surgery went ok

surgery went ok


WARNING from ModTeam, September 2013: user "Shado
well its over ,i got a huge headacheand a tube with a bag hanging out of my head yuuck ,but its only for a few days ,one of the people here has a laptop so i wanted to say im ok adam
I am so glad to hear that the surgery is over. Hang in there. And keep staying away from drugs. I pray for you to get through your struggles.

Adam, we were all hoping you were going to be OK.
Now its another thing behind you, and less to worry about.

Great news ;)

Well you don't have to worry about willpower for a while, Adam - you won't be able to get ahold of any bad drugs in your present condition, even if you tried. :)

Just teasin'. On the other hand, get healed up quick, and don't stop working on what needs work. Like I said before, there's a lot of people here hoping you do well.
You'll be up and around in no time. So glad this hurdle is over. One less thing for you to worry about. Pulling for you.
Take care.

One day at a time, my friend. Congratulations on this step, and keep going. We all love you and are with you all the way.

Much love,
adam, I know you dont believe in God, but I asked him a special favour, along with a few other guardian spirits.

All these guys around the World sending you good thoughts is pretty impressive.

We need YOU here,

Adam, glad to hear it went okey!

am very glad to hear that the surgery went well - really hope that you recover fast - you got lots of friends here pulling for you - if good thoughts can heal you should be up and running around in no time...

Take good care of yourself,

TJ jeff

Glad to hear that all went well.

Happy Birthday my friend, hope all goes well for you in the years to come.

Love ya


Glad you came through the surgery. Just take things one day at a time, and remember, we're here.

Lots of love,

you guys are amazing ,heh i been clicking and crying ever since i got home. never knew i could feel like this ,im not ashamed to say that it brings tears ,im so proud to know each of you guys ,somebody cares ,lots of somebodys care ! about adam .right now im proud to be adam cause i must have done something right to have friends like all of you .