This is weird like a dream

This is weird like a dream


Where I live is beautiful without doubt, but I live so close to where I tried to figure out my hurt, with crying and being alone in the rain and cold.

I keep getting flashbaks, like a little boy of 12/13 standing there in the cold rain, wanting somebody to see that he is hurt.

I know that some people saw my hurt, but I never told them, and wish I did back then.
Its like I left him, by not using the help that good ppl wanted to give then.

I get the same picture in my mind of a little boy standing in the rain crying, because nobody would notice in the rain, and totally helpless.
Its like I keep seeing him and totally powerless to reach out to him and say its safe.

Maybe he did die,


He didn't die at all - that's him reaching out to you to tell you how he feels. Go ahead and tell him he's safe now.

Much love,
ste,maybe thats why you reached out and helped me? maybe? thanks k?also the little boy is not alone all of us have a little boy thats lost and when we come here and help each other all the little boys are together just like we are. adam
he didnt die!hes on the playground with little adam and all the others ,hes safe now and he knows it
I am glad that little adam is safe, and he can reach out anytime he wants, thats what its all about.

I just get this weird thing in my mind that he is crying in the pouring rain, yet feeling safer because nobody would be about.

Its just weird, like I see him, and he is helpless, and all for no reason,
