The lady down the lane...

The lady down the lane...
Dear Lady,
I am really angry at you. I had just turned 15 in June when your husband moved out of your home for a "business trip". My best friend Kurt and I were two great boys. We swam, camped, and played games each summer. I thought that this summer would be the same good times. I was wrong.
We helped you around the house with heavy boxes and yard work. You paid us and fed us. We had no shirt on, just our jeans and sneakers. It was so hot that day. You had us work till 8PM. It was the last of "the jobs" to do and you gave us money and made us dinner. Your cooking was horrible, maybe it was because (now I think) you were high. We didn't eat much. We just drank the wine you gave us. You allowed us to drink alot. We played music. Remember this - "Jake, I want to see you with that shirt off" "Flex your muscles" "You are so cut" "Your ass looks so good in those jeans" "Kurt, you arm wrestle Jake and I'll make out with the winner" Do you remeber that?
I do. You made out with both of us. You took us upstairs and lit candels. You said "Get into your underwear". And then it went. The three of us had sex. You commanded us to do things. You said this is a part of life. You said "I'll be your greatest teacher". You went down on us. You compared out cocks and made my friend Kurt feel inadequate because mine was bigger. You had me do things I didn't know could be done. You had us share you and in doing so we had body contact. We were young. You were in your 30s. We thought we were doing something gay. You would kiss me with the taste of him in your mouth. As I penetrated you vaginally you had Kurt penetrate you anally. I COULD FEEL HIM! He was my best friend and it was too wierd to see him in a sexual way. We wrestled together in school. We were on the swim team together. We were best friends! You slapped my body hard. You scratched and clawed us with your nails. You called us names while we had sex. I feel dumb because we kept going back all summer. Why did we do it? Oh yeah: We were becoming men. You said wierd shit to us like "You are bigger and better than my husband" You gave us money, wine, and beer. It was all wrong. I know I was 15 and my body looked 18 but my mind was that of a boy. The night I made you bleed freaked us out. You then passed out and I stood vigil over you all night till you woke. I thought my body hurt your body. Why did you do this? Why did I have to have a threeway my first time? I was happy staying a virgin for a while longer. You took our virginity and planted some kind of chip in me. I became more aggressive as a person and as a wrestler. Sex with other girls in high school one on one was not as exciting. I was messed up. But then, you patched things us with your husband and you stayed in your home. So on holidays and in the summer I got to stand and talk to him knowing what we did together. I always thought he would find out and get me. Until my mom moved recently, I still would see you and I hated that.
You taught me sex was aggressive and dirty. You complemented me only on my body - my ass, lega, stomach, waist, arms, sholders, and of course cock & balls. You used me. I allowed many people to use me. I became a stripper and I even "slept with the right people" to get things. You told me I was not bright but I will give a woman all of the physical things she would need. You made it so awkward for me and Kurt that we only were teammates nolonger friends.
So Lady, you molested me. How can that be? Because you had all of the power. You used me for a summer to get off on. I hate you. I hated myself for many years. I won bodybuilding competitions and wrestling matches. My dad and brothers were always happy for me. I never had a mother. You were my first real relationship with a woman. I may look good to you on the outside, but you damaged me on the inside.
PS I miss Kurt.

I hope writing that helped you. You have placed the blame where it belongs, on the person who used you and your friend. Continue working things out in whatever way works for you. Just don't give up the fight.

Lots of love,

Jake - is Kurt still around? Maybe he would like to see an old friend! Might be worth a talk?

What that woman did was wrong, and I thank you for your post!

Best wishes ...Rik
I'm glad you wrote this Jake because by articulating WHAT was wrong with what happened to us, we begin to understand why things have been going wrong in our lives and compelled us to come to a place like this.

No, sex is not a dirty thing, what she did was though.