Temporary PC Problems

Temporary PC Problems


Just a short note that after 4 years and two O/Ss, my PC is unable to hold on much longer so you may not here from me for a couple of days. though I'll likely find a way to 'linger' :p .

Didn't want anyone to worry though. things are actually going great... still have the staph though. :mad: :rolleyes:

You guys know how to get hold of me if necessary.

Happy Pride!!! :D

Hugs to all.

I hope that your computer, and YOU, feel better soon! Take care of yourself.
floppy disk to floppy disk resuscitation

4 years, now a days, that is a long life for a computer! Of course I still have a P166 running that is several years old. Hey it works great for my scanner that work in anything past win98.


I am back online at home. Had to limit my posting at work of course.

Windows XP! enh :rolleyes:

Missed you guys.

Victor... spank, spank... glad you are back, that's all I'll say. :D

Hugs to you all!!!