Toubled Mind
Yeah it me again!...This is hard for me, but i feel i need to get it of my chest, and tell. So hears goes...
As you all know i been posting here the past month, and am very slowly coming to teams with my past! This past year I have been forced to relive them event from my so called childhood in flashbacks - These scare the shit outa me! (Sozz I dont know any better word to descibe it). I have allways know i was abused, but just forced the images and events to the back of my mind. And NOW, now they are coming back to haunt me!
I talked before about me not sleeping, getting drunk or stoned just so i can pass out for a few hours - To avoid my Nightmare! They are so vivid and stong, I cant stand the images they project any more!
My uni - My jobs all 3 of them, well just the 2 now, i go fired from my 3rd job the other week. Apparently my Puncality wasnt to their standers. WELL, if they fucking gave me shifts i could get to, and now leave me one hour from the time my lectures finish to get there! They know the busses are all fucked up! But that dont matter, gives me more time for me and my new girlfriend. AND That my friends is whats realy freeking me out right now!
She is great, friendly, bubbly, funny. Its just all the intermete stuff, thats starting to freek me out. This stuff has never effected me before (in my other relationships), I dont know! My be its becaue I'm starting to rember, and work throught these images. But they are getting in my way.
E.g.1> We where having sex and when we had finished there was blood on the condom, This brough back images from when i was young and...and...he used to fuck me, after there was blood on him and blood coming out of me. He got into group sesions at when i was bout 9/10, so it wasnt uncommon for him to sometime bring in another boy(s) and there perps, and watch us. **I'm not going into deatil about that subject** Sometimes they bleed like i did - Fucking sick perps, took pics and videos. To think out there somewhere are pics of me in some other sick fucks hands, getting off on the fact that my life was stollen. Looking and watching me do things wiv people,things that a I shouldnt have even known about at that age!! And thanks to cyber-space my Horror will last forever!
E.g.2> She stays over somenights, and we share the same bed. I dont mind this, but it means going to bed. Which inturns means Nightmares! I woke the other day and i was that little boy again, and she was him, huging me, touching me, well i leaped out of bed and ran to the bathroom and lock the door, i guess she through i just needed to go to the toilet, but i sat there in the corror, rocking. Cause for a few seconds I throught that he was'nt dead, that i was still a child, and the abuse was still happening, that everything else was just a dream, and that the nightmare was real! When i composed my self and finaly went back up stairs a good 20/30 mins later, she asked if everything was ok, and i lied and said yes!!
Recently i'v had this Nightmare! Of a scared young boy crying as he is bend over a bed and raped. That young boy is me, i can see him so clearly, its like an outer body experiance. He looks at me, and his eyes ask for help, but i cant move, i cant stop it. I can hear him screem, and i see the smiling face of the devil, taking pleasure in hurting, scaring, and destorying his life, my life! They it changes and i'm no longer watch but i am the boy and the man is doing me. A sence of helplessness, dispare, comes across me, and i allow him to contiune his abuse of me. Doing what ever he told me to, like i always did! Trying to be that good little boy, so i wouldnt be that bad little boy that desvered this!
Over the weekend i went clubbing for my mates birthday, while driving back my Bestfriend told me that i had changed. I was taken aback by that. He said that i was no longer the happy and carefree "E" that he had meet, that i look like i'm constenly sad. That in the club i spend more time trying to enjoy my self than accutaly enjoying my self like times gone by. And he was right. I've Changed with out even knowing it. I can no longer lissen/dance or Totlerate CHEESEY music, I lissen to PUNK/METAL anything loud. Me and him had one of our deep converations about our love life and girls, and i just wanted to tell him, tell him of my woe's but he was driving and i he would have probley crashed the car if i said anything to him.
Changing the subject again here, I was abused from the age of 7 to 13/14. I dont know how it started or why. I cant rember back that far, maybe that is a good thing! But what i do know is that at first i didnt want to, and he made the usealy treats, his mind games to control me, and they worked. Then I slowy got use to it, i know that sounds starage to me, How the fuck could i ever have gotten use to it, why the fuck did i start to think that it was ok?? Then puberity hit and well by then i was "Enjoying" it! I was no longer waiting for him to get me, but was going there and being a willing victim in his evil. Then when i was coming home from school one evening, there was a cop car in the street, poilce tape, and a smashed up car in the tree down the road. He was dead!! Just like that, gone from my life, and i was free, if that hadnt happened i dont know how long it would have gone on for, how many more years. And what i would be like!! - I dread to think! Are family went to his funeral, and thats the last time i cryed, I cryed for this monster that i think for some stranged fucked up reason i loved.... If you know me, you would know i never use that word ever in that context....
Well My sister is have her first baby on Thursday! And I'm gona be an Unkel for the first time, This is problery the only good thing at the moment. Me an Unkel, but i scared, scared what type of world it is being born into. And I vow on this day, that no one will ever harm it. That it will live a safe life, and a happy one! I only wish i could do that for everyone, but i cant! And it hurts me to know that people that have been given the power the right to resonserbility to lookafter another life, a yound life, can do that to it! Makes me so angree! Its unreal.
Thanks everyone for letting me post this. I know it might have been hard for you to read and i'm sorry, but this stuff has been eating me up and i needed to get it out!
Many of you have told me to get a T, and I now know your right i do need a T. But I cant aford one. I dont have the money, I'm in aneough debt now as is. And the uni couiling session is ran by students for students, they not trained, I know this. I work for our SU (Students Union). So if someone could recomend a good T for me, that dont charge and is in London, please let me know!
