Toxic people in your life
Does anyone have a toxic relationship with a family member? I live at home due to my lack of an actual career and live with my mother and my stepfather. My mother has her moments but nothing close to my stepfather. He is very opinionated always complaining about people and tends to have an anger issue (no psychical violence or anything) but little things set him off and annoy him. My anxiety gets heightened when I'm around him alot of the time and I tend to screw up even more due to a heightened anxiety of what his reaction is going to be. Unfortunately, I do not have the money to move out. I'm currently unemployed and my parents have graciously paid for my expenses including my car payment but I feel like all this good will has strings attached to it. I am currently going to school to get more certifications in order to have better job prospects. I guess the best I can do is try to get a job, try to get a salary that I can afford a place of my own and then save up an emergency fund incase of well emergencies so I don't have to rely on my parents.