This is hard for me...

This is hard for me...


I've been keeping this a secret for the past 10 or so years. Bare with me as the memories are fuzzy because I've been trying to forget them for so long.

When I was around 8 years old my parents would go out often for long periods of time, so I had several male baby sitters. One of my baby sitters was a 15 year old who I will call Chris. He seemed to be just like any other. One night he brought his sister over and tried to convince us to take off our clothes. I refused, but she said she would take off her clothes if I would take off mine, they said it was no big deal. I remember that I would only take off my clothes behind a frosted shower door, after that the night remains fuzzy. Slowly, he pushed things further and further to the point that every time he was over we would both give each other oral and he would try to penetrate me, but couldn't because I was too small. I didn't know what sex was before he came into my life, and I didn't understand what I was doing, I just knew that some of it felt good. He told me it was a secret and not to tell my parents. I do remember one day he brought a disk of nude pictures that he wanted to show me. I put it in the computer and each picture was a gay hardcore scene. I remember asking him where the man and woman pictures were and he said that he must have gotten the wrong disk from his friend. I didn't really know what gay was, and it never crossed my 8 year old mind that he was a gay predator. These encounters went on for a long period of time that I can't define because I've completely suppressed that period. Eventually he left my life, I think because he graduated highschool, but I don't remember honestly. Around this same time period, my parent's got divorced, I was put into a new school, and my golden retriever I had had all my life died of cancer.

Later on in my life when I was maybe 10 or 11, I would visit a male cousins house, he would show me porn tapes and magazines. On two seperate occaisons we gave each other oral sex, but I don't remember whether it was coerced or not, again he was several years older than me maybe 15 or 16.

Then in middle school I had an encounter with another boy my same age where we both exchange oral favors. I don't believe this was a sexual encounter, I think it was more of a release thing. Afterwards I found out that he had been abused as a child like me.

Now, I'm 18 and this is ruining my life. I went all through highschool without any kind of contact with a member of the opposite sex. I graduated last month as co-valedictorian, however. I know that I'm not gay. I have absolutely no attraction to males. But this is eating me up inside, I can't talk to the opposite sex, I'm embarrassed about my body, and have come close to committing suicide a couple dozen times. It's not right for an elementary school student to hold a knife to his chest, wishing he had the strength to push it in. I know that without the first encounter none of the following events would have taken place. I'm confused, angry, and ashamed. If I ever saw that son of a bitch again I would kill him on site. I don't know what I expect to gain from this post, but I need to tell someone.
I'me so glad you found us and were "strong" enough to post here, the "bad" part of your nickname doesn't apply.

What you describe is so sad, and unfortunately all too common, so you are not alone, you are not some kind of freak.

What you've just done is one of the bravest things you've ever done, you've smashed the secret wide open, and it will be destroyed.
It will take hard work, and the best help you will get is to seek therapy from someone who deals with sexual abuse ( SA ) If you are at college I suspect they will have some kind of welfare officer or their own councellor. These people are bound to secrecy and will know where to get the help you need. Also your doctor or a local rape advice centre should know.

Therapy is the way to go, and here you have the advantage of youth as well, because so many of us think we can "cure" ourselves. We were wrong, all we do is struggle on until our problems become a crisis and then we are forced into getting help.
I waited 31 years, and that's a whole lot of wasted years.

Stick around, there's a good bunch of guys here who have been there and done that ( we don't always get it right, but we've done it anyway ! )
And we're survivors, not victims anymore. And your disclosure makes you a survivor as well.

You are very strong to post here. I to have felt the pain of sa. I am a bad poster I never know what to say here. I am always in the chatroom. I am 19 have started my healing about three years ago. I was abused starting at the age of three I believe it did not stop tell I was about 15 or so.

You are not alone here someone is always here to help you. I have had lotsof problems with girls as do most of us. I am married and my sa makes it hard for me to make love to my wife. She has been one of the best things to happen to me.

I am not one for saying everyone should goto therapy but it does help alot of people. I have lots of friends that have been saved by going in for therapy. I would really like it if you went into therapy since I am worried about you. Taking your life is not the answer that only means that you have given up on your self.

