Tribute at Christmas for Jake

Tribute at Christmas for Jake


Brother Bear

I decided to do my own little tribute to the greatest man that I ever met.
His name was Jake, and he had many friends in this place, and also those who did not have so much time for him.

Jake passed away on July 21th of 2005, at the age of just 21yo.
In the short time that I knew him, he taught me more than any other teacher in life could ever teach, he also helped so many others here.

He was a man, who had no bitter side to others, and was so helpful and caring, even though the hurt of past life events were hurting him beyond anything that I could ever imagine, he shown me how to have courage, and yes, it was a massive blow to lose him so early.

Lose him, NO, he is still there with me, as I walk through my own life, he is one of my guardian spirits, and to all who seek him on their own journey through this life.

I spent many hours in chat, and on Yahoo messenger, so I guess I knew a whole load more of Jakes life than others here, and believe me it was not easy.
I asked him to go for a walk in the wooded mountain on his doorstep, and he told me that abuse had robbed him of the use of his legs, so he could not be with the bears and other animals.

In his short life, he helped so many, without even addressing his own hurt and fears.
His Yahoo profile said 21yo and not looking.
Yes he was a special friend and always will be.

I wrote this poem on his passing, and his sister Omastewin said it will be at his funeral for others to see, along with the poems from other guys here, who loved and missed him so much, and yes, it was a great tribute to me, that she did that.

Here is the poem;

To my little brother bear
Jake you were my brother
You held me in your arms
You were like no other
A man who did no harm

The spirit Gods have called you
They took you up so high
They took our little brother
A star in the night sky

I know that you are with us
Through every night and day
You will be walking with us
A blessing come what may

The angels took you far away
A place were theres no harm
Your wounds will all be fixed now
This man of oh such charm

When spirits come and take me
And every man in here
We will find the answers
To our unwanted fears

nite, nite, bro' Bear


This text was written by his sister;

Prayer to the spirit Gods on the passing of a loved one
"Jake has passed away due to illness. Jake loved you all. I know he would want you all to live good lives. He is on a good spirit journey and will always be with all of us. In my tribe we think on the good things of those that pass and not of our own loss. There was so much good in Jake. I know he will be watching over all of us. Respectfully, Jessie and Omastewin"

All, we never can understand the reasons why things come to be. Only Tunkasila Wakan Tanka can know that. We can only accept what comes our way and continue on a good path. But if you wish to honor Jake then tonight before you eat, place a small bit of food on a plate and set it under a tree facing west. It is our way, its called wopila which is a sacred kind of thank-you and its known as feeding the spirits and that would honor Jake.
I just found this prayer for lakota dead,

GrandMother East: From you comes the sun which brings life to us all; I ask that you have the sun shine on my friends here, and bring a new life to them -- a life without the pain and sadness of the world; and to their families, bring your sun for they also need your light for their lives.

GrandFather South: You bring the storms from the south which brings the rains to nourish us and our crops. Be gentle when you fall on my friends; and as the rain touches them, let it wash away the pain and sadness that they carry with them.

GrandMother West: You take the sun from us and cradle it in your arms, then you bring darkness onto us so that we may sleep. When you bring the darkness to my friends here, do so without the nightmares that we have had for so long. Let your stars and moon shine on my friends in a gentle manner; and as they look at the stars, they remember that those stars are the spirits of my friends shining on them and those friends are at peace.

GrandFather North: You are the Warrior, you have ridden alongside my friends here into battle, you have also felt their love and caring when you were wounded or lonely; ride alongside of them, for now they are in this the hardest battle for their life, the battle for inner peace. Now is the time for you to care for them.

GrandFather Sky: May your songs of the winds and clouds sweep the pain and sadness out of my friends' hearts; as they hear those songs, let them know the spirits who are with those songs are at peace.

GrandMother Earth: I have asked all the other GrandFathers and GrandMothers to help my friends rid themselves of the troubles that weigh so heavy on their hearts. This way, the weight they carry will be less; and they will walk more softly on you.

GrandMother Earth: From your womb all spirits have come when they return to you; cradle them gently in your arms and allow them to join their friends in the skies. If they want to hurry themselves to you, tell them you are not ready; and they must wait, for now they can pass on peace to others. May the Great Spirit watch over you, and may you be at peace.

Lakota Sioux

Another poem offered by Kevin;

Tribute to Jake
I miss you so bad big brother. I want it not to be true but I cant make it be like that. Im always going to remember you and I know you're still looking out for me. Thanks for all the hugs when I was scared and jokes when I was down and getting me back home and keeping me safe from things that hurt me, and believing in me. This is for you bro. I just love you so much and I wish you were still here.

Wakiyan Cistala ("Little Thunder", Kevin)

My Brother Jake

You found me a shamed and broken boy,
So scared but ready to fight.
You showed me what my life could be
With your gentle loving light.

