My situation, my feelings, mirror yours and everyone else who posted here.
It isn't logical, really, but somehow, when it comes to sex, we are made to think ANY sexual thought or urge is bad, especially when we're kids. The truth is that children are very sexual beings, but act on them by themselves or with peers (kids our own age/maturity level). When we're caught at it by adults, we're usuallhy told it's "bad" and we're "dirty" for acting this way.
We've gotten better at it, I think, but abusers prey on the two-fold level of "you're so grown-up, and this is what grownups do" and "your parents/whatever will think you're bad if you tell them what we're doing." So they put the blame on us.
Not to minimize female abuse as well, but boys and men can be seen to be stimulated as well. When we respond to it, the abuser most of the time says we really WANTED what happened, and this adds to our guilt.
My childhood abuser was a counsellor, and he was VERY good at wrapping my mind around his finger. Even at its most horrific, he made ME feel like I was to blame. Now I know better, but the child I was still feels guilt.
It's a shame we feel this way, Daniel, but it's normal.
I want you to hear this again, though. It's not your fault. Not ever. The more times you hear this, and the more times you SAY this to yourselfm, the sooner you'll start really believing it. Because also it's the truth.
I'm sorry you need this place, Daniel, but I'm glad you're here.
Peace and love,