I beg of you to seek out help for your sa. Their are a good number of counslers out their willing to help you. If you do not want to go in for therapy please come back to the board and the chatroom. I know for my self that this chatroom has saved me many times. PLEASE PLEASE seek help. If you would like to chat with me I am in the chatroom every night or send me a pm.

We can help you when you are ready and since you have posted here I sense that you are ready for help. Please let us help you.
Strong--you're not a bad person, you are a survivor who has just shared in a very open, brave, and inspiring way that I'm sure will prove to be very therapeutic for you. Thank you for coming here and trusting us. We are your brothers in survival, young friend.

Nathan--you're not a bad poster, and this post reaffirms that. Glad you're here too.

It's great too see you young men here seeking support & healing already. Took me 35 years, longer if you count from the SA started for me, age 2 or 3, about like Nathan.

You young men are an inspiration & encouragement. Thanks from an "old fart."

What happened to you was wrong and horrible. It shouldn't have happened. It wasn't your fault. You are becoming stronger by breaking the silence and sharing your story with us here. Take pride in your strength. You are in control now. I wish you the best in your journey of recovery healing.
Strong & Nathan; You young men are like a breath of fresh air to me. I am 62 was punished repeatedly as a child and sexually assaulted as a 16 year old. I kept it inside till I was 56 years old. Difficulty with girls you say. We guys all your brothers here no matter what are age have exactly the same issues. Our gay brothers here also have exactly the same issues. There is no difference. We all, all of us have a loathing for what happened and mistakenly believe that it somehow was our fault and we are sick perverts. This is what those bastards want us to believe. Why?? Cause we keep our mouths shut. Fall right into their trap. I gotta believe that with all the shit going out in print and over the air that young men of your courage and grace have the balls, yes men, the balls to speak out and say ENOUGH. I think I speak for eveyone here in saying thank god for that. Strong drop the bad from your handle and Nathan you speak from the heart. Who gives a rats ass if the syntax is screwed up You men are trying to accomplish something. Stron get help. If you are still in school and dont know where to go talk to a student councillor. They are pretty good people really and they can point you the way to go. Nathan let those closest to you in. I feared doing that cause I though I would lose my wife of 36years and my wonderful 22 year old daugther. You two young men have a whole lot of courage for opening up. See!!! Did anyone here judge you. No effen way my young brothers. We are all so fukking proud of you both for taking the step that we were so afraid to take. You are moving from victim towards healing. You both are now in control. Is it going to be easy. Definitely not. But if you let it it will be a whole hell of a lot easier than taking that first step with us. Stay with us cause it is going to be a hell of a ride. My only other suggestion is listen to the love that comes through each and every post. It is a brothers love that only comes from the heart.
Hi Strongbad,

Congratulations to you for your graduating and being co-val. That is a wonderful accomplishment.

Your early experiences, at least some of them, are pretty common to apparently most all kids. They do some exploring or are encouraged to do it.

That fist night you were the victim of a professional perpetrator. He got you to be interested in seeing his little sister whom he was exploiting. Then, whatever happened after that you have suppressed--all for good reason, you aren't ready to deal with that.

Notice that eventually, your perps primed you through porn. It is not your fault, in fact there is not a darn thing you could have done about that. He wanted you to watch it and then he got what he wanted. The fact you had some enjoyment means you were alive and had a healthy curiosity. Oral sex for a guy is pretty pleasant if it is not violent and you are not forced to do something you abhor. Lad, be gentle with yourself. You were a LITTLE child. Then you became a little bigger child called an adolescent.
Still you were not fully free to make a different choice here.

Strongbad, you have nothing to be ashamed of. More men than you evidentally realise, fooled around orally. And I suppose many did not. (a few did not? none did not???) You were set-up for these occasions and did not really understand them in their true context.

How, I hope that from what your new friend Nathan has said, and other men here who are a few years older that both of you--taken together that is--that you can NOT hate your body and NOT feel inadequate. You have a male body and we can all be happy to have that. Our body can give us pleasure and it can bother us a great deal--e.g. eating too much pizza at a time.

As you come here and as you share with guys here I feel you will begin to see yourself in a much different light. You have much to be proud of. You did NOT kill yourself. You DID complete high school with honors.
You had the termendous wisdom to seek understanding about what happened to you. You were manipulated, betrayed, violated. You WILL NOT kill the SOB who got this started--because you are not a killer. You are a survivor--and young man, you are going to be a tremendous help to other young men who come here. I think Nathan helped you. Now, you will help others.

