the way people distinguish themselves

the way people distinguish themselves


on my way to bermuda - i met a man who talked about a young - executive - who was hired to his company - this man was roughly 65 -

the young man - who was 26 or 28 or something like that -

and in the opening meeting he conducted - to the main staff of executives -

he claimed - i don't trust anyone over 30 -

bad judgement for certain - he alienated the majority of people right off the bat -

and eventually his poor taste and judgement - lead to his dismissal shortly thereafter -

distinguishing yourself from the group or the

from anyone is essential -

so the act - in and of itself is necessary and important - healthy and good!!!

undermining is one way of doing this clearly as seen as this man has done -

undermining though - can also lead to self undermining - in the long wrong -

i realize it's very very difficult indeed to keep a sense of identity - please - my mantra -

but i think it is the style or perhaps the way in which we deal with this dilemma -

AND NOT GETTING LOST in any of it -
self management is fucking hard -

and also - i guess - it is just a piece of shit sometimes -

but at others - we show our metal - and rise to an ocassion of being in our own way - just

right on good -

i would hope for more than not -

but clearly at times - we are more able to be strong -

and others - it's just so much shit to deal with -

that we may stumble - make a social fart -

or hurt a friend -

the nature of life??

who knows -

but often times when we don't know what to do -

and are tired or over stimulated -

the short route is taken - and this more often than not can be abuse - in words attitude -

or what have you

i get so fatigued easily - but my friends get that i think -
hopefully they do - and do not hate me -

no one is perfect -

and what is that anyway -

i like a person who i can argue with some -

becaause someone who yes-es you perfectly
is always bullshitting - it's not possible -

we all like life served up on our own special plate!


What clicked with me from your post was your singular statement that we like to argue, because somehow that gives us some sense of semblance of having avoice something we never had as a child, that is why we love this forum as it lets us voice are opinions withour prejudices or judgments.
But then it is more relevant for us to believe in what we say, more impoartntly we need to first validate ourselves before reaching out to others to seek approvals for what we belief, then their dissapproval or approval doesn't make difference and we are free to have our viewpoint even in the face of extraordinary disent, sometimes if we believe in ourselves strongly is enough.
But at other times, what we might have been believing might prove to be wrong in the end, like my belief that 'I am UNLOVABLE' turned out to be totally false AS I realised that I AM A child of God.

Sometimes defeat is a sign of a new beginning, a new understanding about life and a new realtionship with our life!

Sometimes finding ourselves to be wrong can be the best thing to happen to us, like the end of a relationship is to many, as it opens many new doors.
As far as needing a 'special plate' is concerned, I feel it is so true, if we dont believe in the essential goodness of the food we are eating. Or should I speak of the seestial worthiness of our selves, when try to present ourselves with our special in special external garbs be it clothes, language, mannerisms or habits or external layers be it professional success or success in relationship. If we essential goodness of our being we would never indulge in such triad.
Because when we do,we do not any thing extra, no add ons, life is good enough by itself, we just need tolearn to enjoy it and its essential goodness. Sometimes we trying to too hard is not such a good idea afterall as just being ourselves can be fun by itself, It is just that we have to learn it again, as we knew it as a child, didn't we? That is why we were always happy by our selves, even while playing with our fingures and toes!

So if we allow ourselves to be ourselves we do not need to acquire any extra talent to be happy, no special skill is required to live happily. We knew it as child, we just need to rememeber that, our special status of being the child of the Universe.
Also one more thing that I have realised that at the root of this entire need to right, lies my own self doubt and my lack of trust in myself, so surely I find it hard to trust others. Either ther intention, goodness or genuineness or general intelligence, so yet again it all begins with, but thier is a great possibility there, if I change that belief about myself I can my reality, the reality I am creating thru my intents and self beliefs.

Like for example seldom believe in my self and my own ability to make a judgment and desicion so that I need external proofs, all the time to reassure me, like after buying a new pair of jeans, but as life would have it, it always reflects my self beliefs in toto, be it my belief about my own intelligence, genuineness or my worthiness, be it for love or goodness that life has to offer, sometime when I am doing something special for my self I start feeling guilt as if somewhere I doubt my worthiness and I believe that I dont deserve it and others would know that soon, that I dont deserve to be treated special.

Also I am surprised when people treat me so and doubt their intention, for all you know they just might be genuiniely loving and caring, I always doubt them as I doubt my own worthiness in meeting good and happy people, and enjoying happy moment or to believe that they would last or they can be a constant also.
I somehow believe that I am a sad little person and so wd meet similar people and life situation and nothing good will come about in this life.

Now that is the pessimistic side of me talking, and that needs to heal by releasing itself from the clutches of the past, by simply stop BELIEVING IN THE PAST. Yes that is trick in creating a new reality for me, so no matter what happens I remain worthiness of goodness of life as of love and respect.

So that we can both enjoy that we have, both? Me and my inner child.