Top 10 good things this week

Top 10 good things this week


This is a place of shared pain and mutual understanding. It is a place for learning and teaching and never needing to be alone. This is a place of fearsome memories and of worship at the alter of the God of Hope.

When I was a kid I use to go to confession every Saturday. Id tell the priest all of the bad things I had done. I had to make up a lot of it because I wasnt a bad kid. I stopped doing that when the abuse started. Havent been to Saturday confession since I was 9 years old. Now I feel like going back. But this time I dont want to make up sins that I didnt commit. This time I want to confess to the good I did for myself and others. The Sacrament of Confession begins with a prayer recited to the priest. This one is a little different.

Forgive me friends for I have sinned. With all of my heart, I am sorry. I ask your forgiveness if I have offended you. I seek you guidance that I may never sin against you again. Accept me even as you would accept yourselves, and keep me always in your prayers. In your honor I have done these things for the betterment of myself as compensation for the wrongs that I have done. Amen

1) I pickled peppers. And they are really quite good with Colby cheese.

2) I forgave a friend for a small offense.

3) I ate lightly at lunch every day.

4) I went to bed on time every day. I didnt always sleep well, but at least I gave myself a chance.

5) I went to work every day and did more than was asked or expected of me.

6) I thought about someone elses problems more than I thought about my own.

7) I took some good advise.(thanks guys!) And tried to return the favor.

8) I didnt lose my temper.(several times!)

9) I made a few people laugh.

10) I stayed alive.

Now, for you other Catholics out there, dont give me any crap but I am only going to say this once!

Hail Mary...

Aden - it's good to remember the positive things we do! If we also write them down, they are a good reference material when we hit low spots. Reminds us that we can and do feel good about ourselves.

Stay positive ...Rik
I do not know of top ten things this week, but my top five would be Benadryl, prednisone, solarcaine spray, calamine lotion and baking soda baths. You don't realize how comfortable your body usually is until it isn't. At least it's not pain right now.

Back on topic, Aden, good for you!
