


How do people feel about therapists treating both victims and abusers (not in the same room)?

I welcome any comments on this subject.
Before getting help my-self, I'd have trouble
being around abuser's, but now I wouldn't have trouble today being around abuser's getting help, because I wouldn't mind that for my Dad or my brother getting help from the same place that I'd be getting help from.
Personally I think a T who councels with both vitims and abusers is probably more rounded in their experience. Maybe in some way a T who works with abusers could help victims by knowing what they look for?

I've only had a short experience with therapists. This after 42 years of dealing with it. Back during the 50s a kid did what he did. There was'nt any therapy. Nor compassion. I dealt with it alone at age 12 by teaching myself what I called "touching without feeling". And I made three of me. The actor,the real me and my invisable friend. It was only after 43 years did I realize that the first two were fakes. My invisable friend was the real me. It's still that way. I could be physically tortured to death and still my invisable friend remains untouchable. My lifelong guardian angel--is me. In a Place beyond the reach of humanity. I will not be harmed again. For I died a long,long time ago. I must say this utter desolution of belief-systems comes in handy. I just performed what's being called a "grass roots political miracle" in Orange County,Ca. Alone in my bedroom seated at my $300 computer with less than $4 in my bank account I fought a Superior Court Judge who's spent 40 years sodomizing little boys and our county's political machine and it's unlimited resources...and won. Now,the powers-that-be fear me. Lesson being that we can all rise from the ashes. Teach yourselves to recognise your uniqueness. We know things the others do not. Cannot. This gives us valuable perspective. Yes,we are inferior in some ways. But far superior in others. Don't let them treat you condescendingly,opportunistically. Fight back.
My Therapist, treated both survivors and perps. I knew that when I first started seeing her. I feel it gave her great insight to many questions I had. Questions about me and about my uncle, who was my abuser. When I would bring up a feeling or concern, she would be able to share with me the same topic from the perps point of view. It was quite informative and I wouldn't change my experience with her for anything.

I have never inquired as to what other clients my therapists see. I don't know why for sure, but it just didn't make much differance for me. It is interesting to see how much impact it has for others though.

This victim/perp thing reminds me of the years I did behind bars. Sure,I got horny. After lights-dimmed I closed my eyes and masturbated. Very carefully so as not to awaken the sleezeball craphead monster asleep on the bunk beneath mine. Guy was all muscle,280 lbs w/ brain size of a pea. Typical jailbird. He was screwing some indian kid in the shower stall. Apache,as I recall. A nice kid. I narced to the guards about it. They laughed. Thing is,I took care of my hornies without harming anyone. So too can boylovers. Just close your eyes and fantasize. Or whack off over pics of boys taken from the Sunday newspaper underwear ads. You physically touch a kid though you'll find out if there's an afterlife. Let's dance..
I personally could not care who else my therapist sees, the question for me is he helping me. i have had some lousy therapists and some really good ones, the lousy ones made me feel bad about myself the good ones made me feel good about myself, simple as that.

