Therapy today

Therapy today


I'm going to therapy tonight for the first time ever and I'm scared shit! I have no idea what to expect or what he'll say or what I'll say... I so want to cancel or blow it off, but I won't.

I have to do this.

Any info., thoughts and/or advice about this would be appreciated. Any really good excuses why I shouldn't go would be a bonus! :)

You're going to have an initial consultation. I suggest that you come right out right away about why you're there. Tell him (briefly and in general) about what happened to you. Tell him how it's affected you and what you hope to accomplish.

The initial consultation usually lasts 20min to 30min.

I wish you well Jay. I hope that you find some of the answers that you're looking for.
If you already had your intitial consultation, then lay it out Jay...........just tell him what you've already told us, or tell more, or tell less. Do whatever you feel is comfortable.

The therapist first objective should be to simply assist you in feeling relaxed and comfortable with himself and what therapy is all about. You may or may not want to tell all the first time around.

I told all. Spilled my guts for two straight hours bawling my eyes out the whole time. You don't have to do it that way if you don't feel comfortable. You could spread it out over several visits or even wait till the therapist feels you are ready to talk about it.

Whatever you do, it is your recovery that you are asking help with, so in some respects you are the one in control. It's the therapists job to guide you and offer help where he sees you are needing it and are open to it.

Good luck, Bro.

Lots of love,

You could say that your dog ate all your issues so you don't have any tonight? :)

Truthfully, everyone before me gave great advice.

I've been to four different therapists in the last five years and I have never told everything. It's so hard to trust therapists that haven't been abused. Hopefully you'll have better luck.


When I started in therapy I did the same as John (WalkingSouth). I went in there scared shitless, and as soon as she asked me, "And how was your childhood?" it all came tumbling out.

But of course there is always Elad's option: "The dog ate my issues"!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Seriously, by now your first session is over and I hope it went well. I think you will find that the T will not push you for details you are not ready to give, or drag you into areas you can't handle yet. On the other hand, the T's job is to help you make progress, so s/he will try to get you to push past your comfort zone.

But first there has to be a lot of trust-building, and your sessions may not even touch on real abuse issues for quite some time.

The thing to remember is that your T is a pro. S/he will have heard all this a thousand times before and will not judge you. The T's job is to get you through to recovery with the minimum of new pain and trauma, so try to work together see how it goes.

Much love,