The Hurt

The Hurt


A brief history - At age 6 I was molested by my hero My uncle, somehow I managed to tuck that away for a long time. At 15 another Adult male took more of my youth from me. I never had the guts to tell anyone and throughout my childhood I was self destructive until I joined the Army and found a purpose and was able to tuck those nightmares so deep in my mind that I actually managed to forget for all these years I never went to counseling and never told a soul about what happened.

Well after 2 failed marriages (self destruct) I am currently on my third marriage of 12 years to a wonderful women. I am now seperated due to to my self destructive nature. I never put 2 and 2 togather as to why I would destroy something that was so good. Last night talking to my best friend of 24+ years I asked him what he thought was causing me to act out the way I do. We are like to peas in a pod. We think alike (sex,sex,sex and more sex- Which I didnt think was abnormal- hell we are guys) and he confided in that he had been to therapy many years ago when we were both in the Army because he had been molested as a small child, well as you can figure that was a trigger for me it all was sureal. We talked about how we acted out as kids, drinking-fighting and such(Birds of a feather flock togather). He was my 1st admission to anyone and it felt good to be able to tell someone. I called my wife as soon as I hung up( to ensure I had the balls to tell her) that I didnt know if it was the root of my issues but a definite start.

Well the next morning I called her to tell her I did some research on the subject and it all fell in place. I then reminder her to please not tell anyone as this subject had powerful issues.

Well she didnt tell anyone directly! She confided our nieghbor who just happens to be the local Glady's Cravits. I asked her what she told her and she didnt want to say I started to get upset and said if this marriage is going to work there has to be some privacy in our conversations. I told her that I wasnt talking about what I did to cause the seperation, but what we had come to agree that what we needed to do to try and fix it.

Well she finally told me what she said and the one that devistated me was the I had some serious childhood issues to deal with! Well that set me off I asked her " ask your self what SERIOUS child hood issues are) She came up with physical abuse and molestation. And now the town cryer has this info!

I am devistated! What I had managed to hide, What I thought was partner/confidante had betrayed me! I had told 2 people the night prior and the next morning my world came crashing down and that dirty, used, worthless emotions set in.

After I sat in the corner (in a ball)for an hour I finally got up and searched the internet for some help. I know I need counseling/therapy and am going to seek that, but my issue is the betrayl that I feel for my wife. Knowing that the neighbor hood now has a new topic of conversation and its a juicy one. I do not want to hear her voice or see her face. I refuse, I feel like she now has a part in the disgusting acts.

Is this so abnormal?

I'm really sorry you were betrayed like this, and you have every right to be upset. Very upset. Extremely upset. One of the issues practically every survivor has is an issue of Trust. However, try not to let that betrayal govern how you will now deal with your healing and recovery from the abuse you suffered as a child. There are many, many fellow survivors on here who will tell you that it is absolutely critical to deal with this and not just try to bury it back down and hope for the best. That simply does not work.

I'm glad to hear you have a close friend who you can talk in confidence with like this. He will be a very good support person for you as you start sorting all this stuff out. And the fact that he is a fellow survivor help even more because you know that he understands and "gets it".

Welcome to MS, friend, and please talk as much as you want, and when you want. We are all here to help each other.
Well there are two sides to every story. What about the pain I caused her.

5 yrs ago I had a brief fling and the reason I am out of the house now is She thinks that I was picking up girls on the internet and screwing like a crazed dog ( I wasnt guilty of this but I cant say it could of eventually happened) And I got back into a little substance abuse (which I am guilty of) I am sure she feels betrayed too. This woman has been nothing but good to me and our kids. Her heart is pure and I am soley to blame for our issues. But I still feel what she distances what I did. I always told her I could forgive her for anything she did BUT hurt my kids. When I made that statement I didnt think that my past would have been the issue
Youve made huge leaps in acknowledging your abuse and seeing how it has affected your life.

Try not to be too hard on yourself with whatever destructive behaviours have been in your past. Theses are all coping mechanisms but you are on the right track now.

As disappointing as it may be that your wife blabbed to the local gossip, again, your recovery here is paramount. You can only focus on one thing at a time.

It does sound like your friend from the army will be a great support.

My therapist told me one time that if I didn't have huge trust issues, he'd wonder about the abuse. He wasn't being mean or anything. It was his way of saying, We have trust issues, everyone who has been abused. I've learned to put everything through the translation of my past. If I didn't have instant-on shields, how would I feel about this?

We're just glad you made it here. It's a new start. Like finding out the root cause of so much in life. And by knowing the cause, we can begin to live the lives we were born to live instead of living a life of reactions to people and events that aren't happening now.

Take care of yourself.

Welcome to MaleSurvivor.

I can remember how hard it was for me to pluck up the courage to confide in someone and I also know how it felt to have my secret blabbed to all the people I didn't want to know. I know how bad it hurts to have trust betrayed. Just reading your post, triggers those feeling in me all over again.

I think that what I want you to know is that you are not alone. I am sure that there are many more men here besides myself who also have had similar experiences.

It may help you to deal with this whole stinking mess if you knew what motivated your wife to confide in "Gladys Cravits" of all people. Did she do it with malice and intent to do you harm? Or on the other hand did she do it out of a genuine need to find understanding as she delt with something that to her was quite overwhelming? Please understand that my point is not to excuse her actions but to help make sense what seems to make no sense.

Love ya

You hit the nail on the head Darrel. She has never done ANYTHING with malice towards me. I had to look back at all the times I would self destruct and she stood there with open arms and loved me unconditionally. Any other women would of left me many moons ago, and have. No her heart is true as is her love. I freaked out as my emotions went wild and that has not happened to me ever. Hell didnt really know what true emotions were until now. We are working on our relationship and I hope to God I didnt damage it beyond repair. If I did I understand as I am the one that cause it, but I hope she has the courage to forgive one more time. And my reasonings are TRUELY honest this time, I dont have to lie anymore to myself or her and that my friend is the most liberating thing I have felt in my life. True love is a wonderful thing I just never knew or refused to except it until now.

Fight the good fight my friends