Therapist Abuse (Triggers)
Sean Simms
My experience with therapists so far indicates that they have been given the authority by society to do the healing of sexual abuse and if one can not submit to that authority one is considered wrong.
After being kicked out of the male survivor retreat because I wanted to do healing work alone with the other surviors because I was abused by therapists, I have come to conclude that only I can do the work I want to do.
I have been told by therapists that they would castrate me because of my rape fantasies as well as put in a mental hospital for the same ideas.
I have been told by therapists that I need therapists to heal my being abused by therapists.
I have been told by therapists that I couldn't process pain because there wasn't enough time left in the session.
I have been made to feel that all of my feelings toward therapists were my attempts at transfering my feelings onto them.
I realize how full of shit therapists are including the ones at Male Survivor.
After being kicked out of the male survivor retreat because I wanted to do healing work alone with the other surviors because I was abused by therapists, I have come to conclude that only I can do the work I want to do.
I have been told by therapists that they would castrate me because of my rape fantasies as well as put in a mental hospital for the same ideas.
I have been told by therapists that I need therapists to heal my being abused by therapists.
I have been told by therapists that I couldn't process pain because there wasn't enough time left in the session.
I have been made to feel that all of my feelings toward therapists were my attempts at transfering my feelings onto them.
I realize how full of shit therapists are including the ones at Male Survivor.