Survivors Resolutions

Survivors Resolutions


2005! I'll be the big 3-0 this year. Got some goals i'll be setting myself, that I hope (hope) will heal.

Welp, here goes:

1) Come out of the shell: This means, spend some time with friends and (maybe) family. Isolation has been a dominant theme for well over a year now. Everyone thinks its drugs or alcoholism. That's safe that they think that...for now.

2) Quit thinking "everyone knows": first, I gotta understand what they know. It's best if I remain less presumptious. Understand why I feel as if "they know whats going on!".

3) Therapy. Preferably a group setting with male peers. Use this site as a foundation for seeking this type of help.

4) Clean my apartment. Believe it or not, packrat. I dont know if obsessive-compulsion is one of the results of SA - but, I cant even throw away those coupon mailers. This probably has something to do with loss? or holding on?

5) Relax, breathe. When someone stands behind me, i'll stop breathing. I dont notice right away - but, when I do I can just breath.

6) Throw out superstitious thought patterns: I'm not being experimented on by "Nazi Scientists who want to study the subserviant effects of SA, so that such SA can be leveraged to make a more civil, subserviant society". Although this would make an interesting plot for a book, I gotta stop believing it might be true.

7) Get to know my neighbors. I am tired of freaking them out, by yelling aggressive things at them because I think they do home improvements to piss me off. Well, they do hammer things at 11:00 at night. But, I could always quit assuming it's done to irritate me.

8) Trust men. Trust women. Not everyone wants to have sex or "use" me. Breathe. Relax. And let the burden of thought rest.

Guys, these are real goals for me. I hope to achieve at least the first three. I know this post wont be here next year, but it symbolically represents 'etched in stone'.
Hmmm, for the new year,
1) Finally conquer my weight issues.
2) Stop holding myself in check and allow myself to be a little wild.
3) Stop fearing letting people get close.
4) Clean up my potty mouth.
5) Raise my GPA back to over 3.0.

I have been working on #4 for 14 years, sinse I was 14. It is better, but I still let the F-bomb drop too often.

1:- Work on dumping a whole load of shit that has been flying around in my mind and let my mind be mine for a change, not the vehicle of abuse.

2:- Eat more, I tend not to eat, and let my body weight drop too far.

3:- Annoy the neighbours, something I tend to neglect in the past, how about fireworks at midnight, or black sabbath at 80 watts RMS.

4:- Stop trying to be perfect, perfection holds me back, and I hate it, but it is OCD, I think, need to break with that one, as it is not me.

5:- Let the World know we are here, I spend 40 years living the lie, 40 years too many.

6:- Go back to the site of the abuse, it is still there, as it was all those years ago. I need the courage to go there and put some memories to rest.
I still get eerie feelings when I walk around that town.

7:- Live my life, the way it was meant to be, and accept love and fix the family problems, problems that only I can repair, because I was the cause of all of it.

all the best for the new year 2005

ste ;)
1/ To continue pursuing the possibilty of taking my abuser to court (I have so much support from so many directions)

2/ To accept that what happened to me is not the most critical thing in my life - having good friends and living now is so much more important.

3/ 'Clean the potty mouth' is a good one - sometimes when stressed, I cannot afford my own swearbox...I could be a very rich pensioner, but I could be very skint now!

4/ My neighbours are OK, so I promise to leave my drum kit in the attic for now.

5/ I promise to smile at no less than 10 people per day & mean it - even if they think I am mad.

6/ I promise to accept all the support that people provide for me because I have spent most of my life giving that support to others & I always meant it - why shouldn't they be genuine when they offer support to me.

7/ If people feed me bullshit - than I must tell them (unless there are exceptional circumstances).

8/ I must continue to visibly care about others, because that is what life is about.

9/ I must confront people who are intolerant of others without good reason (racists / bigots).

10/ I must love myself!

Originally posted by PhillyPa:
I know this post wont be here next year, but it symbolically represents 'etched in stone'.
Actually, this post will be here next year. You can change the setting to 'show all posts', not just the last 20 or 30 days. So if you will be wanting to, you will be able to find it a year from now.

As for my personal goals this year, one is to confront my father. I almost did it a few months ago, and was unable to. But I feel the need for it.

I will have to think of others. I know that maintaining physical and mental health is one of them. I am sure I will have one related to my girlfriend and our relationship. But I am not sure of what they specifically are yet.

This year I'm gonna do it! I'm going to see therapist about all this crap I've been carrying around in my head for at least 35 years. I've been too frightened to deal with this stuff for too long.

I want to wish each of you guys a truly happy new year. I hope each of you are productive in dealing with your individual SA issues. You are all the bravest bunch of men I know of. No matter what stage of healing you are at, the fact that you are here at MS, trying to heal is a brave feat in and of itself.

Above all, I hope and pray that each of you stay safe this next year. Take care of yourselves, always.
I've only got one resolution:

Be a better man by treating my wife and kids better, and work hard to be the provider and protector they need.

If I can get that done, I may still be married at the end of 2005.
I am not sure of what are the more personal things for me to resolve, of course I want to continue with the healing and the therapy.

I have resolution to eat healthy and not make myself throw up no more, to stay more healthy with that.

I want to take a class in English to be able to read it and write it better.

I want to be able to help to provide better financially to my family, more then I could this year.

There are others, but they are more private to me.

i think right now i am learning to use my mind in new ways - the goals that come from this are going to organically form -
i know that i will continue with therapy and devote a great deal of my energy to that -
gaining confidence - to meet people - not be afraid of them -
or controlled by them -

are these goals - well heck yeah! not a list tho'
ah well - forever different and unique --

i wish i always didn't feel the odd man out -

bye for now!
1) Learn to be comfortable in my own skin
2) Continue to learn to accept myself
3) Continue in my Sobriety, and staying clean
4) Build a Gay friend support group
5) Build a loving carring enviornment for myself