other concerns, such as rap and hip hop music being played for the kids with horrible lyrics, an R-rated movie that was shown to the kids and the same counselor constantly telling kids they "suck." He also said that he was going to kill all the kids. Her tone and demeanor were completely different this second visit, and she said she was going to have to talk to the person who is over the entire program and call us at home.

She did call us at home, about 20 minutes later, and told us that her supervisor was not happy and wanted to meet with us at 9 a.m. this morning. A huge storm blew through last night, though, so I don't know when that's going to happen.

This whole thing, of course, triggered the fuck out of me. Last night I had a nightmare (one of many) wherein one of my flashbacks (one where I was anally raped) played out, but my 7 year old was the star, not me. My wife woke me from this dream, as I was thrashing and moaning in bed.

Today, again, I feel like I've been hit by a truck.

I would absolutely LOVE to here what anybody else thinks about this whole incident.

Thanks for reading.

i am sorry, and naturally he says he was joking after the fact. he knew better. what a butthead, well i would call him what i really want, but you get the point. you guys handled it right. what you did shows your kids something will happen when they come to you with a problem, and that they will be believed instead of blamed. all the way around, you did good in my mind. it is just too bad this pushed your buttons so badly, but i suspect with a little time it will go back to a more normal level.
Chris you and your wife did the right thing.
More importantly your kids did the right thing they spoke up.

My sig line is
Teach the children to NEVER HIDE IN THE SILENCE.

Your children knew to speak up and come to you when something bad is done to them. If the camp covers up this than you may have to take the next step and go to the police.

I am flabbergasted at 1) the behavior of the staff at the center, and then 2) their (feigned?) inability to understand what was wrong with all this.

You did absolutely the right thing and I hope you will not let up on this. The day camp you are sending your kids to is a disaster in many ways, and they absolutely need to reassess what they are doing, how they vet new staff, and how they relate to children. Telling kids they will be kidnapped, warning them the counselor is a better liar, trying to lock a kid in a bathroom stall, music with explicit lyrics, telling kids "you suck"...what the hell is going on here?

In your state I am sure a day camp has to have a license. I hope you are planning on picking up the phone VERY soon!

I hope also that you will get your kids aside one day, in an unstressed and comfortable environment, and assure them that they did the right thing.

Much love,
Thank you for your comments. The meeting this morning was postponed (bad storm last night, power outages), but everyone we've told about this is absolutely freaking out, and I feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. I was already having flashbacks and to have a dream where my 7 year old was in my place in the abuse was horrifying.

A couple more tidbits: the counselor who thinks this is a joke has been there 6 years. We told them we were calling everyone (including the police) if we were not satisfied with the outcome of this meeting, we have praised our children (and the neighbor children who stood in front of the counselors and told them everything was true) profusely and plan to reward them all with dinner out and ice cream, and we have already told the camp director that we want our kids reassigned to a different location with different counselors - that is if they stay in the program. The crazy thing about all this is that we were specifically told in the orientation that staff would never touch our kids physically, not even to put on sunscreen at the pool. The whole situation is whacked.

Again, your feedback and comments are appreciated and encouraging and empowering.


Just to say it again: you are NOT overreacting. All these issues are so fraught with danger that this whole situation needs to be looked at by the authorities as a matter of urgency.

Much love,
Called the police, and they say a crime has been committed and encouraged us (5 times) to come in and file a report. We also contacted several child psychiatrists who are appalled and want us to take extreme action against not only the counselor but the center as well. We are currently working on notes for a meeting with the programs directors (who seem to be avoiding us - comparing notes?) which has yet to be rescheduled.

One thing positive about all of this - our children are heroes! We always wondered how they would perform when the time came (and we KNEW the time WOULD come) and they stood up. Our nine year old daughter even stood in front of this counselor, looked him in the face and told him what he'd said. We are very proud of her, and them.
Chris, I salute your parenting skills. You did great!!! You empowered your children, instead of raising them like my parents did with me.

I am proud of you, proud of your wife, (slamming the breaks, I loved that) and proud of your kids for going straight to you instead of being quiet about it!

Chalk up another victory for a survivor that's making the world more safe for kids!

Nothing more to add...the other guys said it all. Just wanted to throw in a big pat on the back for you, your wife, your kids and the neighbor kids!!

I sorry this has triggered you...especially the nightmare with your son. I've been there. Keep talking to helps.

Hauser says it all in his last line above!!

God Bless You Guys!!
It really wouldn't surprise me if the counselor really was innocently "joking". This isn't an excuse for his behavior, though, it's simply solid evidence that he has boundary issues and doesn't need to be around children.

You, your kids, and their friends did everything right in this situation. I cannot in any way imagine what it would be like if I had kids, and they started showing up even in the few bad dreams I have.

I'm seeing some light at the end of this particular tunnel, though, so good work.
WOW, does this camp counselor have a personal beef with your family or are your little ones the only children that had enough gumption, courage, and forthright to speak up. Why on earth would ANY adult say those things to a child(SOOO not funny). I guess there could be a very unusual, unique but plausible reason for carrying your son into the bathroom(not sure about locking the door) but if it was done it such a way as to make your son so uncomfortable and fearful as to start pummeling the guy then sonething's up. I salute the way you and yours are handling this situation and please keep us posted on the final outcome. May justice be served.

Nothing more to say here. I was going to encourage you to go straight to the authorities, but I'm coming into the conversation quite late, and I see you've already done it. Good on you! Good on your kids!

My concern now is for you. I hope you are able to work past the triggering stuff. I have found that triggers allow me to do more work on my recovery if I'm willing to talk about them and see them for what they are instead of simply freaking out. Sure, the freaking out is going to happen when I'm triggered, and then comes the work that needs to be done learning why I freaked out and what can be learned from it.

