The Frustrations of Insomnia?

The Frustrations of Insomnia?
How many of you guys are dealing with insomnia, and how do you deal with it? I can't remember the last time I've had a solid night's sleep.

I know what you mean. I haven't had more than 5 hours sleep in over a month and I have not slept more than 3 hours straight in that same time frame. It is rough, but I just keep thinking as I talk more about my problem and as I begin to feel better about myself and think less about the abuse, the sleep will come. Just try to be positive, my friend. When the time is right, we will sleep again!!
I have times of insomnia and I deal with them a number of ways. I use some aromatherapy to help relax and calm me such as lavender is a great sent to help calm so lavender incense and essential oils are something I try to keep in the house. I also have teas to drink before bed to help ease and calm me. If all else fails my doctor has prescribed me Lunesta which is a sleep aid and it helps. I still even with all those have nights where I may only get 3 hrs sleep if that. I know that since I was on the weekend retreat I have been sleeping better. I think that has to do with taking some real solid steps towards recovery and feeling better about myself and knowing I am on the right path.

I think ever since I was 8 when I had to go through my CSA, I could never sleep. I remember putting a blanket on the floor and stuffed it up against the bottom of the door so my mom could not see that my light was on at 12 or 1 in the morning. (Now I stay up till about 3 or 4 in the morning). I realize that I am affraid of sleep. I'm affraid I'll die in it and affraid of what comes to haunt me in my dreams. I've blurred it out for years but I'm starting to understand whats going on. My issue is I drink a six pack of bud light every night to put me down. It's extremely unhealthy and I feel like garbage in the morning but it knocks me out. It's horrible because its the only thing I can think of to help me sleep. I hate what its doing to my health and I need to find an alternative for it. I run on 4 or 5 hours of sleep a day myself. Sometimes I wake up sufficating struggling for air but I can't move my body or inhale. Its as if I stop breathing and I struggle for a long time to get that one gasp of air that will wake me up completely. I wonder if sometime I wont be able to get that gasp I need. Maybe I could use a retreat myself. I graduate in december, perhaps I can get some group assistance. I will not take sleeping pills to get me to sleep.
Since the end of june or so I haven't been able to sleep much either.
Usually due to nightmares, wich make me don't wanna sleep too.
I usually have a night without sleep, two with about 3 hours of sleep, two nights with no sleep, etc.
It makes it hard to do many things.
Especially concentrating is hard. While I used to be able to do my homework in about a hour, now after a couple of hours I still haven't got anything done.
I drop stuff all the time. It's hard to 'connect the dots' when someone talks to me.
Someone suggested a particular sleeping drugs to me, wich should also help against nightmares.. I guess maybe I should ask about it, because this isn't working anymore.
To get some stuff of your mind, orden the chaos in my head, I write a lot. About anything I feel like at that moment. It doesn't really help me against nightmares, but it's still nice to get some of it out. For the same reason I like to run, to just think about nothing for a hour, or two.

Hi; first post...

I gave up using drink to get myself to sleep (in fact I've given up drink full stop), but now all I seem to do is just kind of lay there. To be honest I've just gotten used to it.

I've tried sleeping pills, relaxing milky drinks, but they don't really work.

When I used to go to the gym I found that that helped; being totally exhausted was about the best method.

At the moment, although my body is really tired (what with never getting enough sleep), my mind is just... awake. Usually it's just crap floating around in my head.

Breathing quite loudly and slowly seems to help, as though I'm trying to trick my body into thinking I'm asleep, but I could just be making that up :confused: .
Hi MS,

Insomnia? Yeah, back when first started dealing with my SA 3+ years ago, I suffered from it. I was lucky to get maybe 2 hours of sleep per night. I finally broke down and saw a therapist who put me on antidepressants and a low dose sedative to take at night for sleep. It worked like a charm while I dealt with all the memories of the abuse, and grief over what I lost as a child.

It does get better, My Friend. Just keep working on the issues as best you can, and if you aren't on meds, consider it. If you are on meds, consider asking your doc to adjust them. You need your sleep, Bro, or you'll be ill equipped to deal with any of this.

Good luck with it.

Lots of love,

I have lots of problems sleeping. There mostly from nightmares. my wife will have to hold me because i kick and hit while i'm having them. Usually when I wake up I'll get up for awile, because I dont want to dream again. Some nights I get hardly any sleep.
Hi Friends,I am all to familiar with getting little or no sleep.I have done alot better but i still only get about 4-6 hours sleep however i have never slept 4 hours straight nevermind 6 hours.I had the memories re-surface back in 2004 and i would literally not only be terrified to go to sleep as a result of the memories but moreover i just could not bare to have another nightmare in which i was having several nightmares (3 at least a month)and living in new england and the bitter cold weather we get i would walk the streets for hours in this weather and could have cared less if i ever went to sleep again, to keep me awake i would drink espresso shots of coffee and this would of course keep me wide awake therefore i would'nt have to deal with sleep.I was not sleeping for days at a time and finally i had to go on meds to pass out otheriwse i would work myself up to the point i would disasociate and go numb.I know it's hard for you right now but I PROMISE you are going to be okay whether you beleive it or not.Dealing with this s#$% is not easy at all and all you can do is know, no matter how you are feeling ultimately you'll be alright and things in your life will become alot easier to deal with.If you're in therapy good for you,if you're not i highly suggest you sought help through this time in your life,you cannot do this on your own it is to overwhelming emotionally.Finally you need to surround yourself with people who know and understand and support you because again you can't do this by yourself.I truly wish in my heart for you that you'll make it to the otherside(if you will)and your life and your mental health will be beyond any happiness you can even imagine.Please always be gentle with yourself and try not to explain away or not allow your feelings to surface because your going to have to feel the pain unfortuantely that comes with dealing with csa.Take care and god bless you.The coopstah...