Taxis Are Bad

Taxis Are Bad
Taxis are bad, the drivers rape little boys. Anyway that is my experience with them. That was then, this is now. I still dont like taxis. Every time I see one, I remember. If one pulls up beside me at a stoplight, I wont look at the driver, too scary.

The other morning I get to work and am just getting out of my car and a taxicab pulls to the curb behind my car. One of the nurses I work with gets out and I freak out. I run up to her and ask her if she is ok. I say, He didnt do anything to you did he? Are you sure youre ok? She looks at me like I have more than just a loose screw. Her look is more like my last screw just fell out and she can see that I am just a heap of rubble on the sidewalk. And that is how I feel. I try to reassure her that everything is ok but she is obviously not convinced.

Lunchtime comes and I think she is watching for me to take my lunch brake. Because here she comes and sits down at the table in the shade outside where I am sitting. She never does that. She says, So Darrel, do you care to explain what that was all about this morning? I say No. I look at the purple bracelet Im wearing on my wrist, the one that Dwayne gave me. It says Break the Silence. I talk. I tell her in as few words as possible what happened to me and my brother. She hugs me. We have a good conversation.

Sometimes we can build strong bridges with what starts off as an accident.

My best friend in the whole world is my former drug dealer(Pot, nothing else). One day, I told him a lie to cover my history.

To cut a long story short I ended up telling him everything and later he told me the same thing (same meat, different gravey)happened to him.

We both cut our ties with drugs (eventually) and have become best friends.

All from a lie......
I'm glad to hear that speaking up works for others too!


An emotional day! Recognition!

some people just seem to know, that nurse was one of them.
I never pry into anyones feelings, I just say OK, tell me if you want.

Funny how I always seem to notice troubled kids, and it turns to fear in me.
You were just reacting to something that triggers you, taxis.

Public toilets do it every time for me, I never use them unless I am with an adult :)


I can feel the panic and scaryness of what little Darrel felt like.

I know how hard it is brother. just want to give u a safe hug.

{{{{{{ Darrel))))))))))))))))


I can imagine how you felt, especially when your colleague left the scene clearly wondering what the hell is going on.

What's wonderful in this case is that she approached you and invited you to speak out. That shows she is a caring and compassionate person. She was there to say "Something is wrong and I am here for you." What's especially cool, though, is that you broke the silence and accepted her offer of support.

That's a great step. It's so difficult to know when we should talk and when we should not. Hopefully the silence has weakened in its grip on you after this experience.

Much love,
I had a similar reaction from a colleague recently after another co-worker triggered me. When I briefly explained my reaction, it turned out that she had been hurt severely as a child. Sometimes, I think the entire world is being quiet with the same issue. Confusing to me.

Congratulations on being brave and telling her!

Yeah, I've not been triggered by taxi's, but I've not ridden in one or been around them since the memories of taxi guy started coming back. I'm glad you were able to be open with your coworker about the reasons for your "odd" behavior, and also that she was astute enough to understand you might need to talk about it.


When you look at the stats we could talk about it to anyone and most likely find out they too share in our sufferings in one way or another.

When I go to work I see people that I think have suffered from some form of abuse or another. Working in the healthcare field I see or hear about abuse all the time, looking at all the families that have been ripped apart by alcohol and drugs you have to wonder what these people are running from, I believe it is abuse in what ever form physical, emotional, sexual....

Adults running from the scared child inside, I know because I was one.

Way to go Darrel,
Hi Darrel, really glad that you were able to tell. I hope things contenue to go well.

Take care,