spoiled to the core
I found a girl that loves me unconditionally and it hurts to be loved by her. It makes me feel numb and/or clingy and so I broke up with her tonight because I don't like feeling numb or clingy anymore. Now I feel like absolute shit. The perfect girl who would love me despite all the problems I have, despite the fact that I feel spoiled to the core. Even now, I want to crawl into her arms and have her love me like a baby and she would. But I'm not a baby, and am sick of feeling like one. I'm sick of feeling like a scared little boy, but its what I am, and she emabraced me for it, and I told her I just feel comfortable being friends. I told her I don't yet know how to love myself and so I didn't think I could love her if I can't love myself. I feel unlovable and she was willing to love me and I told her no. I want to find my abuser and tell him all the confusion he continues to cause. I want to tell him how he made love bad, how he made me unable to accept love and to give it.