I recieved a beautiful note today from someone who has a young son who was a victim of sa as an early teen. A women abused him and messed him up badly. Now, she says she thiinks of him at age 10, having been abused and she wants to get a blanket and wrap him in it and just love him to wholeness. But he is a married man and lives hundreds of miles away. But, just the image of that mom really warms my heart, and I hope it does yours too.

Do you think that you could think of doing that to your little guy, you at the age when it all started? If you can, you will experience the transformation from shame, guilt, inadequacy and you wil love that little guy so much. Since you are so close in age to your little boy, I think you can come to love yourself and feel very caring for yourself.

I really wish you well. We often wish each other SAFE hugs here. So I send you a safe hug now that will tide you over until that special girl you meet will do it for me and your brothers here. Believe me, it will feel better than this electronic hug.

You are a good kid. A good young man. You and Nathan can be of support to each other. Nathan, think about what I have said and see it any of it fits you. You clearly love your young wife so much. Enjoy the love and sexual intimacy you have. Love her in many tender ways all day long and then, if she does the same to you, wow, it will all be so normal when you cuddle and kiss and express how much you care for each other.

Peace to you guys and all the rest of us too.

Strong[bad] - yeah, I agree with the guys about dropping "bad". Why keep something that's negative after you've taken such a positive, empowering step? Most of us - me too - can feel some of what you write about because some X@#$% did things to us too. :mad: If you doubt or question what you're feeling, thinking, whatever, I encourage you to do just what you've done here - check it out on this site! I'm new here too but can really let you know - these guys are sincere and genuine. They are here to support and help...I know because I've received some of it! I'll just share somethings you maybe can use.
If you don't talk it (feelings,thoughts) out - you'll act them out (i.e.normal abuse symptoms such as anger, rage, drugs, alcohol and about 15 more).
Focus on what you CAN do and NOT on what you CAN'T do....what you can't face or cope with now can just wait until you are ready.
I'll maybe share more later. By the way, therapy is really helpful when you get a therapist who knows how to address abuse issues. Make sure you ask them questions before you make that appointment!
You're on the road to getting out of the crap...good luck! Don't be stranger and post often! :)
Strongbad is an internet cartoon that makes me laugh, although it appears negative the name strongbad reminds me of a good thing.

At this point, it feels like it didn't happen, it feels like a distant dream or an implanted memory. I can't quite describe the feeling. I came here because other than possibly a therapist (whom I personally hate), I can't see the good in telling anyone I know. When I was a kid I had a very troubled existence. I didn't get along well with my parents, I stopped trying in school, I stopped making and having friends because I became a bully due to my feelings of inadequacy. It's scary to have this insight now, this one BOY took away my child/early adulthood. I do hate him though, because I had two beautiful children come into my life when I was around that age. My niece and nephew, whom I personally adore, share a bond with me that is beyond description. The thought of someone harming them in the way I was harmed makes me nauseaus, and I will always keep an eye on them to shield them from this hell on earth existence I enjoy now. I'm not suicidal right now, I find myself going through swings that have me on an emotional high for a few months and an emotional low for another few, rinse, repeat. I've been in and out of psychologists' offices since I was around 8. A few years ago I was prescribed zoloft by one of these ... and after reading the side affects I threw it out. I do have to say that ever since I was put into a homeschool about 2 years ago I've been happier. The problem with this, the happiness comes from not being around people my own age. I despise them.

I'm rambling now, but I guess these are things I've been wanting to say. I know that my perp must have had other victims because I wasn't the only one he babysat. He was very popular within the neighborhood for being a good babysitter. I also feel that he will continue to do it, because I have a feeling that once you start, especially at such an early age, you don't stop.
welcome, and thanks for trusting us with your past and pain. you are very young, and are begginning to heal by coming here. it is a hard bumpy road we walk, but you will be alright. the others have said some good things, listen and keep jumping in here. i know it has really helped me a lot.

