...the Cantor thing
there's questions ya gotta ask yourself about this. He's 61 years old. The boy was 3 years old. His own nephew. I mean,what can you do with a 3 year old child? Tinfoil wracks his brain trying to put himself in the cantor's place. There's gotta be a turn-on here,right? But what? How on God's green earth can some dude get a stiffy over a 3 year old? You can pile on the psychological terminology trying to explain this till hell freezes over till it reaches Everest's heights. After all's said it's just a guy wanting an orgasm and damn to hell anyone standing in his way. Could've been a little boy. Or a microwaved chicken carcass freshly purchased from the local supermarket heated to body temp. I'd deal with the cantor "Vlad the Impaler" style..