test sort of

test sort of
Pointless? Hardly. You are addressing one of the core issues we deal with: Fear.

Facing it as you are, posting in spite of it, is progress. Any time we face our 'irrational' fears (and please don't take offense at the word irrational) we grow beyond what we are. This can only be good.
We all get afraid, and we all get scared, and we also continually feel sorry.

No thread is pointless, or you would not post it, so just be OK,

DB, I think that my first post was...


and I don't know if I even signed my name.

I, too, was testing the waters.

But don't ask anyone, now, they'll tell you that I rarely shut up.

We're not going to have that kind of trouble from you, are we? Just kidding, just kidding.

Well don't worry about it, post, write when you want to...whenever you're ready, it's your schedule, not ours. But, we'll be here when you are.

DB, you have to crawl before you walk, and walk before you run, so take your time and pace yourself at your own speed and do as much or little as you want.