told my best guy friend

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told my best guy friend


Hey Gentlmen,

Last night was a big moment for me. It's only been 3 weeks since I started to heal, but I've made some substantial moves forward. Last night was a big one. I was SA by two older males, (they were early teens at the oldest) when I was a young child.

I've told two female friends that I trusted, one may no long be a friend, but maybe never was. The other friend shared with me, when I told her, that she too has similiar pains from a past that had abuse. Her and I have now grown closer. No longer living a lie, not even to myself, has shed light on things and allowed me to see a lot that was once in so much shadow.

One of the people I knew I would have to tell is my best friend, a guy I've been friends with for over 10 years. It's hard to tell a guy. I feared he would look at me differently, think I was gay, or think I was really messed up. I told him when and where I was comfortable, my female friend was with me, and that support really helped.

I'm very glad to be able to say, that he took it as well as anyone could. His attitude was basically, "I understand a lot more now man. I'm glad your working at it. And I only think the better of you for being able to face that now." This was a big load off. He had been my friend through a lot of dark days. My periods of wanting to end my life, being hospitalized years ago because of it, years of depression, and of bad relationships with women, self destruction, sabotaging myself and on and on.

Telling him felt good. It's like the more I start to deal with things the more I want to be honest. And being honest about my past feels like taking control of it. The control I never had. I'm owning it, and trying to understand it better, understand what it did to me, and then let it go, grieve, and move on with my life as a survivor not a victim.

It was a good night. Things are starting to work out a whole lot better then things ever used to. My friends told me they've seen a major change in me already. I feel like I have a long way to go. But last night sure helped. I have good friends on my side, I'm getting closer to being the person I know I really am deep inside. And I feel lucky to have been able to discuss things with some of the very good men that are here.

Posting, and reading posts has really been helping me. I hope in some way my posting will be helpful to someone else.

Thank you gentlmen,


Congrats, man. That was also one of the hardest things for me to do--telling a guy (especially when most of my guy friends at the time were your stereotypical frat/jock types). It all worked out in the end. Sorry to hear that one of your girl-friends didn't take it so well, but that's bound to happen. Sometimes it has nothing to do with you, but just the fact that they can't handle it themselves. So, don't take it too personally. Anyway, congrats on your progress, but as I said before, be careful as well of initiating TOO drastic changes at an extremely emotional time. Again, congrats. Later.
WOW! It's great your friends are willing to support you like this. I was told once by one of the guys here that all this crap we were given by the people who did this to us loves the darkness. It took me a while to truly understand just what he ment by that statement. The more I talk about it the more light I let in, the more light I let in the less of a hold it has on me. Your friends sound like they are true friends to you.

I am proud of you, bro. You're taking back the power that's yours.

And your friends sound like great people, too. Kudos to them as well!

Peace and love,


That is absolutely great. Sounds like you have a couple of supportive friends there. Great.

That was the perps' secrets, not yours. No need to hide it for them. A burden we don't need to carry.

Take care,
Em - that's absolutely fantastic news. I am only a few weeks ahead of you on that same path. I have now told several people that I believe I can trust & have received positive supportive responses from all of them. The change I feel is remarkable - just don't be frightened when that feeling of calmness finally hits's a beautiful feeling (although I don't have it all the time)that is strange to recognise at first.

Keep on moving up....Rik
Em.. Good for you my brother. Please read my post to you under Betrayed. With me it sure answered a lot of questions for my friends about my bahaviour.