This is getting too dramatic now!

This is getting too dramatic now!


Just me again!

Summary of speaking up!

Told 3 friends around 4 years ago now - the moment chose me!

17th Oct 2004 made 15 page statement to police.

23rd January 2006- court case finally starts. Myself and another complainant have a combined case. Sitting in the witness house, wondering why nothing is happening. At this point I know that the defense are trying to split the two cases up. Shock news reaches me - the Judge has not only refused to split the two cases, he is going to allow evidence from a third complainant to be read out in court. The defence Barrister asks the Judge to put the charges to the perv again, and he pleads guilty. A total shock to the system - I spent the rest of the week just trying to get my head around it, and finally start to believe that it is nearly over! The ******* has been denying everything until now.

17th Feb - go to court expecting to see the perv receive his sentence. More drama as his barrister states that the perv wishes to withdraw his guilty plea. The judge asks the barristers if they are available in 2 weeks time to discuss this request in court. The pervs barrister is not available (I think he just dumped a lost cause). The statements are still the same, and he did plead guilty to what is stated in them - what's he doing ....playing games again?

3rd March today - arrive at court, 10:00am, with two of the friends that provided supportive statements for me. The case is delayed, because the previous days hearings had lasted longer than expected. When I arrived at court, I fully expected that the result would be a date for the trial.

As the day progresses, and other cases are completed (Friday is sentencing day), I begin to think that we will run out of time, and the case will be deffered until another date. I also begin to think that with all of these delays, there is going to be a trial in the summer. Court is meant to finish at 4 in the afternoon - that time has been reached. The third friend that provided a supportive statement for me has finished work for the day and also arrives in court. I then find out that the judge will continue until 17:30 in an attempt to clear the backlog.

17:15, just as I am completely ruling out any progress today, the pervs name is called! He enters the stand.. it's in court room 1 this time, and it's much better, as the stand is surrounded by small railings - looks like he is fenced in (a good omen - I hardly dare to think so).

The pervs new Barrister speaks some twaddle about how he was confused when he pleaded guilty - this was allegedly because the judge was going to allow the third complainants statement to be used. The Barrister looked embarrassed because she new she was talking crap.

The Judge said that there was nothing unusual about allowing additional evidence to be admitted at a late stage... he then rejected the requested plea change. The guilty plea stands!

I cannot take this in! Events have never gone as expected in court, but this is the real thing now.

The judge has deffered sentencing until a later date, because he didn't want to rush it today. He didn't look too happy with the way the perv has messed things about, so that must be good news when it comes to sentencing.

It looks like I only need to attend court one more time now, to see the sentence delivered!

It was good that my three main supporters were there with me.

My head is just empty now, but I know that the good feeling will arrive shortly! I am having a very nice bottle of wine tonight - purely for pleasure.... a toast to you all!!!!

Best wishes...Rik

Congratulations on this victory for you, and for all of us. It has to be awesome to see justice finally handed out to your perp. I am very happy for you. Enjoy that bottle of wine. I wish I could send over a bottle of Dom Perignon.

I'm really pleased the judge didnt entertain his reversal of plea and that would have really pissed the judge off and it would not surprise me if he added another six months to his sentance for that reason.

Also sounds that the original barrister was on a hiding to nothing so withdrew his services, that must have freaked the perv right out of his skin. Bloody good show I say. If I drank I would crack open a bottle of sweet white but as I dont I will have to get the wife to do it for me.

Cheers and enjoy


"Lets grab this bull by the horns nad swing it about a bit"

Score one more for the good guys! Just a little while longer and it will be over. Finally!

To quote Trish, ROCK ON!

Lots of love,

Thanks again for the support.

What I forgot to add yesterday (shows where my head was).

Complainant no 3 was also in court, you should have seen the smile on his face afterwards - all of this recent struggle was worth going through just to see that.

I also saw the change in expression on the pervs face & boy was he shocked!

I always loved snow when I was a kid, and last night it snowed here for the first time in ages - just like nature's ticker tape parade.

This morning, I am starting to feel again, it's a mixture of emotions, really happy but a little strained from the battle.

I have just watered my cactii and succulent plants - one I bought about four years ago because it had a very unusual flower. It's never flowered since - this morning, it's showing the first signs of a new flower.

It's great to be alive again - oh by the way, the wine was very nice!