As you all know i been posting here the past month, and am very slowly coming to teams with my past! This past year I have been forced to relive them event from my so called childhood in flashbacks - These scare the shit outa me! (Sozz I dont know any better word to descibe it). I have allways know i was abused, but just forced the images and events to the back of my mind. And NOW, now they are coming back to haunt me!
I talked before about me not sleeping, getting drunk or stoned just so i can pass out for a few hours - To avoid my Nightmare! They are so vivid and stong, I cant stand the images they project any more!
My uni - My jobs all 3 of them, well just the 2 now, i go fired from my 3rd job the other week. Apparently my Puncality wasnt to their standers. WELL, if they fucking gave me shifts i could get to, and now leave me one hour from the time my lectures finish to get there! They know the busses are all fucked up! But that dont matter, gives me more time for me and my new girlfriend. AND That my friends is whats realy freeking me out right now!
She is great, friendly, bubbly, funny. Its just all the intermete stuff, thats starting to freek me out. This stuff has never effected me before (in my other relationships), I dont know! My be its becaue I'm starting to rember, and work throught these images. But they are getting in my way.
E.g.1> We where having sex and when we had finished there was blood on the condom, This brough back images from when i was young and...and...he used to fuck me, after there was blood on him and blood coming out of me. He got into group sesions at when i was bout 9/10, so it wasnt uncommon for him to sometime bring in another boy(s) and there perps, and watch us. **I'm not going into deatil about that subject** Sometimes they bleed like i did - Fucking sick perps, took pics and videos. To think out there somewhere are pics of me in some other sick fucks hands, getting off on the fact that my life was stollen. Looking and watching me do things wiv people,things that a I shouldnt have even known about at that age!! And thanks to cyber-space my Horror will last forever!
E.g.2> She stays over somenights, and we share the same bed. I dont mind this, but it means going to bed. Which inturns means Nightmares! I woke the other day and i was that little boy again, and she was him, huging me, touching me, well i leaped out of bed and ran to the bathroom and lock the door, i guess she through i just needed to go to the toilet, but i sat there in the corror, rocking. Cause for a few seconds I throught that he was'nt dead, that i was still a child, and the abuse was still happening, that everything else was just a dream, and that the nightmare was real! When i composed my self and finaly went back up stairs a good 20/30 mins later, she asked if everything was ok, and i lied and said yes!!
Recently i'v had this Nightmare! Of a scared young boy crying as he is bend over a bed and raped. That young boy is me, i can see him so clearly, its like an outer body experiance. He looks at me, and his eyes ask for help, but i cant move, i cant stop it. I can hear him screem, and i see the smiling face of the devil, taking pleasure in hurting, scaring, and destorying his life, my life! They it changes and i'm no longer watch but i am the boy and the man is doing me. A sence of helplessness, dispare, comes across me, and i allow him to contiune his abuse of me. Doing what ever he told me to, like i always did! Trying to be that good little boy, so i wouldnt be that bad little boy that desvered this!
Over the weekend i went clubbing for my mates birthday, while driving back my Bestfriend told me that i had changed. I was taken aback by that. He said that i was no longer the happy and carefree "E" that he had meet, that i look like i'm constenly sad. That in the club i spend more time trying to enjoy my self than accutaly enjoying my self like times gone by. And he was right. I've Changed with out even knowing it. I can no longer lissen/dance or Totlerate CHEESEY music, I lissen to PUNK/METAL anything loud. Me and him had one of our deep converations about our love life and girls, and i just wanted to tell him, tell him of my woe's but he was driving and i he would have probley crashed the car if i said anything to him.
Changing the subject again here, I was abused from the age of 7 to 13/14. I dont know how it started or why. I cant rember back that far, maybe that is a good thing! But what i do know is that at first i didnt want to, and he made the usealy treats, his mind games to control me, and they worked. Then I slowy got use to it, i know that sounds starage to me, How the fuck could i ever have gotten use to it, why the fuck did i start to think that it was ok?? Then puberity hit and well by then i was "Enjoying" it! I was no longer waiting for him to get me, but was going there and being a willing victim in his evil. Then when i was coming home from school one evening, there was a cop car in the street, poilce tape, and a smashed up car in the tree down the road. He was dead!! Just like that, gone from my life, and i was free, if that hadnt happened i dont know how long it would have gone on for, how many more years. And what i would be like!! - I dread to think! Are family went to his funeral, and thats the last time i cryed, I cryed for this monster that i think for some stranged fucked up reason i loved.... If you know me, you would know i never use that word ever in that context....
Well My sister is have her first baby on Thursday! And I'm gona be an Unkel for the first time, This is problery the only good thing at the moment. Me an Unkel, but i scared, scared what type of world it is being born into. And I vow on this day, that no one will ever harm it. That it will live a safe life, and a happy one! I only wish i could do that for everyone, but i cant! And it hurts me to know that people that have been given the power the right to resonserbility to lookafter another life, a yound life, can do that to it! Makes me so angree! Its unreal.
Thanks everyone for letting me post this. I know it might have been hard for you to read and i'm sorry, but this stuff has been eating me up and i needed to get it out!
Many of you have told me to get a T, and I now know your right i do need a T. But I cant aford one. I dont have the money, I'm in aneough debt now as is. And the uni couiling session is ran by students for students, they not trained, I know this. I work for our SU (Students Union). So if someone could recomend a good T for me, that dont charge and is in London, please let me know!