Things do get better

Things do get better


Some of you will be aware that I have been coming to this sight for a while now - on New Years eve, it will be 2 years of posting here.

There are many new people here now and I know that many of you wonder if it ever gets better.

Recently I've just been reflecting on how far I have progressed in the last 2 years.

When I arrived here, I was 2 weeks into a major breakdown. I had hidden the abuse for many years (decades) & it just got to a point where everything burst. I was at work running a department whilst my head was exploding. I was regressing to 12 years old and terrified because everyone around me seemed to be the age of my abuser at the time of abuse.

The weekend before, I had been Christmas Shopping in Leeds. I was kicked over the edge, when I realised that I only had one present left to buy. It was for my nephew who was fast approaching the age that I was when abused (12). It dawned on me that my abuser lived even closer to my nephew than he had to me. My head just could not cope with this information.

I gradually started to pull myself back together with the support of friends, my boss and my sister (none of whom had known about this previously). It took me another 10 months to finally approach the police. They believed me!

Now 2 years on from a major breakdown I am so much better. I am facing my abuser in court in the New Year. I know that this will be difficult, but I can do it for all of us here, not just myself.

In addition to this, recently I have been working in Hungary for 3 days a week, helping to set up a new factory. Some weeks I go there alone, and only have mainly Hungarian people to speak to.

Do you know what - in the first week of production, we achieved nearly twice the ouput target. I was a guest at the 20th anniversary party, of and English Speaking Hungarian Group. The factory Manager (who had invited me to the event) took me out to lunch the following day, because the evening had been so successful. I was also called back to England to work early one week, because they needed my assistance to sort production issues in my normal role.

Does it sound like I'm bragging? Well I'm not. I'm pointing out that I am someone who very nearly didn't make it into 2003. Now I am working in a responsible position, in a foreign country. I sit in restaurants in a foreign country, where I do not yet understand the language. I am not concerned if I sit with my back to the door. I am not concerned if there are loud boisterous people there. I do not want to get up and run. Even though I do not fully know my way around town, I have no fear of getting lost.

I have no fear of doing the job wrong. I am making decisions because I know they are right, I don't wait for someone to tell me they are right.

I am a much stronger person.

I will be stronger still once the court case is over.

The remnants of the abuse will never go, but I believe that it will become a much smaller part of who I am. At one point, it was all I was.

Believe in yourselves, for you are the most important people that exist!

Best wishes ...Rik
And you will soon find that when you think it can't get any better... It does.

good work Rik!
Congrats, Rick.

I share your sense of satisfaction and accopmlishment. A victory for any one of us is a victory for us all.

I understand what you mean when you say things do get better. I was thinking just this morning while driving in the car how much better my life is than it was 2 years ago. It's like I suddenly woke up to the fact that things have changed and I wasn't even aware when it happened. I feel like I've made more progress here on the MS discussion board since I found it 3 months ago than I have in the last 18 months. I needed this place and I didn't know it.

Anyhow I'm happy for you. I'm sure I don't need to tell you to keep us posted on how things go in court. Thanks for sharing.



Thanks so much for that. It helps enormously on those days when things seem to be coming at you from every direction at once. I have been here for a far shorter time than you have, but like John I can say this place has made all the difference. It is a revelation to find that you really are NOT alone, and that good and decent people actually believe you, understand and support your efforts to face things.

I especially like your point Curtis:

And you will soon find that when you think it can't get any better... It does.
That one is going on my closet door when I get home! :)

Much love,

Thank you for your post. I've been here a few months and been in treatment with my T for about six, and I agree that it does get better. I've got a ways to go, but I am on my way to becoming a more integrated, wholer person.
Thanks for the comments everyone. I've been back working in Hungary again this week. It's gone really well again. Myself and the Production Staff do not share a common vocal language, but because I smile a lot, we are now getting by with sign language. They point at defects in the product and somehow I can tell them if the product is acceptable or not.

After a particularly good day, I went back to my hotel and wrote the following:

07/12/05 Tuesday 21:21

Just remember how good it feels now! Room 318 Novotel!

Been to Castrum Restaurant - don't know if it's medieval/roman or what! Menu outside was in Romanian only! I understood 'dark beer', so thought it must be OK! Went in and did sign language, asking for a seat for one. Made me laugh when the Barman spoke in perfect English (none of my slang) and produced a menu also in English.

Got the dark beer, which turned out to be Amstell Block which was 7% proof (oh well). Ordered venison with prunes steeped in wine and wondered what would turn up. It was exactly as the label - also came with slices of warm pear, lemon and courgettes. It was all very nice if a bit unusual. Had potato croquettes as well - these things follow you everywhere! Had some ice cream for sweet; looked like an igloo but had a hidden chocolate centre - lush!! Had a glass of local dry red wine and felt good!

Went outside and zipped my coat up as there was an icy wind.

I was glowing like a radiator that knows the right temperature.

The town is very old and quite gothic in nature. In the middle ages up to 15c, all Hungarian Kings were crowned here! My name means "born to be king". My eyes filled at this thought - have I been reborn now, or am I about to be? I don't mean in a religious way - I just mean born to live again.

I am about to go and take some pictures of the town now, although I have many in my head!

The town is quite a dark place, as the street lighting is low and sparse - somehow it feels very light!

It's good to be alive now! Think peace is on it's way.

Hope you all get to feel days like this!

I had to write this down and capture the moment!

The boy and the man walk together!

Best wishes..Rik

Yes, Life does get better, I to am very satisfied with where I am in this journey, but don't expect me to stop here for long. Because if it is this much better now, I can't wait to see how good it's going to get.

Hang in there


The coolest part of this last post is where you talk about the boy and man walking together. That's great. It shows that the boy is feeling safe.

Much love,