the next step *TRIGGER*

the next step *TRIGGER*


I feel pretty good this morning. The doc and I decided to back my therapy down to every other week. I have gained enough insight that usually if I talk here I can figure things out when they start going wrong. The swings from high to low are fading, and I tend to be more stable, and my thoughts are turning from dealing with things to where do I go from here.

At forty, I feel a bit old to return to college, but I am leaning more and more toward it. My job just doesnt fulfill me anymore, and I would like to get a degree in social work, so that I can work with abuse victims. My aunt, who helped raise me, offered to help me pay for the classes, and it feels like I would really be missing out if I didnt take her up on it. I feel I have a chance to do something that counts, that can really help people, and I think Im going to take it.

I still have work to do on my recovery too, but I think that will go on forever now. I have concluded we are all a work in progress, whether we were abused or not. Anyone who wants more for themselves than simply making it is driven to constantly improve and strive.

I was dreading this time, the time where I had matured enough to face my family. I grew up believing that you didnt question God, and you didnt question your parents. They were so far beyond me that I couldnt understand them, and I certainly couldnt second guess them. The idea of sitting my parents down, and saying you failed me is the hardest thing I have ever faced. Finally, I guess it is maturity, but I am at the point where I have to ask the hard questions, where I question why God is the way He is, and why my parents did what they did. It feels wrong. Its upsetting and frightening, but I know it is what I must do.

My next step seems to be to confront my brother. He was my shadow growing up. I couldnt get away from him long enough to act out, so I included him from the start. He was there when I took Jean into the closet. He took a turn with her too. He was there for Cheryl, Donnie and Michele.

I see him depressed. I see him with a failed marriage. I see his life in a total shamble. Do you know what it is like to think that I have caused all of it? I have to live knowing I drug him right into the middle of all of this, that I alone did it. Sure, I understand that the ultimate responsibility lies with Mat, my abuser, but Mat didnt show Kevin how to lick a girl. I did that. I know I didnt know any better, that I was only passing on what was taught to me, but I was the tool. I alone brought him into my world, and I alone must live with it. Mat doesnt even know Kevin exists, as far as I know. Certainly, he isnt grieving over it. I am. I alone carry the weight.

Kevin and I have always been tight. I have to believe we will be okay, even after I face him. Then he can validate what happened to my parents, or that is how I am hoping it goes. Sure, I realize he might have repressed it. He might deny it outright. He might not want to connect it to all his struggles, and perhaps it doesnt affect him like it does me. Only he can answer that, and it is time I talked to him. At last I feel strong enough to.
College is a great idea. I'm not much different in age than you. I returned to school. I started out taking only night classes because I knew that there would be more adults and that the teachers respected the adults in those classes. I talked to different people prior to doing it, including a couple of professors that I knew. I highly recommend it. Start out slow. Take one or two classes at night the first semester. Most of my classes are about 70% people my age or older. There are even multiple retired people in my classes. GO FOR IT!!!!!! It's a great environment full of a lot of good people, many of which are willing to work with you and help you.
my current AS degree is in business, and i got it going at night and working days. i was young then though. my mind isnt as clear as it once was, but i figure i can do it. i have been looking into the internet. a person can get a degree online now, but i'm not sure they would be credible. i'm leaning more toward a local college that offers night and weekend classes, as well as internet and self-study courses.

i am also kicking around starting a male survivor support group in columbus ohio. we have none, and if i could find an interest, i would consider taking it further. this place is great, but it would be nice to have a little one-on-one support too.

i have even looked into volunteering to speak or help at the local children services. i feel i want to be more involved in helping people than i am now. if i can only figure out a way of making a living doing it, it would be perfect.

thanks for the vote of confidence. it means a lot

College is a great place to start. You can volunteer for their SA programs, learn some of the mechanics of running them, and expand them to include the MS side of it.

As for online classes, yes the degrees can be credible, depending on the school. Many schools do not allow people to transfer in the online credits. So, if you do online stuff, you should plan on finishing with that school.

Also, I'm thinking of the environment too. I can't tell you how pleasurable and good the environment has been for me. Being at the school, talking with and working with my classmates, talking with the professors and administration as an adult, etc. etc. The social functions and dinners that are there if you choose to go to them. The resources available.

Let's not forget some cultural too. The theatre, the orchestra, the sports, etc. etc.

It's AWESOME, I highly recommend it. Once you get past the anxiety, there is nothing bad about it.
Jeff - maybe talking is a good idea...if you decide to, I hope it goes well! Only you can decide if the time is right?

Education...about 16 years ago my then Manager said that I should take a Degree at 30 years old...I thought I was too old then & didn't bother. If I had, I would have still been the same age now, but I would have had my degree.

Best wishes, whatever you decide...Rik
Here my ten pennies worth!

Abused at 13
Expelled from school at 14
Alcoholic at 17
Unemployed for a long time
Got sober at 35
Drank again at 37
Got sober again 38
Went To College at 39
Entered University at 42
Reported my abuse at 43
Graduated with a BA (Aegrotat Degree) in Archaeology (a schoolboy dream come true) at 45
Saw two of my abusers convicted at 46
Still Unemployed. Not surprised to present at 48

University was great and I would recommend it to anyone.

"And all that was left was hope"