To everyone on this site

To everyone on this site


I just wanted to say thank you. I swear that without this site, I'd still be lost and confused about everything that's occured in my life as the result of my sa. Overall, things have been getting better. Therapy has really helped a lot, but you brothers have helped me the most.

I find myself coming to this site almost everyday. Sometimes it's just one thing that someone says that makes sense to me or reinforces ideas I've come up with on my own that sets me off. It makes me want to go further with everything.

I can't believe that only about 6 weeks ago I was suffering from panic attacks and thoughts of suicide. Damn, it seems more like 6 months ago than 6 weeks. I can only imagine how I'm going to feel tomorrow, 6 months or even years from now. I guess that's what keeps me going. John Lennon once said, "As long as their is life their is hope." Meaning as long as there is life there is possibilities and that optimisism doesn't die.

Thanks again
Good therapy, and the belief of the therapist in the hope of recovery are sure important. but I tend to agree that what has been an exceptional help to me has been the men here. It would be rare to have a day when I am not encouraged, or get some bit of wisdom, or at the least feel compassion for someone who is hurting and can talk about it.

It is great to have a place to discuss thing that are so taboo in this society. Aspects of myself that those who have not been there would understand. To be able to freely express things after so long is a great gift from God.