Therapist Abuse (Triggers)

Therapist Abuse (Triggers)

Sean Simms

My experience with therapists so far indicates that they have been given the authority by society to do the healing of sexual abuse and if one can not submit to that authority one is considered wrong.

After being kicked out of the male survivor retreat because I wanted to do healing work alone with the other surviors because I was abused by therapists, I have come to conclude that only I can do the work I want to do.

I have been told by therapists that they would castrate me because of my rape fantasies as well as put in a mental hospital for the same ideas.

I have been told by therapists that I need therapists to heal my being abused by therapists.

I have been told by therapists that I couldn't process pain because there wasn't enough time left in the session.

I have been made to feel that all of my feelings toward therapists were my attempts at transfering my feelings onto them.

I realize how full of shit therapists are including the ones at Male Survivor.

After putting up the above post I realized that this site is for me, not the therapists. Survivors are the ones to do the healing. I don't really care what the therapists think.

Yes, this site is for you, for me, for everyone here who is a survivor of sexual abuse, who is looking for understanding and support. I wish your experiences with therapists had been better. I have been most fortunate. I have had but one therapist, since I just start it last year. She has been excellent to me. Even when she could have had me put into mental hospital for few days at least, when I give her reason to be able to do that, she work with me and find other ways to keep me safe. Which is what I needed. Again, I wish it had been better for you.


What I like about your messages is your ability to express your rage and then be able to sort out what's what. It's great.

I have had a nasty experience with a therapist in the past and it felt as if someone had pushed me over the edge of a bottomless pit. I quitted straight away but I felt "deranged" for 2 weeks afterwards. Luckily I found another therapist months later who was well clued up.

All therapists are individuals, some are great, some are sicker than we are and they need urgent help!!!

Therapy is one of many tools to recover from SA, but it's not necessarily right for everyone or the right thing to do at certain times?.

There's a lot to learn from other survivors including learning from you, so stick around.

Take care

To not be a complete double standard, those therapists you spoke of should immediately submit themselves to castration/hysterectomy and thrown in a mental hospital. Why? Let's look at what has transpired... Had you done anything wrong? No! The therapist(s) were trying to be self-proclaimed thought police. Now let's examine their thoughts. They talked about committing a very severe sexual assault upon you. hence, they are guilty of the very thing they are policing. Moreover their crime is worse, as they had voiced thoughts of severe sexual assualt upon a SPECIFIC person, which is much more advanced and serious than general fantasies. So let's assume for a moment that policing people's thoughts really was ethical (which I doubt many would agree with), at which thoughts do you draw the line? It is clear that direct thoughts of sexual assault against a specific person would come well before similar thoughts that had not progressed to a specific target.

In reality, though, I bet most would agree no one's thoughts should be policed. However, you still have a case of a therapist (or more than one therapist) who has spoken of committing sexual assault upon their patient in a therapy setting. I strongly suspect that this is an offense for which they can lose their license.

Let me direct you to AdvocateWeb, which can be found at It is a web-based group for survivors of professional exploitation (doctors, therapists, clergy, teachers, etc.). While this sounds broad, it started as a support group for survivors of abuse from therapists, and I bet that still more than half of its considerable membership are survivors of therapist abuse. They also have a sizeable amount of resources (such as contacts in licensing boards, knowledge of how to file complaints etc. for this purpose.

Certainly, most of the survivors there are women. The president of the organization, however, is male. I think you would find him to be interested and helpful. Someone very close to him was a victim of therapist abuse.

Good luck. You definitely still belong here, in my opinion.

Thanks you guys,
your responses were great. I thought I would get a lot of backlash for putting up this post.
