The big picture

The big picture

John Oarc

If you take yourself far away, say a thousand miles straight up and look down at things you can visualize this;

We "the raped and abused" were not given much of a fighting chance when you compare that to others who have been much more fortunate.

In the grand scheme of things we can shine brighter than anyone else. Those of us who, through no fault of our own were abused and left with little to no chance at having a fruitful life can do just that and even surpass the more fortunate ones.

If you look at it this way, we have an opportunity to come from the depths of hell and achieve, the others have no excuse, no reason to give when they look at their life and wonder what they have contributed to this world.

There are so many people who have not sufferred anything as horrific as we have and some of them have done nothing with their lives. Imagine the death bed thought that would go through their mind if they could experience a day in the life of a CSA survivor and imagine that day was full of helping others, compassion, contributing back to society when we were given so little to begin with.

I thought about this on the way home from work, so it is off the cuff and a little rough.

Have a great weekend, you guys are great.

That's something worth thinking about. Isn't it so often the case that a person who has to face and overcome a terrible challenge in his life will rise to heights others would not even dream of?

Much love,
John - I see people at work that split into cliques. It appears to be mainly about who can scive the most / who can get away with spending the most time on the internet / who can form the largest group of people to pull one other person to bits. To think that I stayed in the background for so many years thinking that these cliques were something to try and join.

I am about to be really blunt, so don't read the next line if you are easily offended!

They are really an absolute bunch of cu**s that haven't got an original idea in their heads. They think that because they have achieved specific qualifications that they are the bees knees - not if they don't actually do anything with them they aren't.

We carry several parasites within our company, and I am letting them know what they are. Myself and a couple of others within our team give more than we should (120%) whilst others give about 40% if they are lucky. This goes back to my lack of tolerance for injustice. I only work with them - I don't live with them.

Abuse is abuse / injustice is injustice - I have a voice that is now difficult to silence.

We do shine bright!

best wishes ...Rik
People who give out of the goodness of their heart, people who have little to give but still contribute, are the people I look up to. Money, fame, popularity and all the rest of the outward appearances of success have nothing on the unseen unselfish acts of the meek or broken hearted.

When it is all said and done we have the opportunity to do great things and we are all capable. Great things, in my mind, does not line up with societies belief of achievment. I have read multiple post here where guys have helped others while they relentlessly work on their abuse issues. It is amazing that we have the capacity to find the strength to come out of our anger, feelings of helplessness, depression and anxiety and still find the time and energy to help others. This site is evidence of that helping spirit. Daily, guys like Larry and many others answer questions, they take the time out of their day and night to help others with nothing expected in return. That is something you don't find every day, atleast I don't see it very often in the real world. Most people are looking out for themselves, not others.

We should be proud of ourselves, I know I am proud of all of us.
Well, maybe you're proud of me but I am not. I'm still cooking and washing dishes for a living because no one is talking to me. I TRIED to do something about my life. I've TRIED to take control of it. I took a job training couse and earned a couple of notable certifications, (A+ and Network+), and STILL no one will hire me cuz I have no experience. I'm going nowhere still. It's hard for me to fathom how ANY of you guys ever became "successful".
It is about patience and perseverance. I know that sounds trite, but it is true. Keep looking and someone will give you a break. I also was a cook and dishwasher for years, from the time I was 14 to 25. Believe in yourself, don't let your abuser win! You have every right to make a success of your life, how ever you define success.


Success is not measured in my eyes as monetary gain or sociel rankings. Your heart is what I am talking about. I am proud of your heart, your ability to give when you have experienced nothing in return.

Many people succeed while people are helping them row their boat (good parents, loving, caring, protective) and some people succeed while others were shooting holes in their boat.

My boat felt like someone had a tommy gun going at it, as I am sure you have experienced the same.

I love your heart Hauser, that is what I see when I see you, not your job, not your appearence, your heart.

The things that mean the most in this life come from a giving heart and if you look at your life I am sure you will find the many things you have done out of selflessness. When you were having a hard time making it through the day you were kind to others, when you thought you were going to cave in, you gave of yourself to someone you did not even know and expected nothing in return.

It is easy to give when you have plenty, it takes a real man to do it when he has nothing but his heart to give.
Hey Hauser-

Making more money does not make you a better person nor does it make problems go away. That said, having a certain amount of financial freedom does allow us to address more core issues. Also, I think it's a huge bump in our self esteem to progress in a choosen direction.

Are you familiar with It is web site that specializes in technical jobs. If you have had little expeience or no experience then you would probably want to start on a helpdesk. Helpdesk work is frustrating but often leads to other positions. I did a search of jobs within 75 miles of a Grand Rapids Zip and fair number postions came up. You will want to fine tune this search.

Remember, if you see a job that you like and you meet the MAJORITY of the job requirements then apply for it. LET THEM TELL YOU NO. A lot of the time, companies will list off their "ideal" canidate. Often their "ideals" are not realistic.

Also, don't be afraid of taking contract work to get started/experience. A lot of large corporation will bring on contractors for out sourced work loads or major projects. Sometimes contracting gigs are short term but can become long term if you produce.

hope this helps!
The most important thing I can think of today in my life is making sure I try to provide a positive influence when I encounter people. I do not want to direct anyone in a negative way. Helping others has to be the key to this life. In that, a kind word goes a long way to help others and it is not that hard to come up with a few each time we come across a person in need.
The more sucessful I become, the harder I can fight because the more contacts I have in positions of power.

Hauser, we love you because your you. That should be enough. I know that you want more, the only advice I can give is dont give up.

One day your chance will come and I know you'll seize it with both hands.