It's good to hear from you here at MS! As you can see there are a lot of good supportive men here who have given you some good words. I really like what Matt shared:
"For most of us survivors that have gone thru disclosure like you are in therpay the physical reaction is normal as it is the bodies way of telling you it is ready to get rid of the extra baggage."
Pardon this picture, but when I read that, I immediately got a picture of myself puking out all the bile, poisons & wastes of my past abuses. "Getting rid of the extra baggage!"
Tho this sure makes sense, I never quite thot of that aspect of body memories, maybe becuz I don't vomit that much. But when I need to, I sure feel better when I just do it! Guess that's one of those things where sometimes you gotta feel or get worse before you feel or get better. Therapy is like that too sometimes. Was for me.
Keith, this is just a thot for your consideration. Maybe you could find some way ot increase the connection & the cooperation between your mind & your body. Perhaps some kind of exercises or therapy that are for both mind & body, that get your spirit in touch with your body.
Massage comes immediately to my mind as it has been so vital to me. There have been several recent threads on this, at least one of which is active today. Yoga, tai chi and aerobics (I do water aerobics) are among the many possibilities.
Whatever helps you connect & exercise mind & body.
Also as Matt & others said, hang in there with the therapy. My story is in many ways similar to that of Les Angry. For me, it took about 10 years of therapy before my abuse memories were even recalled. Since then I've been in therapy regularly for about 19 months.
While I had a major breakthrough a couple of months ago, I plan to continue going for some time. It's helping me as Les said live in the present not the past.
Maybe your abuse is still present, I don't know. If it is, starting good therapy now is all the more important. Don't wait till you're 35 or so like I did. You know what you can handle. You know what you need to do.
Therapy isn't for everybody at anytime. But for us survivors it's at least nearly always vital, and the sooner the better. At least thats been my experiences, observations & reading.
Keith, take care of yourself. If you're being abused now, get whatever help you can. If you're not, you're clearly still living in it. Get whatever help you can. We're here as a supportive group of fellow male survivors.