to my friends
nervous and sick feeling -
i am sitting here in an interent cafe -
i got coffee and a breakfast sandwich at the local cafe - lettieri -
i talked to the guy there - i always talk to
he was a super grouch at first -when i first go to TO - but i sensed there was more there -
and realized after several visits that he is justs guarded and self protective -
he is a really really nice guy -
and now - we are on first name basis -
we say hello all the time - even when
i pass the shop - i either look in the window and wave/ or stop in - and get something -
- we talked at length this morning about
just nothing too much -
one thing was - how i get sick from preservatives - in food - and spices too -
and how i can't really go to starbucks much anymore - either - cause i get sick from their preservatives in their sandwiches -
i told him how a friend of mine - well the superintendent from my building grew up on a farm up north - he never ate preservative foods before coming to TO 9 years ago -
and for the first 6 to 8 weeks of eating the food down here -
he was mostly sick in bed - throwing up - diahrea and wrything in pain -
i can't eat it either -
literally 15 minutes after fast food - mcdonalds or whatever - i am in the washroom sick as a dog -
always been chemically effected - can't have big doses of meds -
can't really drink more than 2 light beers -
~cigarettes make me spin--
and really really handsome men give me the vapors something fierce!
uh well that's something completely different...nevermind!
but seriously - this is just a note checking in
just a hello -
i think the preservatives might have effected my sleep last night -
my mind was hungry hungry thirsty too-
but it was the day prior too
i am sitting here in an interent cafe -
i got coffee and a breakfast sandwich at the local cafe - lettieri -
i talked to the guy there - i always talk to
he was a super grouch at first -when i first go to TO - but i sensed there was more there -
and realized after several visits that he is justs guarded and self protective -
he is a really really nice guy -
and now - we are on first name basis -
we say hello all the time - even when
i pass the shop - i either look in the window and wave/ or stop in - and get something -
- we talked at length this morning about
just nothing too much -
one thing was - how i get sick from preservatives - in food - and spices too -
and how i can't really go to starbucks much anymore - either - cause i get sick from their preservatives in their sandwiches -
i told him how a friend of mine - well the superintendent from my building grew up on a farm up north - he never ate preservative foods before coming to TO 9 years ago -
and for the first 6 to 8 weeks of eating the food down here -
he was mostly sick in bed - throwing up - diahrea and wrything in pain -
i can't eat it either -
literally 15 minutes after fast food - mcdonalds or whatever - i am in the washroom sick as a dog -
always been chemically effected - can't have big doses of meds -
can't really drink more than 2 light beers -
~cigarettes make me spin--
and really really handsome men give me the vapors something fierce!
uh well that's something completely different...nevermind!
but seriously - this is just a note checking in
just a hello -
i think the preservatives might have effected my sleep last night -
my mind was hungry hungry thirsty too-
but it was the day prior too