It's 4:20am and I haven't had any sleep because this has been bothering me all day. I've taken two sleeping pills and still can't get to sleep. While I was laying on the bead thinking about what I happened, I remember how he did it. He got me to playa game called Truth or Dare with he and his sister. I remember it startd off as innocent stuff then it became more and more sexual. Eventually he stopped even pretending it was a game and just wanted to get to business. Also I was thinking back a little more, my parents were still married at the time, so I had to have been younger than 8, maybe 6 or 7.

Goddamn I was so naive. My nephew is turning 5 next week, I was a year or two older than he is when it happened. He is so innocent and free, like I was at one time, I can't imagine that a highschool boy could prey on someone that young. I was a fucking first or second grader... I checked on georgia law, and I'm within the statute of limitations, but I couldn't bare to tell anyone I know about this much less face a courtroom. It does help knowing that I'm not alone, and I thank this organization for providing me a place to come even if it's virtually. My body yearns to talk about this with someone, but my mind holds it back. God I remember so much about it now, it makes me sick. I'm amazed at how much I've lost just because my parents made a bad babysitter choice. Do you know how difficult it is, to have been in highschool watching from the outside, wishing you could have social life like the normal kids.
yes, i know what that is like. by highschool, i had gotten into some very taboo things. i was afraid to get close to anyone, because i didnt want them to see under the mask i wore. you know the front you put up for the rest of the world to see. i excelled at school, sports, and on the surface looked like the idea student. yet, inside i felt totally isolated from everyone. they were normal, i was in this sub-human class containing monsters and perverts. every girl who ever befriended me fell victim and was sexualized, until i didnt trust myself around women any more. oh, i would go on a few dates, a couple of dances,just to keep up appearences, but i never got close to them. meanwhile, the one sexual encounter i had in high school was with another guy. like you, i wasnt the least bit gay, but with him at least it was just sex. no strings, no commitment, no feelings, just sex. nothing makes a straight man feel better about himself than having some guy in your mouth. i hated who and what i was, but you know something, you dont have to continue being that person. it takes a whole lot of work, but you can change and take control of things.

Strongbad. Think about what you have accomplished in the short time you have been here. It is like lancing a boil isn't it. No condemnation just support. You say you cannot stand the notoriety if it went to court. I hear you loud and clear on this. Some of us are just not ready for that. But I do think that you should at least talk to the authorities. I know that you say you hate Therapists. When you went to them did they just think they were helping you deal with angermanagement. Look around in your area and get the right T. Brother this is a journey that you should not take alone and I think you recognize that cause you are here with us.
Your perp took away a happy childhood. I felt like that for a long time. I got a bit of a different slant on it now. What my perps did was arrest the growth of little Mike. These perps wer physical abusers when I was a small child and violent sexual abusers when I was a teenager. Like you, I had no peers who were friends; mainly because I could not relate to them. I mean I was damaged goods. And I hated each and every one of them for having what I did not. The BASTARDS that played with me locked the little Mike away and then they gave me the f**kin key and made me the jailkeeper,. And boy did I do a good job. As I have said elsewhee that makes me want to puke by guts out. I kept little Mike in Jail partly because I did want him to get hurt again and partly because I did not want him to see what I have become. Knowing this makes me now realize that the childhood was not taken away but delayed. Now I am 62 and a lot of people think I am 4pints short of a quart cause of the fun stuff I am doing. I am doing it for the little MIke so that he can feel safe melding with the older Mike. Sound screwy when I read this but it is true. There will be a lot of bumps and potholes on the road you have now chosen to trave but we are with you every step of the way.
You say:
. I do hate him though, because I had two beautiful children come into my life when I was around that age. My niece and nephew, whom I personally adore, share a bond with me that is beyond description. The thought of someone harming them in the way I was harmed makes me nauseaus, and I will always keep an eye on them to shield them from this hell on earth existence I enjoy now.
Those are powerful emotions and think about what you said about that son of a bitch likely still doing his thing. IN that you are in conflict with yourself. Dont be. There will come a time when a course of action will become crystal clear for you. Strongbad just do not beat yourself up. As I said in an earlier post you have survived and at the age you are to recognize that you need help and are courageous enough to reach out takes a hell of a lot of guts. What we fear most is the unknown and being rejected. Well Strongbad you certainly have not been rejected and you now know the path that will lead you out of the hell that f**ker created. Like the teeshirt skaters and boaders where "No Fear". Am I right. At 62 what I regret the most is building some life long relationships with men my own age when I was 17-35. I am still jealous when I see it with others. I have a wonderful wife of 36years and a great 22 year old daughter who I am immensly proud of (although at times I think we are from different planets) but I would also like to have some life long friends. I have a couple of really great friends right now. Wish I had met them when I was younger. Strongbad if you are like I was and still am you long for that camararaderie. You have taken a giant step towards that now because you are here. But look around you in your present location and start to build relationships. You are NOT a FREAK and DAMAGED GOODS and YOU DO WANT what others have. You are just so GODDAMNED frustrated at not being able to build those relationships. You will find them and good and close friends cal be wonderful to have. IT is hard to do because of what happened to us. I mean "We trusted Once and look what Happened. Well never again RIGHT". Wrong!! Get past the hotwire your perp put in your head and reach out brother just like you are doing here. Our lives have had enough shit in them to last through eternity. Build personal relationships now and you know something; the road ahead will become much easier to travel.
Take care and be gentle with the LITTLE SSTRONGBAD. Keep the moniker.
We now know what it means to you
Hi again, StrongBad. I will look up the link you have given us.