I wish you the best, Bro.

Lots of love,

Thank you everyone for your kind words and encouragement, it has meant a lot to me and my wife and has kept us on this thing all day.

Thank you John, for your concern. I have had a really hard time with this emotionally. I was already heading into a flashback when this started yesterday, and I've been a powder keg all day. The dream unhinged me - to see my son being raped (the thing that terrifies me more than anything in this world) devastated me and I cannot get the images out of my head no matter what I do to distract myself. I've been popping xanax lie tic tacs, but they are completely ineffectual today. I will be very happy when I learn what triggers me and healthy ways to react - I'm new at this whole thing and feel shell-shocked.

Thanks again, everybody.

Forgive me for asking this (I don't want to sound condescending or something), but do you have a therapist? If not it may be worth considering.

I resisted the thought for several months all the while things kept getting worse. I finally broke down and did it, and it has been so worth it.

You might be interested in reading the articles on the menu at the top of the page about finding and selecting a therapist.

If you've already taken those steps, please forgive me.

Lots of love,

Anything I add to the above would be superfulous. You and your spouse were spot on and certainly did not overreact. As parents and/or guardians we have the right to:
A. Know what our children and/or those in our care are being exposed to and
B. Have the duty to empower those in our care to speak up about any inflagrant or unacceptable behavior by teachers, caregivers, scout leaders, camp counselors, ad infintum.

You and your spouse responded to the situation, which is more powerful than reacting to the situation. Any counselor who exhibits this kind of abusive behavior should be summarily dismissed. Congratulations!

Originally posted by walkingsouth:

Forgive me for asking this (I don't want to sound condescending or something), but do you have a therapist? If not it may be worth considering.

I resisted the thought for several months all the while things kept getting worse. I finally broke down and did it, and it has been so worth it.

You might be interested in reading the articles on the menu at the top of the page about finding and selecting a therapist.

If you've already taken those steps, please forgive me.

Lots of love,

Thank you, John. I do have a therapist, but I've only seen her as a therapist three times now (she was my psychiatrist - only for the meds - at first). She has dealt with PTSD and sexual abuse before and is really engaged when I counsel with her, so it seems to be going well.

Prior to that, when I lived in Nashville, I got sporadic counseling at the Rape and Sexual Abuse Center, with mixed results. One counselor there was outstanding and I made a lot of progress with him, but it seems when we moved to St Louis a year ago, everything unravelled and I am further back than I was when I first realized how much the abuse had derailed my life.

I've also been reading a lot about PTSD and when reading the symptoms it's like reading a blueprint of my life to this point. The flashbacks, well, that's just the cherry on top.

My wife is meeting with camp administrators right this moment (my night was filled with nightmares of my boys being sexually abused, so we thought it best that I stay home) and, if they give her any attitude whatsoever, she's going to say thank you, and then go to the police department, city hall and Washington University's chancellor's office (Wash U underwrites the whole program). We want the counselor terminated immediately (of course) and a top to bottom review of their policies and the way those policies are being carried out. Anything less than that will be unsatisfactory.

Incidentally, we're not pulling the police option off the table, just holding that card until the betting is done this morning. I really think this guy has abused or is about to. It just fits grooming too much. I'm sure you guys understand, but when I wake up from these nightmares I want to find this little fucker and kill him. I live in daily fear of one of my kids going through what we all have and this has triggered me in at least 100 different ways.

Anyway, thanks for your concern and advice. I'm enjoying this forum - I always knew I was part of a worldwide "club" that nobody wanted to be a member of. It's good to have a way to communicate with some of my fellow members.

I'll definitely let you know where it goes from here.

My wife just called me. She met with the overall director of the camp program - the "Head Guy" - and she told him all that had happened and he sat there with his mouth opened, repeatedly saying "oh my God". At one point, she said that this was textbook grooming behavior and he said, "Yes, I know it is. I'm extremely disturbed by all of this."

The counselor was sent home immediately during the meeting. He will be called in later today to be terminated. A police investigation is forthcoming. And the children will be reassigned to the main location, where this director works. He is also going to go to the location the kids were at to assess what other changes need to be made.

He took complete responsibility and reacted with the same outrage we did. Which is all we wanted.

Our kids are heroes. And, hopefully, this will avert any future abuse (or even pre-grooming), while an investigation may find some kids who've already been hurt, and they can get some help.

Overall, a happy ending.
Wow -- you and your kids are amazing. Your kids are not blind and your all are speaking up for yourselves. This is such an encouraging story in that regard. We need more people like you and your wife to raise and empower their kids and to take action in the world when they see that things are wrong. I commend you. You have given me much faith and strength.
Great to know that things are moving forward.
I just wanted to say that it would be real super to get some T help for your son. This event was very tramacic for him and the quicker he gets help the better.

I was at the Mayo Clinic in the waiting room to see my T and there was a few kids with parents waiting for their sessions. All of them where sad still and unchild like in their behaver. As soon as thier T came out to the waiting room to get them the kids all of them where tranformed back into carefree children.

It did my heart good to see that things are different now and that children get the help they need. Don't know what their issues where but I knew these kids where getting help.

No Chris, YOU are the hero because of you and your wife's actions and communication with your children, this all happened.

If you were just like my parents were in the 70's, you would have just assumed the world was safe for them and that you didn't have to talk to your kids about bahavior of adults that are in close contact with them. None of this would have been possible without YOU!!! If you're ever having one of those nightmares, please try to remember that you are NOT helpless, and that you're doing ALL THE RIGHT THINGS that a responsible parent should be doing!!

(LOL, hell I'm not a parent so what do I know?)