Today I thanked my abuser

Today I thanked my abuser

Morning Star

Today I thanked my abuser. For healing me. For helping me find my self.

If not for the pain of the abuse I would have never pushed my self to find greater meaning to my life and lead an enriched life.

It also taught me the humility to take responsibility of my life as of the abuse I had chosen to go through. Not as a mere karmic retribution, but as a tool that would constantly remind me of my greater potential as a human being. Today I am more human. Today I see human frailty as part of human character, just as I see human strength and resilience, part of the human spirit.

Today I am no longer a victim. I am a survivor.

It is fascinating that you have arrived at a point where you can "thank" your abuser.

It is different form me. While it is true that my life was greatly changed by the CSA and other abuse I experienced, I stop before thanking my abusers for that. I just can't get over what they took from me and that, I suppose, prevents me from seeing anything "good" coming out of the experiences that I would thank them for.
I am glad that you have found a way to see the positives that came to you out of the abuse. I also have found positives out of the terrible negatives of the abuse. I do see that I have developed a better sense of what being human is due to the healing so far. However I will never thank the abusers for what they did. To do that would suggest to me that they had done a good thing for me. I will thank my therapists, male survivor and my loved ones and myself for this lesson not yet fully learned. I have glimpses of flowers growing out of the dunghill. This may change as I move on but thats as far as I can see right now.
