To give thanks

To give thanks


I do not post here often, because I feel I do not have good things to say, and also I fear to over use this site without being member here. I do not want to do that wrong and make people angry.

But I realize something last night, while talking with friend of here. Even though friends probably do not have to say thank you to other, because it is part of being friend. But maybe it is something that we do not hear so much. Because it is so many small things, nice things, we do in real life that do not get thank.

So I wished to say thank you to everyone here who help me. And people here, they help me even if they do not know me. I will sometime read in here, even if I do not post so much. And sometime, what someone say is right what I think at that time. It help to know maybe I am not so different, or crazy with this all.

There are some people here from board who still stay with contacting me, and help me regular, like Bob,Joe, Mike, David, Lynn and Scot. There are some people from chat that have helped me very much, like Al, Wrangler, Blacken, and MikeNY. There are other people that I meet through both, like Bill and Marc. All of you, and everyone else that I have not said, I thank you, I value you, your feelings and your thoughts.

And to my brother Leshka, who help me to come here at all and always is friend and brother to me in 'real life', spacibo bolshoye, mvoi brat'.

Thank you, Spacibo, to all here. Please know you all have had impact to someone, and all have been help to someone. You all are very strong persons.

Andrei, you are welcome, and post as much as you want to. We are all here to help everybody. You can become a member later if you want to. I know that everybody at MS wants to help everyone who needs or wants help. The mission of MS is to break the silence.
My brother,

Thank you for sharing that. Thank you for being my friend.

Thank you for calling me yesterday and being there for me and for calling me a while ago to check up on me.

Andrei, you are so very special to a lot of us.

Spasibo, Andrei!

you use all the space you need here, we don't care about the space.
We do care about you though, so say what you like, ask whatever you want, whenever you feel like doing it.

Take care

We all benefit when any one of us speaks. You give more help to others than you know. You give more help to me than you know.



You are first person from this site to contact me at all, even before I registered and started posting myself here. You reached out to total stranger and shared so much of yourself with me. You are a brave and extremely generous man. Forgive me, for forgeting your name when first I post this! You are the first, and you remain in class of yourself. (And not just Rusian class!)

Spacibo bolshoye, mvoi drook,
