THis place.

THis place.


I came here a year ago. I lurked for a few weeks ,posted a little, and then got the hell out because a few people were just plain mean.
The group that posts here now sure do have a better vibe. Just one question before I stay around this pack?
Have you all had your rabies shots?

Glad you gave us a second chance. Since a year ago, we have a much better organization for monitoring the site and a very dedicated group of monitors. Check out the guidelines for the forum and the chat room. These have been in place since the end of last year and even though we are a volunteer organization, it has been pretty carefully applied. Of course, we are learning as we go and I feel we will get even better at it.

We are very dedicated to keeping this amazing place of support and healing open for everyone including ourselves. If anyone acts outside the guidelines or you have any concerns, please let a monitor or the administration know since we need your help in keeping the site safe and supportive.

I appreciate your comment that it seems better here since I think that indicates that our efforts have produced results. Please consider joining MS since it helps pay for the site.

As for the rabies test, just send a DNA sample (hair, skin flake, etc.) wraped in a $20 bill to MS and we will have it tested. (just kidding)

I for sure am house broken and have had my rabbies shot. I don't know about the other guys here ;) .

I'm glad that you decided to come back. In the few posts that I've read of yours I found them to be incredigly full of insight. I hope you stick around because you'll no doubt add tremendous wisdom to this site. I hope to see you around.
Randy we have never met before. I joined in January.
In addition to rabies shots and being house broken I have been dewormed and am flea and tick free. I also manage to control my drooling.

I am looking forward to you posts.

Originally posted by mikechurch:
Randy we have never met before. I joined in January.
In addition to rabies shots and being house broken I have been dewormed and am flea and tick free. I also manage to control my drooling.
Mike, I'm not even gonna go there! :p
Mike can we assume your wolf blood contains a little St.Bernard. That drooling and slobbering makes a terrible mess.
I noticed that no one mentioned getting
Actually Randy I have a lot of problems with temper. Doing my best to dis it though :cool:
I dont know my ancestry. Might have some malamute blood.
Man you guys are a blast! God knows I needed a good laugh. Thanks for giving me several.

Rabies shot: I've shot a lot of bats with rabies.
(Actually I did kill one that got into our apartment, with a tennis racket!)

House broken: Yeah I've broken a few. (But I've lived in so many!)

Dewormed: I use lots of deworms when I go fishing!

Flea free: No I pay for mine.

Tick free: No again; nervous tic in right eye.

Drooling: Of course. I'm a wolf!

'Dis-temper: Sorry I know I'm working on it. :o

Randy, Thad makes some very good points. I hope you stick around with the pack. As Sleepy says you've added a lot with your recent posts.

As for my blood I'm 1/4 dachshund, 1/3 white German shepherd, 1/2 Italian greyhound, a spit of Spitz, a schnauz of Schnauzer, 5/10 St Bernard, 5/10 St Victor ;) and 100% wolf.


St Victor :D
Now if you guys look closely you will see that there is a droop to my lower jaw. Thuse the drool. :p I know eat lots of dry whey powder. Keeps my mouth and tongue drier. Sort of the Opposite to keeping my powder dry :D

I dont know if you can see the Malamute in me. I think it is more in the eyes. Cant be sure though cant see to well without glasses and hard to get fit seeing as how my snout is so long.
Hey WHAT IS WITH YOU GUYS??? Don't you know how somber and morose we are supposed to be?

This is not a place to 'have a good time'.

;) :D :rolleyes:

Besides, I can't think of anything to top you guys and that's not fair! :p
Hope you wolves have gotten your Tetnus shot along with your heartguard worm protection.Rabies vaccinations are optional just like turn signals they are optional. :p :D
I don't do shots... welll....

Have no clue what the "mean spirit" is all about and I probably am fine without really knowing.

I keep seeing posts on the offense here and can't help but wonder where everything is coming from. I think I get out of this site, what I put into it. I sure don't expect everyone here to have all the answers because I am learning in life that the answers are within myself; I just have to tap into them. While the support is great here, I am learning in my life that there are many ways for me to get support that I need and this is just one of the tools I have in my tool box. While some things appeal and connect to me more strongly, there are some things that I just don't attach too for whatever the reason. That's ok to because I can learn or store that for later use if I should ever need it.

And I can't help but think of one statement a school instructor keeps telling us:

"If you find yourself repulsed by a person or at odds with another person, take time to check out why that is and what it is in your own life that is causing the conflict". Often when people make us madder than the ace of spades, it is a good chance that there is something within that is hilighting something in our lives that we may not like about ourselves or something that we need to work on. It is an interesting concept.

Just my two cents worth and even though I haven't had rabies shots or anything, I mean no attacks on anyone with this statement.

Very well said.

But I guess we have to realize that some do take offence and that is part of the healing also. Standing up when you think you have been wronged. If only I had done that sooner rather than later.

Well that is past and I cannot change it. Only the future.

Boy member 162.

I am in awe.

Your brother mike da mixed up wolf
Shots are no that painful in the buns cause you cannot see the needle going in. :eek:
Slightly off point, but since this is a light hearted thread it seemed the place to ask...

Am I the only one who gets the song "Werewolves of London" running through my head everytime someone adds big long howl at the end of thier posts? :)

Your avatar picture I like.

Shots in the arse I don't like! :eek:

Beats the prostate exam I finally got, tho.

However, I did survive!

Hey WHAT IS WITH YOU GUYS??? Don't you know how somber and morose we are supposed to be?

This is not a place to 'have a good time'.
Oops, sorry about that!


OK so I'm not very good at somber & morose...

stooges.sml.gif let's just go for crazy & zany!

Hope you wolves have gotten your Tetnus shot along with your heartguard worm protection.Rabies vaccinations are optional just like turn signals they are optional.
Tetnus shots! My wife knew she had forgotten something!

Just my two cents worth and even though I haven't had rabies shots or anything, I mean no attacks on anyone with this statement.
OK I'll take your word for it but get those shots!

Am I the only one who gets the song
"Werewolves of London" running through my head everytime someone adds big long howl at the end of thier posts?
Probably not. For some strange reason I actually like that song...


Very true, am glad that we can stand up for ourselves around here... that is very wise, helpful and healing.

I actually misread Randy's original post and now it is clarified in my mind so that helps a lot.

You all are a great bunch here and I feel honored to share part of my life with you and for those to share parts of their lives with everyone here.

And it's fun to have some fun as well....

and I'm still not going to get shots.... no way... you've got to catch me first! (and I run fast).

and I'm still not going to get shots.... no way... you've got to catch me first! (and I run fast).

Don I never ran track in school, but once in P.E. class running laps I caught & passed the guy who was supposed to be the fastest in the school.

Of course that was a couple of years ago!

rabie shot......heck no...Im not getting one no way no how......Im saving my rabies for the next perp I find so I can bite them and give them rabbies.....
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :mad:
aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooo :o
(I am wolf hear me growl) :D

PS: I love that song as well...... :confused: :p ;)
Originally posted by randy:
Mike can we assume your wolf blood contains a little St.Bernard. That drooling and slobbering makes a terrible mess.
I noticed that no one mentioned getting
I believe "Buck" the dog featured in Jack London's "Call Of The Wild" was a St Bernard German Shepherd cross, some dog, some book, some writer

Check the link out, especially good for pup's

And all that was left was hope :)


Kirk :)