Speak and they will listen
Speak and they will listen
Just got back from our hearing at the capital in St. Paul. It was an evening meeting so that we could have the whole 2 hours for our bill. Well the hearing took over 4 hours but it truly was History in the making. There was 1/2 hour of testimony from us victims than the church, school broad and day care people got up to speck against it. I had talked to all the senators during the last month so I didnt testify tonight.
There had been a lot of talk about 30 years from ones 18th birthday was too long of a time to have the Statures. of Limitations to run. About 8 addmentments where offered some to weaken the bill and some to make it better.
It was Gods work at action as the bill was changed for the better. One of the RC Senators stood up to the church as she offered a change to the bill that did away with the 30 year part but make the bill a 10000% better. The bill is super simple. A victim has 6 years from the time he puts the cause and effects together. That means that there is no age limit on suing. Every one here at Male Survivors could sue our perp no matter when we where abused. The clock doesnt start until we begin our healing. When 2+2=4, when we begin too fully understand the evil and its effect apound us. We can have 4 or 5 years of healing before we even have to begin thinking about suing our perp in civil court.
After the hearing the Senator who changed the bill told us that our lobbing had opened her eyes to the real issues and made her understand all the pain we have lived with. "It was your voices that have forced us to deal with this issue"
So you see guys SPEAK & THEY WILL LISTEN. Muldoon
Just got back from our hearing at the capital in St. Paul. It was an evening meeting so that we could have the whole 2 hours for our bill. Well the hearing took over 4 hours but it truly was History in the making. There was 1/2 hour of testimony from us victims than the church, school broad and day care people got up to speck against it. I had talked to all the senators during the last month so I didnt testify tonight.
There had been a lot of talk about 30 years from ones 18th birthday was too long of a time to have the Statures. of Limitations to run. About 8 addmentments where offered some to weaken the bill and some to make it better.
It was Gods work at action as the bill was changed for the better. One of the RC Senators stood up to the church as she offered a change to the bill that did away with the 30 year part but make the bill a 10000% better. The bill is super simple. A victim has 6 years from the time he puts the cause and effects together. That means that there is no age limit on suing. Every one here at Male Survivors could sue our perp no matter when we where abused. The clock doesnt start until we begin our healing. When 2+2=4, when we begin too fully understand the evil and its effect apound us. We can have 4 or 5 years of healing before we even have to begin thinking about suing our perp in civil court.
After the hearing the Senator who changed the bill told us that our lobbing had opened her eyes to the real issues and made her understand all the pain we have lived with. "It was your voices that have forced us to deal with this issue"
So you see guys SPEAK & THEY WILL LISTEN. Muldoon