You are certainly a very loving young man. The way you speak about your niece and nephew is beautiful for me to read. They are lucky to have such an adoring uncle.

Somewhere I read a saying to the effect that having sex with a male does not make you gay, anymore, than having sex with a woman makes you heterosexual. It makes sense to me.

At the same time, we have men here who are gay and they are happy that they are. Our sexual orientation does not seem to matter so much.

It truly saddens me that you have such contempt for your peers. You have been really harmed by them, that is clear.

You might go to the Directory of Therapists on our web site to see if someone is close to you. These are all well trained in dealing with our special issues. Meds can help and they can harm. That is why we have to let the doc know how it affects us.

Enjoy life SB, that would be my wish to you. I truly hope you can make some good friends that you will treasure, and who will treasure you for the man you are.

Well in an excrutiatingly difficult conversation, I told my sister. Before I move on I need to explain my relation ship with my sister. We talk about everything. We have different fathers, but that does not affect us at all. I knew that I could trust her to keep it to herself and to provide me with some kind of advice. I was wrong about the latter. When I told her she was stunned; she literally went into instant denial. She didn't have anything to say. The rest of the night she pretended we didn't have the conversation; while I sat there wondering whether I felt better or worse.

On a lighter note, I've expressed my desire to see a therapist to my mother. I've yet to speak to my father since deciding to see someone. I have no intention of telling my parents yet, the millions of possible reactions scare the shit out of me. It also doesn't help that this metal crisis is happening the same year I'm to start college. Fortunately I've got a good portion of the year to atleast get some kind of control before that.
Strongbad what a courageous thing you did. I have had reactions like you did with your sister. While it hurt me deeply I had to recognize that people have different coping mechanisms to horror. When the horror was inflicted on my I was detached and im my mind believe it was happening to the rotten me. Others who reacted like your sister. Well some of them, once they assimilated the horror of it all have become my biggest supporters. Others are still in denial and you know something that is ok with me too. It is not MY PROBLEM. I MUST HEAL WITH OUR WITHOUT THEIR SUPPORT. Strongbad be gentle with yourself please. Just a day at a time. Do the fun stuff for that little boy in all of us. And let us share in that joy. You know that you can send private posts. Just click on an envelope beside one of us and send a private message. We here, all of us, are never to busy that we cannot be a sounding board or even just a shoulder to lean on. You are starting a wonderful journey into college life and what lies ahead.
Hello StrongBad,

It may be that your sister has had some trauma in her own life and was astounded that you could talk about yours. Something is going on with her, and it may not be that she is not supportive of you. She may love you more than ever, but now needs to look at her own life. That is just a thought and may not be at all true.

I can feel how disappointed you are by her reaction. Just try not to read too much into it.

Also, if she loves you a lot, as a brother, it may be that she cannot tolerate the thought of anyone harming you.

