Survivor of Abuse from Mother

Survivor of Abuse from Mother


Hi everyone,

I have lurked on this website for a while. I can't thank you enough for providing the information and stories you have given. In fact, you stories have inspired me to share my own here. As a caveat, I should say that I am failing to get to sleep and wishing that I could but knowing that I can't take the analysis paralysis fueling my insomnia anymore. So here goes. Here is my story:

My mother made me her husband. She groomed for this from the time I was young. She taught how to talk to her, where to touch her, down to every last detail: even to how to react properly to what she felt. I was the middle child, so I was used to taking on roles. My family quickly fell apart when my younger sister died leading to divorce and older siblings leaving home early. I was all that was left besides my younger brother. So, my mother and I made the best of it. Or rather, she made the best of me, and I made the best of that.

When I was very little, she would con me into touching her inappropriately by having me play with my toy cars on her back. She surreptitiously guided my play to her private areas. At first, she would undo her bra so that I could "drive freely" on her back. This led to her lowering her underwear and so on.

Unfortunately, there are still some holes in my memories, so I remember how it started and how it ended mostly and some stuff in the middle.
Anyway, as I grew older, I began to resemble my father physically more and more. She obviously found this very attractive and concocted more ways for me to touch her. My mother was ravenous for attention and she always found a way of turning seemingly altruistic gifts into her pleasure. For example, I remember her buying me a set of brushes and paint when I was in middle school. I was so excited. Then the conning began. She insisted that I paint her. More and more, she became demanding that I draw her, paint her, sketch her for hours at a time. She would pose in less and less clothing. I think as long as she had someone staring at her, feeding her the attention she so desperately lacked, she was happy.

And here's the strange part of it all. Without discounting the experiences of other, I would like to say that I think the type of abuse I experienced was more intimate than others. Because it wasn't just abuse, it was an ENTIRE RELATIONSHIP! I thought of my mother and I as a unit. I found out later that my other siblings, even the ones that left home, were constantly jealous of the attention I was getting. If they only knew...
As a result of this intense relationship with my mother, so many of my other relationships have failed. I either move too fast or am too distant. In long term relationships, I even find myself disgusted with sex with the person after a while. I think it is because I always become more submissive than is comfortable for me in the relationship and then I view sex with that person as tantamount to sex with my mother and I am disgusted with myself. I am still working on that one. But I find that the right amount of autonomy makes me feel intimate and yet still feel like it is a choice when I have sex.

I am still so angry at other people in my life for not stopping this relationship. My father. My older sister. I wish I could have stopped playing the role she cast me in sooner, but I always went back to it, to her, and thus to the abuse. What's more is that teachers, other parents, friends loved my mother. She was very charming.

It's been four years since we've spoken. In the past, I have even found myself mourning the loss of this relationship, because regardless of how negative and toxic it was, I guess it was the only kind of love I knew for a very long time. Sort of a catch 22 though, because the toxicity of that relationship prevented me from having other successful relationships. So I often found myself tangled back into her web from sheer loneliness, and even while I was an adult, she would still try to initiate sex with me (Once even in front of my current partner of 7 years). She was just obsessed with me in every way. Maybe she was just obsessed with the idea of loving with no boundaries no matter who it hurt. After all, she insisted that secrets never be kept no matter what.

Okay, not sure why, but I just had to get that off my chest. Here's hoping for sleep and some silencing of those racing thoughts zinging in and around my head like a cranial pinball machine.

Thanks again
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I was also made the Husband by my mother. I do not remember the sex but I do know that she always wanted to see me naked. She would also put me to bed naked as a child.
I am sorry about the fact that your childhood was most likely stolen like mine. She chased away my friends to keep me to herself.
I am 39 now I am married but have sexual issues that I am dealing with. I only let my mother see my kids about once a month and only with supervision.
I will not let her steal their childhood.
Rileyflinn, thanks for posting glad to know there is someone else out there.
Thanks, Dogs&Gods. It helps knowing someone else out there. It's amazing to me how female sexual abuse can be rationalized, especially abuse by mothers. Maybe it's because society gives them so much latitude as caretakers, even though their actions if done by fathers would be treated with so much more open hostility. I have often wondered if women just abuse differently. I am fortunate enough to have an understanding mother-in-law and when we were talking about it she said, "Well, it's still a woman, and so she'll make you do things that women like." I think this makes it all the more difficult to come forward, because much of the abuse is so subtle and revolving around sensuality rather than clear-cut sexual acts. Thanks again.
Hi, my fraternal brothers,

My "mom" was the first to get to me, liked the hell out of cleaning my penis & at times kissing it.

