This Week

This Week


Hello again - just thought I'd do a sort of mini-diary from a Survivor that thinks he is getting there!

This Week:

Sunday - 12 noon started diet prior to scan/x-ray for suspect kidney stones (no fibre).
Sunday - 17:00 - starving.
Sunday - 22:00 - thin soup - starving.
Monday - 09:00 - scan - looks like kidney stone may have disintegrated.
Monday - rest of day - starving (loads of shit at work, but starving is the main thing)
Tuesday - shit at work, but starving.
Wednesday - x-rays at 15:00 to 17:00 - told not to drink or eat beforehand...first x-ray taken & told I need a drink???? Starving.
Wednesday 17:00 - ate the supplies that I had in the car.

What am I rambling on about????
Well I'm not particularly keen on anyone touching me, but I got through all of those examinations without any real fear!!!???

Since I told my Doctor about the abuse, I think it's on my records...they know? they care?

Just suspect that because of the look that the Locum gave me the second time I complained about kidneys!

Thursday ...woke up tired & did late shift. Got text telling me that everyone was going out Friday - pissed off cause I'm on late shift.

Friday - did late shift & received several texts about events of the night...amusing!

Saturday - more voices in my head (still)! Didn't have to go to work. Everything in the garden is blooming (seriously)....just feel something is missing??

Cleared the crap from my yard - bought new outdoor table & chairs (20% off). Sat out there on the stroke of midnight , glass of wine & so chilled!

It's OK - it's the years that are missing... I've just got to leave them behind now!

Breathe, smile, laugh....Rik (ramble on).

I hope the supplies in the car weren't office supplies. A pen stuck in the throat can be quite uncomfortable.

There is something quiet relaxing about sitting in the yard at midnight, looking into the black sky, sipping on your favorite beverage (mine is coffee) and having a fine cigar. Very peaceful. A moment of pure and actual tranquility. Ah, life is good. Same goes for a garden in bloom. Almost said a blooming garden, but that could have another meaning.

Darn medical tests are a pain in the kester. Especially the ones that you have to fast or eat special diets for. And we won't mention the ones that you have to drink that terrible barium for. Yuck, just what you need on an empty stomache.

Ah, Breathe, Smile, and Laugh - yes. Ramble all you want, somebody will listen,
I've been to B&Q today for a 20% off barbie ! ( no - not the DOLL ) Our old one collapsed yesterday, but not before my steak was cooked thankfully.

The summer's started, and it's one of lifes great pleasures to sit and watch the sun go down with a glass of Chile's finest drain cleaner and a cheap cigar. Or at the weekends something French and a better cigar :D

We all need to chill sometimes, and the cold winter days just weren't made for chillin' after a hard day at work, especially shifts.

Dave #1 read your mail.
#2 The Barbeque collapsed. Now I know they get a lot of rain over there. Have they invented covers yet to keep out the elements. :D :D :D
Well you can spot the Brits a mile off - I think everyone was in B&Q last week.

Got the results of the tests yesterday scan / x-ray of kidneys inconclusive so have to go under general anaesthetic with a tube up the japs eye into kidney. That's going to take a lot of trust!

At least I can sit on one of my new chairs in a pair of baggy shorts afterwards! *A fine catheter...I bet!

Thanks for the jokey responses - always appreciated! ...Rik

please don't think I think light of your illness and test, I certainly hope that you are all right and feeling better. But I had to laugh a little at your 'diary'. I have been at emergency room two of the last three nights because of the lung problems I am having, and am already not looking forward to what the lung doctor says on Tuesday, and what kind of tests he will be doing. I am similar of you, I do not like anyone touching me, and have rather a phobia of any doctor/dentist kind of person anyway, so the two together, I shudder. But I will keep your 'diary' in my mind, and know that at least a fellow survivor recently survived medical tests, so shall I!

Thank you,


I think that would be a stint. I did have to laugh when one of my perps hooked his on the bathroom door and . . . I thought it was quite fitting for him.
Nothing like a baggy pair of drawers for a catheder. That's the only time I ever wore sweat pants to work and it is possible to climb in and out of sewer trenches with a catheder in. Although not recommended. The bright side of a catheder, you can sit out and drink longer and won't have to go in and use the facilities. ;)

Take care and best wishes,
Bill, Archnut, Dave, Mike & Leosha -

This is what I like to see & what I think surviving / moving on is all about!

I can post about a subject that would have scared the shit out of me a few months ago (didn't quite have to do that before the tests, however if I had eaten Jalapeno Pepper Crisps * a recent discovery, beforehand I wouldn't have needed the tablets the hospital provided).

You can all realise that I am approaching it with humour (another word for fear/trepidation).... I think it does us all good to lighten up! I hope I don't lighten up too much when they inject me...I don't mind lightening up the room, but not through a radioactive glow!

Thanks again ...Rik

Leosha - laugh as much as you like - it's a really nice sound..please do it often.

I'll give you an update when it happens, but it's not until around June 9th
Leosha - I've just read that again & the last 2 lines may give a stupid's my tests that are around June 9th - I expect that you laugh well before then (I'm an idiot) :rolleyes: :eek: