therapy today
well my second trip to therapy ,was ok i guess . she says i need to grieve my brothers death ,because i blocked it all out when it happened i never got to grieve for him ,but the more i try to cope with it the more guilty i feel so i don't agree that i should keep thinking about it .we talked about how i feel about my dad but i don't blame him for wanting me gone from his life ,she says whatever his reasons were it was not right for him to blame me for my brothers death .i wrote another letter to him telling him i understand why he hated me so bad ,she said that wasn;t a good idea ,that i'm taking the blame for what he did to me ,the last thing we talked about is this site and how the people here have saved my life ,she wants me to take more credit for being able to deal with all that has happened to me recently ,this is one area where we disagree bigtime ,i know that with out this site and all the people here i would not have made it this far ,i would have done something stupid to myself .this site has become the family i never had .what that means to me she can never understand,i don't think even those here fully understand what they have done for me.this site has given me something i have never had before at least not that i can remember ,if this place was created to save even one person then it is a great success ,even when i didn't want to be saved a few lines here help me see it is worth all the pain in my past and all the pain i know is still to come . she thinks i am becoming to dependant on the site instead of dealing with things myself ,what the hell is wrong with depending on my new family ? as my post show i go from one extreme to the other almost daily one thing in my life is constant what i find here ,she says i need more face to face contact like a girlfriend ,yeah i'll just run right out and grab one .the therapist can tell me many things but i won't listen if it means spending less time here ,i don't know if she can help me ,but i do know how this site helps me .i'm sticking with what i know helps .i'll tell you all that before i found you suicide was one of my options ,gotta be truthfull i never mentioned it here but it was in my mind ,you stopped that ,i know now if i did something like that there are people who would be hurt by it and that is enough to throw out that option .thanks to every person who has posted here ,not just posted to me but just posted anything each post i read is like finding a new friend . shadow