We also slept together, real close, but if anything further happened it has not come to the concious mind. I was the "man" of the house from 8-14 yrs old.

She, had set me up for a male perp at 8 yrs old.
And as the old saying goes, the rest is history.

"I will take that lost boys hand, and i will lead him from the depths of darkness, into the sunshine, forever into eternity."

Heal well, my brothes, heal well.

It has been forever and an age it seems, since I visited, let alone posted to this site. I feel a bit selfish in this lack of offering any support, when I was so wonderfully supported by all here whn I was in greater need.

I too, at my father's bidding became my mother's husband. I was my father's serrogate by his design, and by her wounded nature. He would often coach and be present although his ED prevented his full participation, thus the call to me. This was after about a year of a relationship with him before ED disabled him. I am so very greatful to you for you post. I am sorry that I'm a jonney come lately to reading it.

Please know that there is life - quality life and honest love - post all of this abuse, and the long journey of recovery.

I thought I was being a good and loving son, and pursuing these relationships because of what I was taught, and at the time felt it was as natural as breathing. Of course in reality it was not. When I grew to know the truth - it, the anger, self-blame/guilt - the whole 9 yards - almost killed me. I almost killed me. I was broken and broken hearted.

I thank all goodness that good and decent folk found their way into my life and as a result of much counseling, and the honest love of others, I am once again doing well and loving in truth.

We are not to blame for our parents or any other adult making us be responsible for and to them and their needs and/or desires. They were just broken despite outward appearances. We can choose to live beyond it.

I believe beyond all beliefs that you too can come to peace,good sleep, and quality life. If I can lend any support, I will. I am not disciplined in my support though. I often get distracted by work, and the rest. I guess I'd like all to see that one can indeed find the space and relief to just simply live minus the angst this all creates. So keep working - keep going - keep living!

Peace - be well!

I so relate to what your saying about your relationships with your moms. I had to cut all contact with my mom in March after an awful react from her by my confronting her.

I will NOT go into her and I's relationship at this time BUT I will say it was full of inappropriateness.

I have peered into this site from afar for awhile. I am sorry this happened to any of us but I am glad to have this site for a resource and hope to share more with you all.

I'm scared that the next time my wife and I are in bed together, I'm going to lose my erection again, that I'll suddenly remember Mom touching me and speaking to me. Any advice on how to fight that?
This abuse sits at the core of my "being", so I am not sure there is any "fighting" it.

Does she know about the abuse from your mom? If so, then understanding needs to be the "rule". If not or even if she does "sex play" is in order. What I mean by sex play is just have fun with it. I would say trust is the first issue but, I am thinking since she is your wife that you and her have trust.

In the mean time, and you deserve to take your time have fun.

A great T is always in order.

@learning2remember: One trick I sometimes use, but I can't guarantee it's healthy, is that I always imagine violently pushing out my mother from my thoughts. Sometimes, I found that when I acknowledged what's going on for me with my partner, then it went away. I guess trying to hide or force it out sometimes made the flashback more important than it really was. Although, I think the greatest change came when I changed the way I looked at my mother.

I have struggled for years about how to handle her: from befriending her to make it seem less scary to out and out thinking she was pure evil. I think I finally reached a balance, when I realized that she was just human like everybody else. I took ownership over the fact that I could react like a survivor and not a victim with lots of help from my therapist, partner, this website, and good books. I still struggle, but I also have been trying to direct my attention outward. For example, I was homeless for a little while when I was in high school. It was definitely because of running away from my abusive mother. I was cussing her and blaming her, and feeling sorry for myself. Then, I decided to volunteer at my local homeless shelter. I realize that I can't save what happened to me, but I can help someone else who may struggling with the same thing. That brings me comfort.

@Avery: I am so sorry you had to go through that. I think incest covert or overt can be the worst, because not only do you lose a family member by dealing with it but then you have all the trauma of the abuse. I empathize.
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