


I would like to hear from guys who have been hypnotized. What is it like? Are you aware of whats going on, or are you like totally out of touch with things?

My T is going to do it to me, and I guess it would help me feel better if I knew what it involved, and how it works before I get ther.
Hey Phos... hypnotherapy (or regression therapy) has been a major part of my therapy program. (This is different than the power-of-suggestion type hypnosis that most people think of... quack like a duck, etc.)

You very much know what is going on. I have described it to people as dreaming but remembering everything and feeling quite in control. It is different for everyone, according to my T. Some people see things (my sessions are quite visual) and other people have more sense based sessions.

I highly recommend it. It has helped tremendously. Feel free to PM me for more specific questions... be happy to answer them for you.

i guess after feeling helpless and out of control much of my life, giving up control is a very hard thing for me to do. i think some of my concern comes out of the unknown. i know when i went for my vasectomy, i had read up on it, and knowing what was coming helped me. thanks. it helps to know i wont turn control over to someone.
Well, Jeff is about to try it and Sean has tried it. Maybe I should ask my T about it again.
i have found that usually the fear of the unknown is usually a lot harder than what it actually turns out to be like. it is hard not to dread something that i havent done before. i trust my doc though. i have to believe it will ultimately help me to go back and rescue that little boy inside me.
It doesn't feel like you are giving up control at all if done well. My therapist trusts my "process" and doesn't push me past what is comfortable. There have been very few sessions where I didn't feel better afterwards, even if during the session it was very difficult or painful. It DEFINATELY helps to facilitate work around inner child issues (although I have a lot of resistance to that in hypnotherapy... refusal to save him from my older parts who hate him, think he brought it on himself, deserved it, etc.) One thing I can definately say is that you find out a whole lot about the inner belief system that drives you on a daily basis, what the "parts" think of each other, etc.

I have also used it for recall, and that is much more painful, because it freaks me out to see with total clarity things like patterns on curtains, wallpaper, the smell of a room, etc. You realize how much your brain stores even if you can't consciously recall these details for all the money in the world. My T is very good, and has never pushed me to remember more than my subconscious could bring up. There is never any sort of suggestion... just "what do you see now" type questions. Sometimes you can verbalize, sometimes you can't. But you always know what is going on. There is a lot that you can do with finding new ways to convince parts of yourself to react instead of the ways they have always known. (I did a lot of work around having to control everything in my relationships. Talked to the "parts" of myself that had no control when I was little and how they were trying to control things now but that wasn't working in my adult life. Worked wonders.)

I know this all sounds foreign probably to people who haven't done it. Or like you suddenly feel crazy by talking to all these "parts."

But, in actuality, you are sorting out all of the clamor that goes on. You are allowing "parts" to talk that never get the chance.

Sorry this is such a long description. Just wanted you to know my experience... hopefully it will help you going into it.


I can fully identify with your fear of losing control; hypnotism (albeit for a different reason) was tried on me once, and just as you postulated: the fear of losing control meant that I would not allow myself to go under. I applaud your courage for being open to giving it a try.

FEAR is an acronym for F**k Everything And Run, so don't let it control you.

"I own my fear, so it doesn't own me "
- Peter Gabriel
the details help, thanks for sharing something so personal. i have enough memories to piece together what happened, but the time has come to share more. when the older boy/man led me into the bushes, as i look back, i can already hear, smell and see everything so clearly, but i cant see his face, and i dont remember the culmination of anything we did. it is like my mind refuses to feel him ejactulating in my mouth. i remember having my mouth on him, of how he smelled. i can almost feel the stagnent air and hear the dried needls and limbs crunch under my feet. i can almost taste his skin, but the actual climax is cut off, like my mind refuses to go there. i suppose my doc feels it is important for me emotionally to go there.
i may have problems letting go enough too. staying in control of myself and my life has become a very engrained part of who i am.