We have not met, you and I, but I hurt for you, and for the several other younger men here who come here. Please do not be insulted, but I look at men like you and Nathan and some others I met here or on the chat, as still Kids. Not in a negative way for you, but you just touch my sentimental heart--I never had children nor got married so I have such a special place in my heart for you young men. You are very manly, courageous and I respect you very much. I still see you a bit as a kid--I hope that is not offensive to you.


I saw a whole lot of myself in your post. I also was abused when I was eight or so by someone who was basically my babysitter. Ironically enough, he too was 15 and a lot of the same tactics were used on me too, and a lot of my memories of the events are really fuzzy too.

I'm only 24, and you and I seem to be in a similar kind of place as far as trying to heal from the abuse goes. I still feel a murderous rage towards the fucker that did this to me, I still blame myself for not saying something (he had younger siblings, and I think a lot about weather he abused them too, and weather I could have avoided it if I had said something)

You took a huge step forward though, you not only admitted it to yourself (which is very major) but you had the guts to come out and tell someone close to you, something that it took me 7 years to do once I realized what had been done to me. You're a very brave person Strongbad. And as much as it saddens me to see someone else who needs the support here, welcome.


(By the way, I too am a huge Homestarrunner fan. "It's Gweat!") :)
Hi son...let me tell you that your nickname of STrongBad may be how you feel about yourself right now, but it's way off from being accurate as to who you are. You're not a bad boy because of the things life has thrown at you!

After reading your post, I think there are many issues troubling you - your parents are divorced, your dog passed away. These are troubling things in their own way, not to mention the sexual experiences you began having at a very young age. You seem to have a heart full of love and feel robbed of the chance to share it...but many of us feel that way too...for many reasons.

You are still young and life is a gift. Give yourself some time to find out are only just starting on a whole new path. I think you may be surprised by how many good things are in store for you...if you'll allow them to happen. But if you play the 'blame game', you won't help yourself. Seek to forgive, and you shall find peace. We all do stupid things in life. So stop looking backwards...and look ahead. A wise man once said, 'you can't plow a field looking backwards.' I think there is a lot of truth in that statement. Look ahead and know things will get better. Life is up and down, but mostly up!

Being 18 is not easy. So my advice is to stop beating yourself up. You are a special, wonderful and unique person. I know you want to blame that 15 year old boy for all your troubles, but I don't think that's going to help you. He's 25 now and who knows what problems he's had in his life as a result of the things he's done. No. It was not right for him to make you do things you didn't want to do. And it's ok for you to be angry about it. Some of those other experiences you've had seem to me like typical things boys sometimes do together. I'm not saying those types of things are right or wrong, but I am saying if you were forced into doing things you did not want to do, than it's ok to be angry. However, if you're just beating yourself up because you think it was just wrong for you to explore homosexuality, than I think you need to rethink some things. Only you know YOU...and if you are heterosexual, than you owe it to yourself to begin exploring that path. And if you decide you are gay, then you need to accept it and move forward. Either way, you need to move forward. Your life awaits you, son.

You judge yourself too harshly. There is nothing wrong with the fact you are still a virgin (with women) at 18. Actually, that's a big plus for you. Stop beating yourself up. Just realize the world can be a tough place, but have some faith you will find good people with whom to share your special heart. Have hope. Life is good.

You're smart and probably more attractive than you realize. When you go to college, the girls will think you are something really special. A new wonderful world awaits you in college. Be brave. Ask a girl out and if you don't hit it off with her, then ask another girl out. You just may be surprised by how many will tell you 'yes'.

Hang in there!!
You know abuse isnt just something we as victims have to deal with, but each person we invite into our problems must also deal with it. They go through a mini version of the struggle we have been through, denial, anger, guilt and shame. In many cases they are family, and it flies in their face that this happened to us right under their noses. They feel that they failed us in some way, and must process that guilt. Some do it by denying that it happened, and turning it around on us. Others just dont want to talk about it, and block it all out. But occasionally you find that magic person that is supportive and understanding. Treasure those, cut the rest some slack, and realize that they are human just like we are, and are prone to falling and making mistakes.

Silence is a prison, and finding the voice to talk about the abuse is one of the hardest parts of recovery. By sharing here, and telling your sister, you have taken a big leap toward remaking your life. Take a moment and pat yourself on the back, you deserve to celebrate some.