thinking of the life i couldn't have because i am gay imagine the life i can have!

thinking of the life i couldn't have because i am gay imagine the life i can have!


a girl from a very famous old american family wanted to marry me -

we had lots of fun together -

gosh it was like something out of a henry james novel though -

and uncannily we saw things so similarly -

but alas i could not
did not want it -
i would not have had to work or try
but i could not do that to her -
and i did not want her -

and so

here i am!

i would have been in a big warm house now!

but instead i am me!!

which i feel is the best thing - in fact -
it really is!!!

i will work my ass off now -

for that big warm inviting house!!! -

with the lights on - on a cold night

plenty of food - a christmas tree in the window facing the street - freezing cold and a fire inside!

and yeah - here's the fantasy -
a maid and a butler too-!!

to answer the door - and bring the guests in

to my home! - gosh you're hungry ??!!
get thee out of the cold man and come eat!!!!!!

anyway -

it is most like an image i saw in the movie
'far and away'

the brahmin houses - looking so warm
and inviting - if you are one of them -
i guess -

well fuck !!

i will make a gay brahmin home !

for all my gay and non-gay friends

to see from the outside on a cold night

and say i wish i could come in ---


because i love them!!!!


sorry i had to get that out
why u sorry

thanks for being a friend mark ok

hugs year round
such a very elegant way of writing

to the manor is born such a man as you!

regardless of dress or for whom you blush,
you carry yourself with dignity

always good to know you

Peace, Andrew