Took a step today, breaking the silence!

Took a step today, breaking the silence!


Hi guys, I got on here, on 10 Nov 2004, I was raped at knife point when I was 11 in 1968. I have had no therapy, except for talking to you guys here on this board!

Tonight I was over at my friend/preachers house, and I told him about it. The most amazing thing was that I was not ashamed about what had happened, I was able to look him in the eye the whole time!

Thank you! With out all you guys, I could never have done it!

Take care,
That was great Clifford, I'm glad you felt like you could tell him. I'm sure it felt great.

As not only a friend but a preacher, I'm sure he was a good listener too. Maybe now you have an extra person to talk to about what happened.

Thanks guys, as I was telling one of the guys who PM'ed me, for the last year or so, I have had a picture in my mind of me telling the church about child sex abuse from my point of view. I don't know if I will ever have the strength to do that, but this is a step in that direction.

Take care,
Clifford - you've taken the first step in telling your preacher friend. That sounds like a start in letting the church know what happened. If you're anything like me, once the idea get's into your mind about telling someone, you eventually do! That's exactly how I started to recover - telling 3 friends, then selectively telling others.

Best wishes ..Rik
Big first step.

I have had a picture in my mind of me telling the church about child sex abuse from my point of view.
Clifford I had the opertunity to talk about my experence at St Stans Church in May 2004 and I must say it was the most rewarding two days of my life. At least 30 people at each mass came up to me after wards and thanked me for educating them on this subject.

I found out that everyone was very understanding.

Hope you get that chance to educate those in your church. Tom