Best wishes ...Rik

Your last post here speaks volumes and volumes. You took a big risk by hitching your wagon to the pursuit of this case, but wow - look at the result!

I can just imagine how you feel; it's a great moment, with nothing to follow but the closure you will get from the sentence.

One more bottle of wine to look forward to!

Much love,

One of the men that used to frequent this DB gave me a little gift back at Christmas time. It is a little metalic Tadpole with little feet just emerging from it's body, and still sporting this great big tail. No longer a true tadpole, and not yet a frog.

When he gave it to me he said, "This represents new life, growth from what we once were to what we will become."

The snow and the new bud on your cactus seem to mean the same thing. The beginning of something new, something fresh, young, and clean. What a great thing to have happen on this "day after".

Our lives from this moment on are a clean sheet of paper with nothing written on it yet. Lets make the best of this moment.

Lots of love,


This post brought tears to my eyes, not sad tears, but of deep felt happiness for you. The snow and the bud on your plant was when they started flowing. Rik, I am really excited for you and the other complainants in this case.

And John, is there any way you could place a pic of that tadpole in the images forum. I think it would be really cool if all the guys here could see it.

Love ya

We took our hot-wheels cars back to court again! Security didn't bat an eyelid! I gave my friends the cars because little me loves them (my car is actually called 'The Judge' - it's bright yellow with the carbs sticking through the bonnet.... so I had The Judge in my pocket all the time).. I have posted here before that when I was about 7, I had a friend who's mother used to buy him toy cars every week - I used to get the ones that were a little battered!

It was a kindness from that friend really (think that's where I get my appreciation for the underdog from - who wants a shiny toy with no history, when there is one that's lived).

I think all of us here have lived in our own way - here's to a long life, and, plenty of living!

You're all good blokes here... that's an English way of saying U R OK!

Smile everybody - you'll see people smiling back!

Best wishes ...Rik

If you can smile when you're hurting, someone may smile back, then you may not feel so bad. If you keep smiling, more people might smile back, then you might start to forget that you were hurting. If you still keep smiling, then you might forget why you weren't smiling in the first place.

Sadly, some people might just think you're a grinning goon, but it's worth the risk!

If you're grinning, at least they'll wonder why you are grinning...maybe they will ask and start grinning too!

Get the jist of this yet?


Best wishes....Rik
I just logged off there. Usually when I do that, I shut my PC down.

This time, I picked up my acoustic guitar (still saving my electrics until after sentencing) and then for some reason, decided to look at my photographs folder on my PC.

I found the one that I had scanned before going to court for the initial trial (when the perv pleaded gulity against all expectations). This was the photograph that I added the names of all my supporters to - many were from this site.

I just sat here looking at that picture of a smiling kid, and all I could do was smile back! I think we have forgiven each other now!
:) That makes me happy to read. THANKS for sharing.
My take is this, the perp should not have changed the guilty plea, he has annoyed the judge by doing it.

He was in front of the recorder who is a pretty high judge who know the law inside out.

What baffles me, is that the perp was not told to expect a jail sentence on return to court, or did you miss it out!

Unfortunately with cases of historic abuse, the judge would have to use the law of the past, as I understand it.

It seems he will get a full whack from the judge on his return.

If only I could be a fly on the wall!

Ste - he was told to expect a prison sentence at the time he pleaded guilty. I now believe that he will receive a harsher sentence for messing the judge about.

Best wishes...Rik

would four years please you!
Would you expect more, or less?

Even maximising may only give the judge limited sentencing options, and these historic cases seem to hover around four years in jail.

Of course it is never enough!
How could it do, we all get a life sentence for it.

Modern law can attract a life sentence for r*pe of a child, but it still goes on.

I remember a guy in my town got seven years for raping boys.
He was 64 when caught but had been a boxing coach for kids for 20 years.

God knows how many kids he got in that time, but it is always the same, nobody comes forward to complain about something that destroy their boyhood.

When we can encourage boys and all kids to realise that it is no such taboo, nor "sin" to report this kind of thing, it will be a huge step forward from the brink of darkness,

Ste - I don't have any real thoughts on what the sentence should be, that way I will not be disappointed.

What really concerns me is that everyone knows what he is now, so there is less risk of there being new victims.

I do hope that whatever the sentence is, it will give courage to others who currently remain silent.

1969 to 2006, a long time to wait for justice! I don't want others to have to wait so long!

Best wishes ...Rik