To contender

If there was or wasnt that is beyond the point, the way in is to call. If there is not an opening wait till there is one.

Why are you belaboring this message on the board. We all know there are not always many resources out there, but we still need to look at the possibilities. They do exist.

There are many ways to recover, and recieve support. Look around you. The computer alone can help with your search, via email contacts. Keep looking for help till you find it. Look inside yourself too.

I hope you find something in your area that will help, or do what I did start a 12 step group for male survivors. It was a great group. You never know what will happen till you try.
Hey Everyone,
I found a therapist with a M.S. who wants to start a male SA group here in baltimore! He has been trying to get his PHD for a few years with a paper on male SA groups...wants to have 12 men for 6 months. He said that he had started a few groups in the past and they all fell apart after they met a few times....2 lasted more the 6 weeks. The same thing happened each time...sides would form between the and not...anger caused fights to start and broke up the he wants to try again? I told him that it sounded cool to me so he checked me out and found my safety problem...I just love to really kick the shit out of any man that I get a chance to!!!! Had to go to a hospital to learn to control this but with someone else starting it, I would most likely take to the weaker side and lose all control...fighting dirty like an outlaw biker. He said that he would call me when he finds 4 more SA males....Is this guy nuts...I have a good reason for being nuts but what is his story???? Why don't he just put out a few big ones and buy a paper like most others do?????? I think that he likes's fun for him!!! Most therapist feel that running a male SA group is too dangerous and any that do, screen the men real good! Doctor G most likely feels that this dude is tooooooooo nuts for his group...we all maybe for him...I know that I am but would be glad to take the train up to NY... every week or so ...sounds like a real trip!!! Remember that SA men are also on the out look for the chance to act it out...find a boyfriend??? or the so called ungay want to do it but can't so they get pissed off and take it out on the gay men...WOW can't wait to get into a group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope the group happens!!
why limit it to 6 months,
if it works there should be
an option to continue
Now this is getting Heavy..Live near the Top of the Western World...and you can't just fall into a Group for SA Males??????????????????????? My God, what hope is there for the rest of us?????

I have talked with Mike...thought that he was nuts first...Sorry Mike...But now it seems that he is 100% Right!!!!!!!!! Wait to get a therapist to start a Male SA group or wait to get into one run by a may not last the wait!!!! It's toooooo much of a liability for the therapist and his way of life!!!

Mikie Knows...must have balls the size of Texas!!!! You want a Group...You have to start one yourself...Why the therapist???? Mike has done it twice with out a therapist getting the Groups money...spend the money on the Group in other ways!!! It is very dangerous, so you have to talk to Mike about getting started and finding the right people...the right people are the big thing...make sure that they all have therapist that they to the therapist..if they will! I've been looking for a group,high and low, and now I'm considering doing it Mikie's way...for now it may..sure as the only way!!!!!


[ February 05, 2002: Message edited by: getteddie ]

I live in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC and would be interested in a men's group for survivors. If you have any information on a group forming in Baltimore or Washington, such as the one with the therapist you mentioned, please let me know.


Mick / UrsoBear

[ February 09, 2002: Message edited by: UrsoBear ]
Glad to see u posting again Ursobear.
The nice thing about a self help group is that you get a free place to meet like a therapist office or church, ect then there are no or low costs. Usually 12 step groups if you go SIA or ISA have small rental fees, usually in churches, or just donations to the church.

Sometimes a therapy group with a therapist is not right, you have te group dinamics, and the treapist too, the person joining that group must fit into the group. There is a lot to being in a group. Right now my current group is doing well. I am glad for that, but not for all the driving, wish I wasn't all over the state.