This site
Someone recommended I check this site out as a place to receive help in coping with past sexual abuse. As I read the the various comments, responses and begin to understand the nature of this place, I am increasingly impressed with what I see.
After many years of counselling, reading about abuse, etc., I still find I have lots to learn, healing to occur and issues to resolve. How nice it is to see the quality of feedback several of the group members are providing as there is a lot of good information being passed around that is beneficial. A great service is being offered which is wonderful. I wish I could have found a place like this 25 years ago.
I often think as I get older that the issues of guilt, sexual identity, wanting to act out, etc. will never end or be resolved. Can one ever get over it? Reclaim oneself, resolve the issues once and for all?
Does anyone know of anyone else who has really totally recovered or is that something that never will occur?
After many years of counselling, reading about abuse, etc., I still find I have lots to learn, healing to occur and issues to resolve. How nice it is to see the quality of feedback several of the group members are providing as there is a lot of good information being passed around that is beneficial. A great service is being offered which is wonderful. I wish I could have found a place like this 25 years ago.
I often think as I get older that the issues of guilt, sexual identity, wanting to act out, etc. will never end or be resolved. Can one ever get over it? Reclaim oneself, resolve the issues once and for all?
Does anyone know of anyone else who has really totally recovered or is that something that never will occur?