Yes reality! I need to make reality checks every now and then. I get so caught up in the external doing that it becomes oh so important, that I even forget that I am loosing my centre and draining. Or get tense over minor things. Make them into big deals and monsters that swallow me!
And that is when the things on the outside start going haywire as well. and that is warning sign.
So now I have decided to put that 'hyper vigilance' to some good use. By being vigilant about my energy system.
When ever I find a kink, immediately recify before it blows up my fuse. Keep tabs of any small emotional disturbances and reaction which I may otherwise over look or ignore. Because they keep adding up the day. and create that jetlagged effect, because my mind has been flying every where thru the day! It is actually a fatigued mind.
So I need to take care of my mind, by resolving to not over stress or it will burn out as it has low threshold point right now.
When I find the temerature rising or something unsettling happening within I just HAVE to take a break and heal my mind FIRST. or it will collapse sooner or later.
In my drivenness I push my self too much. Sometimes I psyc myself up towards doing things I dont want to. and that is again CONTROL I rebel against so often when it is external.IRonical.
So I need to stand up for my self and say NO to myself at times, to my driveness and perfectionsm and hardiness.
And call for help the moment I realise I need it. NOT ignore my own cry for help, as I did all those years. If I cant take it, I cant take it. Period.
In my perfectionism and yes that fear of failing to do it right can be very exhausting. So I am learning to take a break from all of that. As someone suggested being good to myself, my mind and my energy system.
And most of all keep energising my self thru the day. By doing things I enjoy. If I am not enjoying than I am not only doing it wrong but harming my fragile energy system.
Whenever I dont meditate in the morning to fill myself with fresh energy or just to clear my system up, I get progressively drained through the day.
So what I did today was I took a break in the middle of working hour, went for short walk. And since I work from home I danced a bit on my favourite soothing music, and did some Taichi. So before I work I need to work on myself!
This will be my daily practise now!
Something that centres me or takes my mind of myself, so that Universe can heal me in those moments.
And when I find I am at peace once again. everything goes right once again. I get the call from the person I was fretting to call. Universe is more generous and caring than we think. And the work that was making my energies so turbid was not so urgent after all. Nothing is a matter of life and death as I make it to be.
I need to make myself the priority at all times, which means my energy system..When I am at it feels good.
If I just take it easy things will happen more easily. Universe seems to be working with me, in harmony with me.
Just because I am in harmony with myself.
Thank you guys