Sudden turnaround - major result!

Sudden turnaround - major result!
what great news, you deserve it.

you've done a brave thing and shown the world that Rik is the man he was always destined to be.

Take care friend.

Rick, from one that knows, GOOD ON YOU MATE!!

Really Im very pleased for you.

Will send you a PM.....

Thanks again for your supportive comments - it still has really sunk in yet?

Just to let you know that the Town Crier has now been publidhed! You may be interested to read page 3 of this weeks issue. Page one also highlights some paedophile issues, but they are not related!

*be patient, it's a bit slow opening!

Best wishes ...Rik

Went to the link and it was well worth the wait for the page to open.

Bravo and well done.


This is good news! Almost gives me the courage to drag a certain perp's sorry ass out of his nursing home bed and into the court room. But he is already out of commission so I wonder if he would be worth spending my energy on?

Anyway, congratulations!

Wow, newspaper you can actually download and keep.
Yes, I read it, he probably pleaded guilty knowing that there are others who did not come forward.

From experience I know they dont just get a few, but many.

He will go down and although the sentence will be lighter because he finally admitted it, he took it to the wire and even had the jury go through the hurt of having to face that type of trial.

You can only hope that the judge realises the depth of degradation he has caused,

Thanks again for your supportive comments.

I have spoken to the police again today, and have only just spoken to my sister - I have now realised that I also knew the third survivor as a child! He has 2 forenames and currently uses the second one as his name - when we were children, he used the first one.

Through talking to my sister I realised that I used to hang around with him when I was probably about 10. We stopped hanging around together when the street that he lived in was demolished & he moved to the opposite end of the town. My sister also used to babysit him and his sister on a Saturday night.

Apparently he is in a right mess at the moment. I have told the police that I don't mind if he wants to contact me directly. I will now inform them that I have made the connection with his name, and that may make him feel more comfortable speaking to me. If he has someone to talk to directly, hopefully that can alleviate the way he is feeling now. I have had four years of recovery (initially very slow) including 2 years here. From what I understand, he has only just spoken up for the first time in December (similar age to myself, just a bit younger). Perhaps I could speed up his recovery process & let him know that he is not alone. The choice is obviously his, but I have made the offer!

What I would do to be let loose with a red hot poker!

Best wishes....Rik

This whole thing is such a triumph for you and all of us are so proud of you. So should you be! My T tells me that abusers tend to be serial abusers, so who knows how many boys you have saved by your perseverance.

And on top of that you have connected with a fellow victim whom you knew as a boy. It's just great.

Much love,

"Apparently he is in a right mess at the moment".

Firstly this is Danger with warning lights flashing.
I guess the cops have not got him any help from professionals.

Tell the cops that he will need you to be there, or somebody with knowledge of trauma.

I think he should stay away from the court on sentece day, and maybe you too, if you feel shaky, but I guess you want to see his sorry face go down.

What I would do to be let loose with a red hot poker!

God what I wanted to do with a poker when I stoked the coal at home, I knew exactly where to put it.

What would I do to be in court to watch his ass quaking!
Durham is not that far in a car, but I aint got one.

We could all have had a celebration together.
One thing to think about, is to be careful of emotional thoughts throughout.

Keep safe in yourself, and come here more often to thresh out those thoughts.

Your T should have warned on emotional rollercoaster you my find yourself riding.
Keep safe, ;)


BTW, I hope the press get a shot of him going into the court, because he will be carted off in a dog van.
If he lands in Durham jail, it will be Hell fire on Scorched Earth for him.

All this from ste, who does not believe in retribution to keep myself safe in mind, oh well.
Ste - both myself and the 3rd Survivor will be attending for sentence. I don't feel shaky at all - all of that negative electricity that has been floating around my body is back in the National Grid (hope the power surge didn't blow too many street lights).

The good thing about Durham Crown Court, is that it has a back door that leads straight out into the jail!

Do not pass go, and do not collect 200! He used to like playing games - I'm sure he'll learn some new ones!

I want to see his bald head that he has covered with a wooly hat for as long as I can remember (nothing wrong with being bald, but he hates exposing his shiny dome).

Best wishes again ...Rik
Durham is known as one of this countrys toughest prisons, but I guess he wont be there long.

People in that place love shiny domes (Pun) intended., Wink Wink, say no more,

I guess he will top himself, my birthday is that week on the 17th, so I need some cheer,


it is said that on average an abuser will abuse eight people before being caught. I hope that takes into consideration my original abusers stats. Im no good at maths but here is a rough breakdown.

When I knew Chris Denning in 1970 he was entertaining three boys a day.

So that 3 x 365 = 1095 offences

1970 to 2006 = 36

36 x 1095 = 39420

Ok lets round that up to 40,000

If allowing for a 50% error that leaves 20,000 and even if he did not abuse 20,000 that still leaves one hell of a lot of damaged individuals.

That is one frightening stat.

"Lets take this bull by the horns and swing it around a bit" - Kirk
Just another update - on Monday after attending court, I e-mailed the Policeman that I first spoke to! The Person that took my statement and immediately got the whole thing rolling. I thanked him for believing me.

He's obviously been off work until last night & I've now had a really positive response from him. He, along with the rest of the local police, is very pleased that we got a result. They are pleased that a pervert that was previously unknown to them has been stopped in his tracks.

He thinks that others may now come forward and also expects that others who remain silent will achieve some closure.

His feedback also supports a resounding theme among the responses that I have received - that I am a very strong person. Maybe I am, but there have been times over recent years that I have felt like the weakest of the weak! I certainly didn't feel too strong on Monday, as I waited to give evidence - although I knew I was ready.

It still hasn't really sunk in - maybe I need to see the sentencing carried out & maybe then I will really believe that all of this has happened. I've just been in chill out mode since Monday.

Thnaks again for your wishes ...Rik

You must have been strung out like a piano wire on Monday! So it doesn't surprise me that you are still taking things on board right now.

Yes, you ARE a strong person. What we feel about ourselves and who we really are can be so different! All we have to do is trust ourselves and take those forward steps.

And look at the results. Your courage has stopped someone who may have been abusing lots of boys, and it is setting an example to others. They will see that they are not condemned to silence and that they too can seek justice.

As you take all this on board I think you are in for a VERY fulfilling week or so - and you deserve every moment of it!

Much love,
Later today, it will be a week since the perv pleaded guilty. I am still having difficulty letting this result sink in. The only way that I can describe it, is: It's like being told you have some terrible disease that you will always have to live with, then going back to the doctor after a long, long time, worrying about the long-term implications to find out that you are actually OK after all and there is no problem.

Maybe when the sentencing is complete on 17th Feb, it will become more real!

Best wishes ...Rik

I hope you got that date wrong, that is my birthday and I dont need that as a reminder of when I got born.

You may not see how I view events this way, but is sucks to have to go through that on my birthday, honestly, so hope it is delayed.,
