The Abuser (this one will create painful thoughts)
My father who molested me is still alive. Over the last 15 years since my parents divorced and after I was kicked out by my father at 17 years old I have seen him maybe five times. Most of those instances were forced upon me by realtives including the last time which was august of last year. I have not disclosed the abuse information to anyone in my family at all. Does anyone let this happen beside me? My preference of course is avoidence but without disclosure to my family how do I remain sane? I know some are thinking this will not work I have to shake the world up even in my family. Stop protecting the abuser I know someone is yelling at the computer. In august my wife was adamant about not letting him stop by as he drove through town. She of course wanted to protect me and our 9 month old son. I was pushed by his mother to allow the visit. Two things happened that day. I saw a frail old man whose past crushed him with worry and hate of himself and being found out. This man is in need of forgiveness I thought. My other thought of course was good you got what you deserved you bastard. I let him leave without discussion or forgiveness. I have not talked to him since either. Has anyone struggled with this issue?