stood up for myself

stood up for myself
If you guys remember I told you about how my current roomate brought back all of my memories. The other day I was laying on the couch watching a movie by myself and he was walking around cleaning things up and he pointed at me and snapped his fingers for me to give him this garbage that was by me and I lost it. I got so angry and I snapped my fingers back at him in a really really angry fashion and told him "don't fucking snap at me, who the fuck do you think you are." HE then proceeded to get pissed off at me for fighting back at him and started fighting back at me and I just wouldnt let up. He finally just had this dead cold look on his face and walked away. Fuck that shit, FUCK THAT SHIT. It absolutely took everything out of me to do that too, I never would have realized. My heart was going a thousand beats a second and my body got really shakey. But I did it. He went to work a little while later and a few hours after that called and appologized to me. That's all he ever does when I stand up for myself is call and appologize like everything is just suppose to be better. I talked to my therapist the other day and I told her that this friendship is not healthy for me... she asked why I thought that way, and I told her because I felt very gaurded around him and I was sick of him making comments directed directly at me.. like "YOU this, YOU that, YOU'RE this, YOU'RE that" and I'm just sick of it. I'm going home for winter break now for school so I won't have to be there until the beginning of January again so hopefully I can gain some strength and peace of mind while I'm away.

Take Care.
jeff took care of the clap(ping) :D , all i can do is offer my humble


while holding up my lit lighter in solemn salute. well done and i am truly proud of you.
Good for you, my man! I salute you! That took guts and I'm glad you stood up to him.

By the way, I have a special one-fingered salute for your @$$hole roommate. :eek: Consider it a bonus gift.

Seriously, I'm proud of ya, and I join in with Jeff for that round of applause.

Peace, love, and respect,

Scot :D

Everyone else has taken care of the claps. So I'll just say Bravo! and Well done!

Josh, I wish you can find another roommate. But I am glad that you stood up for yourself, and that you will have time away from him to get your mind better settled. Good for you. I wish you well.
