Today, feeling...
I feel like shit today.
I get drunk last night and decide to call the woman who calls herself my mother.
It's been about 2 months since I've spoken to her.... I should have known better, she hasn't bothered to call me or come by. But I was hopeful, thinking maybe we'd have a nice conversation, maybe I could tell her a couple of things, maybe have a laugh or two...
Of course the whole conversation was all about her... her job, her vacation plans, her aches and pains, her most recent tax bill, her most recent headache...
She never once asked how I was doing. Never asked me anything about my job, my life... nothing.
I don't know what the hell I was thinking but I asked to speak with dad. So she told me to hang on and I could hear them in the background "Mike do you want to speak with Jaysen?", and his reply "I don't know any Jaysen."
So she gets back on the phone and tells me he's out mowing the lawn or some shit and can't hear her calling him... she totally lies for him.
What the fuck did I ever do to make him hate me so much? And why does she continue to take his side? He's treated her like shit for 20 years and he tells her she can't call her own son and she complies with that? What the fuck is wrong with these people? The bigger question is why do I care? Why do I need them to love me and why do I need them to be proud of me? They never will and there's nothing I can do to make it happen, I know that but I guess I don't believe it.
So I'm hungover, pissed off and hurt. Before I came here I would have just called in sick and continued to abuse/punish myself for the next two or three days... So this is new for me, putting it here in words instead of looking for it at the bottom of a bottle or at the end of a needle or in someone's bed.
I get drunk last night and decide to call the woman who calls herself my mother.
It's been about 2 months since I've spoken to her.... I should have known better, she hasn't bothered to call me or come by. But I was hopeful, thinking maybe we'd have a nice conversation, maybe I could tell her a couple of things, maybe have a laugh or two...
Of course the whole conversation was all about her... her job, her vacation plans, her aches and pains, her most recent tax bill, her most recent headache...
She never once asked how I was doing. Never asked me anything about my job, my life... nothing.
I don't know what the hell I was thinking but I asked to speak with dad. So she told me to hang on and I could hear them in the background "Mike do you want to speak with Jaysen?", and his reply "I don't know any Jaysen."
So she gets back on the phone and tells me he's out mowing the lawn or some shit and can't hear her calling him... she totally lies for him.
What the fuck did I ever do to make him hate me so much? And why does she continue to take his side? He's treated her like shit for 20 years and he tells her she can't call her own son and she complies with that? What the fuck is wrong with these people? The bigger question is why do I care? Why do I need them to love me and why do I need them to be proud of me? They never will and there's nothing I can do to make it happen, I know that but I guess I don't believe it.
So I'm hungover, pissed off and hurt. Before I came here I would have just called in sick and continued to abuse/punish myself for the next two or three days... So this is new for me, putting it here in words instead of looking for it at the bottom of a bottle or at the end of a needle or in someone's bed.