Speak and they will listen

Speak and they will listen


Speak and they will listen
Just got back from our hearing at the capital in St. Paul. It was an evening meeting so that we could have the whole 2 hours for our bill. Well the hearing took over 4 hours but it truly was History in the making. There was 1/2 hour of testimony from us victims than the church, school broad and day care people got up to speck against it. I had talked to all the senators during the last month so I didnt testify tonight.
There had been a lot of talk about 30 years from ones 18th birthday was too long of a time to have the Statures. of Limitations to run. About 8 addmentments where offered some to weaken the bill and some to make it better.
It was Gods work at action as the bill was changed for the better. One of the RC Senators stood up to the church as she offered a change to the bill that did away with the 30 year part but make the bill a 10000% better. The bill is super simple. A victim has 6 years from the time he puts the cause and effects together. That means that there is no age limit on suing. Every one here at Male Survivors could sue our perp no matter when we where abused. The clock doesnt start until we begin our healing. When 2+2=4, when we begin too fully understand the evil and its effect apound us. We can have 4 or 5 years of healing before we even have to begin thinking about suing our perp in civil court.
After the hearing the Senator who changed the bill told us that our lobbing had opened her eyes to the real issues and made her understand all the pain we have lived with. "It was your voices that have forced us to deal with this issue"
So you see guys SPEAK & THEY WILL LISTEN. Muldoon
Outstanding !!!!!!!!
You put a lot into this and it is paying dividends.
Keep up the good work buddy.

always keeping a good thought,

Wow, you will have a positive effect is many many lives. I feel proud to have contributed in a small way through this forum.
My thanks and gratitude goes out to you for working for the children.
God bless you! Ed
Muldoon, your efforts are heroic to all us Survivors, that's such a good result.

Even though the results you have helped gain are on the other side of the Atlantic to me I find your efforts inspirational, and I hope many more Survivors learn that we can have a voice and make a difference wherever we might be.

Thank you so much.

Muldoon; You are unbelievable. I am tilting at the Ontario Government and would appreciate any type of literature you may have used.

Once again thankyou for getting me off my ass.
NO AGE LIMITS!!!!!! :D That is really cool :cool: + you are right that God was truly working for survivors at any time in their life's. I am grateful that you are working for all the survivors + their families. Keep it up!!!

Muldoon, that's me dancing a jig!

Thanks in great part to you my brother, history as taken a big turn for the better, in Minnesota & everywhere, especially for us survivors, our supporters, and nobody knows how many who will never even become victims becuz of this!

Tho they'll probably find some guidelines for this like doctors notes or something, what's really cool about this bill as amended thanks to the good senator is that only each & every one of us can really say when we started putting it all together and started into recovery & healing.

This bill should be nationwide, and worldwide!

Well, one state, one province, one territory at a time--or more!

Lots to do here in NC, and you give me much inspiration & strength my friend.

Nothing is so empowering for me as a survivor as to have, see or participate/share in some way in any victory over SA & its perps & supporters.

Thank you Muldoon.


My hat's off to you!

This is a brilliant piece of work that you have accomplished! I am touched by the strength and courage of your work. Well done, Muldoon!
Thanks Muldoon!!!! I'll keep you in my prayers as you move forward with this very important and empowering bill!! :) ! Thanks for your perseverence and unyeilding commitment. I realize how easily people block the road and stuff-up their ears. But you didn't let that stop your momentum!! ;) I hope their stand may carry over to other states!! :) :)

The six years after we experience the cause and effect is really wise. Good work. I will try the same here. The ARchbishop says he wants no change in the statue of limitations, but he has many people who will be against him on that and I am just one of them.

We still have many steps to go before this bill becomes law but the biggest hurdal was last nights hearing. Now the bill is in a form that almost no one can object to. I love how simple this bill is. Also the old bill with the 30 years from your 18th birthday would of left too many people out. This bill leaves no one out. As some of you have said it puts the clock in our hands, we control when the 6 years starts.

I want to thank all here who have helped throgh your post to my many ?????. Your words have helped move these Reps to action. At what age did you become a survivor, was very powerful and moving. To read over 20 people's story has to get to them and make them understand what CSA is all about. Couldn't of done this without you guys,thanks. A special thanks to Gary-CDN who put together some excellent Speaking Notes for some of the REPS to use during the debate. We have much work to do in MN put we are over the biggest step and now it's mostly down hill from here.

As some of you have said this bill should be world wide and I would like to help you guys put together a game plan. We need a spot at Male Survivors to put all our material for lobbing your legisalture. We can have it like a resource center where people can download the weapons of our war to do battle in their own states and nations. Now is the time to start our work even if the bills wouldn't be heard until next year. It takes lots of meetings before things will move forward. Again thanks for you help. Muldoon
As some of you have said this bill should be world wide and I would like to help you guys put together a game plan. We need a spot at Male Survivors to put all our material for lobbing your legisalture. We can have it like a resource center where people can download the weapons of our war to do battle in their own states and nations. Now is the time to start our work even if the bills wouldn't be heard until next year. It takes lots of meetings before things will move forward. Again thanks for you help. Muldoon
Yes we do need such a spot. What a great idea again, Muldoon! And again, thank you!


PS--Please check your PMs, bro.
Okay..if you have read the above threads you know by now that WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. We must confront our local legislatures and get thewm to understand the impact of sexual abuse upon children.

We must help them understand why the Statute of limitations needs to be eliminated when a child is the victim of sexual abuse.

Why institutions should never be above the law or free from civil restitution when they have been negligent in the supervision of thier employee..I am talking about institutions which knowingly "looked the other way" and put other children in harms way.

Change will only come if we speak up. It only takes a few minutes to e-mail your local state legislature or representative. I have included some links below if you would like to contact you Federal Representative or Senator but in most cases you want to contact your local state senator or house representative. I could not find a link that would give you a link to each states legislative web site so what you need to do is this...

Go to a search engine like Yahoo.com and enter (Your State) New Jersey state legislatures. You should find a website with all your state representatives, they usually have a search engine which will help you identify who your representatives are with a link to thier websites where you can e-mail them from. I encourage all of you reading this to please take a few minutes and e-mail your local representatives and tell them your position on these matters...even if you are not sure of your own laws it may prompt them to look into it! At the very least you may educate someone.

Here are two links below...again these are for your federal representatives...you may want to start at the state level first.


Yes Email is a super way to get this started. Not only must we do this but we should get our family and friends to email also. Let's do the #X#x#X# = victory. I have 4 sisters & 2 brothers who all know about my CSA.Also about 10-15 friends that know. My wife has 3 brothers and 2 sisters. all my sibling in laws adds up to another 27 people. Get all those people to e mail their state and Feb Reps we get a little tidal wave rolling towards the power. Now if I ask each of those to get 5 of their friend to email we got a major tidal wave ready to take them down if they don't act.
I think it is important that we also attack this on the federal front in DC and the other nation capital goverments. We must get the Senate in DC to have hearing on CSA and start a national information campain. Once we force them to listen to us the nation will understand. By gettings a hearing in DC the states will be moved to action. The timing in many state Legisalture is againest us to get bills past this year.There is a handful of other states like Orodo Maine that have bills alive for this year. I will try to get more info on this. However on the Federial side there is plenty of time to try to force a federial hearing.
I am sure this will take a few years to change the laws but what the hell we got time on our side,. We will be protecting the children and that is what this is all about. Muldoon