We cried and held each other up
When our troubles ground us down.
We laughed and joked and argued which
Of us made the bigger clown.

I knew you were there and felt my pain
The night I heard you died.
Your strong arms reached around me still
To comfort me as I cried.

Your words still ring in my broken heart,
Like the bluesman's haunting tune;
And you'll always be my cool big brother
Though you left us all too soon.

And finally, another poem from Bobby;

Tribute to Jake who died on 21 July 2005
Jake was only 21yo, he died tragically after an illness took him away.
His life was so tragic, from a small child onwards, and the hurt took
him away to the spirit World.

He was a Lakota indian tribesman, and taught everyone so much in such
a short time that we knew him. This is not my work, but I have lost a
little brother bear.

How could they take you from my world
How could they take a thing of beauty
So delicate
So strong
So giving
So trusting

You changed me, my friend
You made me more than I was
Lessened my pain
Because of the way you handled yours
Opened me up
Because you were so open to me

I watched you suffer day after day
Saw you nearly give in
Only to come back stronger than before
And even in your greatest pain
Always...always console me in mine.

I wondered often how you were alive
How you dealt with the anger
How you dealt with the way the world tried to throw you away
An innocent child with an incredible heart
And an amazing will to live

And now they tell me you have died
Just when I thought you were ready to live

You became a part of me
Perhaps you never knew
Perhpaps you never knew I loved you
Thought of you somehow as my own inner child
struggling so hard to spread your wings and fly

I'll keep you with me always
Because you always made me warm
Always showed me love
The way we all should love each other in spite....
In spite of all the world has sent our way.

You're free now, Jake
Free of all your pain
But, god, I'll miss you

You see, because of who you are, I can never again be who I was
That is an amazing, amazing thing

Rest well, my high
The angels are lucky to have you


And from me, Mato Akicita aka Jake, will always be remembered.

Please add to the tribute,


I feel his sprit all the time when I am down.
Some words in Mato Akicita last post to us have been very helpful to me these last few months.

"I hope you can find JOY in your lives" What profound words from a great guy.

If you beleive in the Lakota ways you have to know that Jakes sprit is there to help us all when ever we need it.

I heard so much about Jake, but I was still very new here when he left the site. I heard so much about him, and the outpouring of sentiment for him when he died was amazing.

Does anyone have a photo of him? It would be great to see what he looked like.

I only wish I could have known him...

Thank you for the tribute to Jake - brought tears to me...

I talked to him many times in chat and yet I can only wish that I had gotten a chance to know him as well as others here did

I am not so good at poems (have never posted one here yet)

I remember Jake best through a movie called "Brother Bear" (still can't watch it w/out crying even though it's a kids movie - it holds much deeper meaning to me) - I trully believe that he would want us all to be as such 'brothers' to each other here

Journey Well - Mato Akicita (Bear Warrior)

TJ jeff
2k4 all this happened before i got here ,god he was my age but sounds so much mature than me ,i didn't have to know jake to know that he had one thing in his life that was more important than his abuse or recovery he had something more valuable than silver or gold ,hell even more valuable than a [normal life ],he had you . your one post tells me that there was at least one good thing in his life ,i know it is so hard to lose him but how lucky were you to have known him no matter how short or long the time was ,at least he knew he had one person in this crazy world who cared . if you can try to think of it that way ,he may be gone but you got to know and love him how cool is that! shadow
Ste - thanks for raising this post.

It is all so meaningful, however I really needed to read the text from Jake's Sister right now! My Grandparents never let me down. To read of the earth and elements being requested to protect me as my Grandparents did has so much meaning.

I hope that Jake is at peace now. I hope that the rest of us can experience 'living peace' as a tribute to the strength of Jake's soul.

Best wishes ...Rik
hey - Jake's Tree is going to be planted in the
James Canning Park in the Spring of 2006!


- the request in is and Toronto Parks are going to survey when the snow melts!

good post ste!


Thanks for writing this tribute to our brother Jake and 4 all of the brothers who new and the brothers who didn't know Jake in this life, but feel his spirit around.

He was a good guy and i miss him very much.

Mark, What a kind and loving living tribute to our brother Jake. Thank U.

Thanks guys, Jake is at peace now for one time in his life.

I can never forget such a great man, who was so thoughtful to others, even in his own hurt, and yes, he was a man among men, who could never be matched.

His memory will live on, I promise you and all, he will never be forgotten, and his life is also on the internet in various forms for others to see just how great he was.

I miss you bro'

Thanks for posting, it has been a while since I read the words posted here in memory of Jake.

I am greatful he was here while he was, just wish it would have been a longer stay. Just look at all the hearts he touched here. Including mine.

Thanks Jake for being a friend, see you when it is time.

Love michael