


Not, that I know what to speak here right now. I was not in here during short time because it rather difficult, I feel rather stupid here, and appreciable. I wish, that there is a site as it in my language, but to wish that, it does not force it to happen. Please do not think me stupid. It difficult, and it - irritation to me, that studying is not so easy, as I can study other things.

I spoke it, with the therapist, on Thursday, I speak it with her against what this man I shall testify, that he does to me. I have not told anybody about it. Not similarly to this. I can tell, well, in general, that I speak here before. That he selects me in his automobile and then as he releases me, and speaks me, that he kills me if I speak about him. Not anything of that he does. It causes to me such reaction, and I regret, as I - with the doctor. I yelled and cried, shaking, scratching at me is direct, similarly to this - my skin creeping from my body. I could hear him, I could feel it, again and again as I speak it, and I - in my head criticizing me, as I shall be never capable to speak it in court and to remain normal. I could feel such things so real feeling, I search for my skin to see, where I am cut, or burnt. Also there is nothing there. The doctor, she spends spends additional time with me as only I shall see her twice more before I move. But even with additional time, I spoke with me directly in my head, on which a train home, trying so it is very difficult to not go mad in those two hours goes home.

I arrive home, I go direct in bar and I start to drink. It - not something, that I have pride, and I try to resist to this choice, I have not made it so recent. But it resembles it - that there will be silent my head. As, while, it does not do, and I am afraid, that I shall cry again, I call to the friend if he will meet me, probably I shall speak with him. But when he arrives, I am rather happy with a drink, and I do not speak about such things. I go home drunk and silly, and yesterday is rather sick all the day long, and in the relief I should not work or duties within day.

The doctor, she has given me some treatment, she thinks, will be a success to help me with my emotions with it, but I am offended on treatments. I take it within several days, and it forces me to feel like rather strange and to have bad effects to me so I stop it and I do not wish another. It is silly, I know, and probably wrong, but I feel medicines, they - reduction of me, they - weakness of me to demand it. I take them for my physical illness, and it - is enough irritation to me.

It seems now to me, a life - the contradiction to me is direct, that I wish. Than it is more and more hardly I try to remain strong of things right now, especially weak and a lot of failure which I feel. I try very difficultly to support some people right now, and to not demand such their big force in exchange. It resembles to drown in water, the more I kick against water, the faster I sink. I wish to be very much the next month finished. Then it will be possible probably to continue to breathe instead of sinking again.


I don't know if it means anything to you, but we will remain here for whenever you need us. I know that it is not there that we are, but we are here. Whatever you have gained from us, you will also take with you when you return for that trial.

Some of us have done what you are about to do. I will ask them to write to you. At least two guys here, have accused the people who have abused them, by speaking out in court. I can't imagine that it is easy. I do know that you shouldn't feel ashamed for speaking out. That if you cry or are otherwise upset, it only speaks to how you were hurt by what he did to you.

You won't have to explain anything to us. All of our experiences were different, most of them were the same. We were degraded, demeaned and made to feel that we were responsible for allowing it to happen.

VN, know that you can come here and that you will find a room full of friends who care about how all of this goes for you.
Sinking, swimming, treading water...everyone is rooting for you to come through this. Take our courage, take our strength, we won't let you be alone. Close your eyes, put your hand on your heart and know that we are doing the same as we send you our strength and encouragement.
VN, we are glad that you are here, on this site, with us.

Wishing you everything that you need to bouy you up for the difficulty that is ahead.

VN, Sry I haven't Met you before--You Sound Like an awesome Guy. I wish there was something in your Own language But you are doing great expressing yourself. I send you all My greatest Thoughts on your Journey. As david said so beautiful, You Are not alone and we are here for you. It is Ok to be scared or sad or Whatever you feel. But it is Great that you stand up to this person and Show Him you Will Not Be Hurt By Him any More. You Are so strong And I am Glad to Meet you. You help me to stay Strong as well.
I thank you, and support and to try understands me. I read more in English, but to try to write in it, to structure, I leave it to the computer translator. I think, it is possible still, that it is not correct.

I feel struck so it. It - something not new, it - something, that I knew, that I shall do within several months now. As it becomes closer, I think, that it will be easier, but right now, it - not. All this still - fear, and - also rather left to itself the feeling of that people will think of me when they hear that I speak, and about my own history. It selfish to have such cares as that, but I cannot help this right now.

I wish, sometime, that I can close my brain to all. Sometime I can concentrate only that I should that I do right now. But some of time right now, my mind is stolen from me by these events of the past, and it makes me by a lunatic.

Thanks, Ivanhoe and Kaceechase.

We all Have out Lunatic days, Your in good company. Anyone that cares to think Will Think you are a Brave Person and and awesome Guy For Talking out and standing up and NOT Letting someone get away with hurting you. Any One who thinks different doesn't matter. We all Have our selfish side, we have to becuase for so long People made us think we didnt matter. We Do so it is Ok to be selfish sometimes. We Need it.

As you go through the hard times, remember that you are never alone. By speaking out, you are telling the perpetrator that he can no longer hurt you, and that he has no power over you anymore.

You are a strong person, and I admire your strength and determination, even if sometimes you would want to run away.

I read somewhere that a hero is not someone who is unafraid, but someone who does what they must in spite of their fear.

You are a hero, my friend.

first, I am very proud of you for discussing such hard things with the therapist. I know it is very difficult thing for you to do, and that you had not spoken these things before. It is only natural, I think, that you would panic, speaking of it for the first time in the open. It took a strong man to do that, and you are such a man.

That you drank afterwards, I can understand. I have issue of that also, using alcohol to rather numb myself from feeling bad things and settle myself some. This has become a habit for you, how you cope with the extreme emotions of this, and it is natural you would just go to doing that without thinking when you are under so much stress. But it is definitely something to look at, to try to change, because it is unhealthy for you, and you deserve your health my friend.

I know that you do not like to take medications so much. But perhaps for right now, you could take something. It is not something you need to take every day, all the time. But maybe something to take when you have more stress and panic, like you did after your therapy appointment. Just once in a while, it would maybe be a safer and better choice then the drinking. Consider that,just keep it in your mind as a possibility. You deserve to have more emotional control, you deserve to feel better about yourself. Please consider other options for yourself, for what will be good for you.

You are much stronger then you think my friend. I respect your character and strength very much.
