Supplementary Income. (WAY off topic.)

Supplementary Income. (WAY off topic.)


Hi all. Sorry I've been mostly MIA of late. Also, sorry my first post in a while is about something completely way off topic. I'm a little desperate though.

Here's the situation. I was roommates with my brother for about four years but he had to move out in December. I found a new roommate on Craig's List and he and I have cohabitated pretty well for the most part but it doesn't look like he's going to work out past the 6 month lease we signed together. I could probably find another roommate on Craig's List, but I really can't just keep doing that ever six fucking months. Eventually I am going to wind up with someone who is a total scoundrel and/or who can't pay the rent and bills on time.

Here's the dilemma. I make $12 an hour and bring home about $1500 a month after taxes. (Yes, I know I'm a fucking bottom of the barrel unsuccessful looser.) I break my ass to make that much though. I only get about 40 hours a week but I spend a bare minimum of 12-13 hours a week commuting to and from my job sites. At least an hour both ways every day, sometimes more.

If I was bringing home about $2000 a month, I would have enough money to live here by myself with no roommate. That would be awesome. The problem is, how do I find the time to make $500 extra dollars a month and how can it be done?

I'm sure it must be possible. $500 a month isn't a while lot in the grand scheme of things. That's only about $115 a week or $16.50 a day. The problem is, there isn't a whole lot of stuff you can do where you can make that kind of money working however much or however little you want and only have about 10-12 hours a week at most you could dedicate to doing it without completely killing yourself because your total work week is already over 50 hours.

The frustrating thing is, if I were working for all those hours I am commuting, and was making that same $12 an hour, that would be enough. That 12-13 hours of commuting a week is just a complete void. Absolute wasted time. I could be working during that time, or contributing to MS, or just sitting on the sofa, watching baseball and drinking beer. Instead, I'm sitting in my car, swearing at other drivers, pulling my hair out and also burning up gas that's costing me more and more each week these days.

The solution would seem to be, find another job making around $12 an hour close to home that is willing to let me work 50-55 hours a week. The problem with that is, no fucking body wants to let you work more than 40 hours because no one wants to pay you overtime wages. It's so goddamn frustrating.

So, my question is, does anyone have any ideas of how an already hard-working man can earn an extra $500 a month (after taxes) and do so with only about 10 hours a week to dedicate to it? I know the normal suggestions would be sell crack or prostitute myself but I don't know any crack heads and no one is going to pay to be with a dude who is ugly and nearly 40. Ha ha! Selling a kidney on the black market could float me for a few years but that wouldn't last forever either. I mean legit, legal stuff. (Although I am not above being paid under the table to avoid paying Uncle Sam his "share"). Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks. Peace,

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Since I'm doing the conference thing, I've been to a lot of after-hours events that have an open bar. One of the bartenders told me he does that kind of stuff off and on...receptions, other private parties etc. He otherwise has a regular "day job."

He said he got hooked up with some caterers and gets paid a flat rate plus all tips. It's kind of like contract work I guess. If sounded like a pretty good gig.

Why not use what you know and do right now.

Try to find some local people, and care for their plants. Hit up local small businesses, restaurants, hair salons...small c/d class buildings...Small shingle law firm, accountants, dentists. Have a no allergy option, for medical offices....Goto local management companies and bring them a plant. Offer to come back and carefor it for your in there office weekly and can build up to help out in other paying ways.
Try local upscale suburbs and an ad in Starbucks. Plenty of people looking to upgrade their gardens this time of year but dont want to hire a big company.

My neighbor does some in home pet sitting and gets $30 a night...not sure that works in apartments.

Are you handy? Electronically/hobby inclined? Cell phone glass repair is pretty big right now and very very lucrative. Takes a little skill and patience but really only need basic tools. Heat up the glass with a heat gun and slowly pry it up. New glass is about $15 or less and are charging $80+ around here...huge margin.

Good luck.

Is there a medical school nearby? There's money to be made by participating in clinical studies. Also the med schools hire people for their future doctors to practice on. They just take a medical history, check blood pressure, pulse, listen to the heart and lungs. You can opt out of anything you feel is too invasive. Its not steady work, but I've done it to supplement my income in the past. And then there's selling sperm. I've never tried that.

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Hi guys. Thanks for the suggestions. Still trying to figure out what I'm going to do. Hopefully I can get something worked out.

Castle said:
Why not use what you know and do right now.

Try to find some local people, and care for their plants.

Unfortunately that would violate the no compete clause I singed when I got hired on at the company I work for now. Also, all the equipment I have is theirs, not mine. So, I'm not sure my bosses would really appreciate me doing that. It's a nice suggestion though. As for the other stuff, I don't have a handyman or technically inclined bone in my body. :(

Jude said:
Is there a medical school nearby? There's money to be made by participating in clinical studies. Also the med schools hire people for their future doctors to practice on. They just take a medical history, check blood pressure, pulse, listen to the heart and lungs. You can opt out of anything you feel is too invasive. Its not steady work, but I've done it to supplement my income in the past. And then there's selling sperm. I've never tried that.


I've considered the sperm bank thing. It would be kind of weird though. The other stuff is something I'll have to look into. The closest medical school I know of that is close by is Emory but I'm sure there must be others. I'd be up for letting them practice on me, although I hate hypodermic needles, so anything involving that would be out. Anything else I'd pretty much be up for. I wonder if that would be something I could do on the weekends? I'll have to look into it. Peace,

Did you find a resolution?

And, "NO, you are NOT on the loser list" as you mentioned in the first post. You are in the same boat as many MANY of us.

It seems the gap between haves and have-nots is broader and deeper than ever.
WriterKeith said:
Did you find a resolution?

No. I moved back in with my parents last week. :( Thanks though.

Oh, and as far as being a "looser" goes, I guess "looser" is a relative term right? It all depends on what you consider a looser. By the definition that most people would have, I am definitely a looser. Big time.

Sorry guys that I haven't been around MS much. Peace,

Hey Ken,

You may well be "looser". According to, the definition of "Looser" is:

1. To become more free or released from fastening or attachment
2. To become more free from anything that binds or restrains; unfettered

But you are definitely not a "loser", and I doubt your choice of spelling was just an accident, because in your heart you know thats not true.

In your corner man,

Craigslist has awesome listings for one-time-only type jobs.

I saw one where a guy could make $10/hr just handing-out promotional stuff at a NASCAR race entrance.

Another thing that's pretty good for some folks in second-job-land, is working security maybe one-three nights per week.

I'll PM you. I've had ideas, have some plans, but honestly--don't want to be in it alone.

Thanks for asking for help. I'm searching too.